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Found 12 results

  1. Hey, I read a lot of threads complaining about the inability to play challenges in multiplayer. In the meantime, I also saw most of challenge maps being proposed as mods by the community. But there is still one issue to achieving challenges with friends -> what about the settings ? Few solutions : - Find challenge's settings in the game folders and copy paste them in "Sandbox Presets". - Start a challenge. Find and use a tool in game to consult the settings of your current game mode. Export/Copy/Register them to recreate them in multiplayer. Issue : I've been unable to find challenge's presets in the game folders. And I can't see my game's settings (be it in game, main menu or game folders). Moreover, I've been unable to find any software/tool/mod to help with this. I'm mostly interested in The Studio settings atm but I'd gratefully take any hint at other challenge's settings for further use. Could anybody help with these issues ? Either by providing me directly with the said settings, giving me the folder's whereabouts or enlightening me to any useful tool :D Best regards,
  2. I apologize in advance for my English, it is not my first language. My suggestion is a set of animations to open and close the door, so that the character has to take the knob to turn and open it slowly making less noise, with some doors creaking, or open quickly with more noise, to give more suspense than is behind her, i also feel that it is very easy to outwit zeds by making a horde enter a house and easily with a button to close them inside gaining a very easy time, as this would be a more challenging task. I feel it would bring much more challenge and excitement to open each door.
  3. We have single player sandbox, and multiplayer sandbox. So... how about multiplayer versions of the challenge scenarios too? Who's with me?!!
  4. The "original" topic/request: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/15382-map-request-bunkerspace-station/ The _.tbx-file used: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c1t7u5q48jn3xf4/Zomboid%20Tactics_Project%20Peoria.tbx?dl=0 Feel free to explore or adjust as you like.
  5. "You lived with your family in the farmhouse outside of Muldraugh when it started. Every night, you hear screams from your neighbours' houses. Now your parents are dead, and your supplies are low... You are restricted to the farmhouse and the area directly to the north. If you survive for two months, the world is open as normal. Let's hope you can find what supplies you need in the small available area, and be sure to choose a forager, trapper, or farmer, or your death will be slow and painful. Expect a couple of unexpected twists before your time is up..." The farmhouse is a great but remote location that a lot of players move out to, but what if you started there, and can't leave except to scavenge from the houses to the north? All feedback is welcome, especially about the number of zombies/amount of loot. Too much/little of either, please let me know! Farmhouse Challenge on Steam Workshop EDIT: The challenge is activated under mods. Double click "Farmhouse Challenge" so that a green tick appears beside it. Then the challenge will be added to the bottom of the solo->challenge screen. The mod doesn't change anything in the map or game outside of this challenge.
  6. "You lived with your family in the farmhouse outside of Muldraugh when it started. Every night, you heard te screams from the neighbour's houses. Now your parents are dead, and your supplies are low... You are restricted to the farmhouse and the area directly to the north. If you survive for two months, the world is open as normal. Let's hope you can find what supplies you need in the small available area, and be sure to choose a forager, trapper, or farmer, or your death will be slow and painful. Expect a couple of unexpected twists before your time is up..." The farmhouse is a great but remote location that a lot of players move out to, but what if you started there, and can't leave except to scavenge from the houses to the north? All feedback is welcome, especially about the number of zombies/amount of loot. Too much/little of either, please let me know! Farmhouse Challenge on Steam Workshop
  7. So I have read the mondoid earlier and I saw something about our dear dragons... I looked upon my saves and here we are http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/35/1440448260-exibit1.png http://image.noelshack.com/fichiers/2015/35/1440448239-exibit2.png Your move RJ
  8. I would really like you to add a challenge mode. Maybe use one of the multi-player maps to allow players to spawn in a looted busted out world. The feeling of arriving in town and people had been there before you. More dead zombies (crawlers?) Loot found in burned out bases. Buildings ransacked. It would make the usual play through completely different. No more running to a warehouse for an Axe. You'd be lucky to find a hammer on the first day. Good luck finding any kind of Backpack! Just my two-cents, Thanks for reading.
  9. Challenge mode: The Disaster Prepper! With all these disaster prepping programs on the tv at the moment i felt a good prefession to choose would be one of them but then that could be theoretically over powered so maby a trait that would combine some essential skills would be a nice idea. Then i came up with the Disaster Prepper challenge mode. You could start with a caracter who has it all figured out. Has the skills needed, equipment, supplies, go car ready, (if cars have been implemented), and a safe house out in the woods ready and wating, but as in real life things rarely go to plan. With the eventual addition of NPCs the chance of multiaple random events could make things intresting. As your player is driving down the road twords their safe house they could come across a downed tree blocking the road. When they get out to investigate other NPCs could run out from the trees mugging you of all your supplies and then stealing your car leaving you with a broken arm with no transport for example. You could come across NPCs who try to mug you and in defending your self end up killing them causing you to have many negative status effects due to killing for the first time like being sick, depression, sadness, etc... You could come across NPCs who ask for your help in saving others trapped in buildings or cornered by zombies or need assistance by being escorted or guarded while collecting supplies etc...You could attack and steal there supplies or you could help them and get rewarded. You could come across NPCs who wish to travel with you to your safehouse but then they may help you, hinder you and be a drain on your resources or even kill you while you sleep or at least turf you out with no items or clothing leaving you to die. The different random encounters would make for repeat playability. Let me know what you think. RVPatrick.
  10. I couldn't find an appropriate section in maps for suggestions, so I'll post this here hoping the right person will read it. I have an idea for a challenge map sort of scenario. Instead of working within a town or city area, what about being the sole survivor on a cruise liner? Seems kinda quirky, but within a little different parameters, i think it would be worth a play-through. A few things would be key differences, there wouldn't be trees, but I'm sure that you could get more than enough planks from the hundreds of doors and furnishings on board...likewise saws wouldn't likely be on board a ship, but hammers certainly would. Nails could be find (not sure if accurate, but for sake of gameplay, why not?) Farming probably wouldn't happen either, same for trapping (maybe rats) or fishing (could probably mod proper equipment to fish, but i wouldn't want to stand around on the deck of an infested cruise liner watching a bobber). You would have to rely on raiding cabins and the kitchens. The game would likely be shorter...rather than months, you could probably survive for a couple weeks. Zombies would be fixed in number, and not respawn, but the much closer quarters would imply that chances of being caught and overrun would be greater. Since the number is fixed, you could conceivably kill all the zombies and 'win.' This may be controversial, but the whole map is a shot in left field, so there you go. Obviously this would involve a whole construct of new sprites, and is a huge order coming from someone who has no experience, knowledge, or time for the matter. But this is just an idea that I had that I wanted to share. This is obviously a talented community, and maybe the right person would come along.
  11. I've seen a few challenges but can't seem to find them again. Could we make a new subforum for challenges in the community creativity section or is that too much to ask for?
  12. The rules to this challenge are fairly simple. New character in Survival Mode.Muldraugh or Westpoint chosen randomly.Random profession. Yes, include unemployed as an option. For traits, if you wish to have any the negatives must be random. You may spend the points you gain on any positive trait you can afford. You may decide to not take a negative you have randomly rolled, however, you may not roll again if you do.And now, for the heart of it. You are now a random person in a random house. But its YOUR house. And you'll be damned if any stinking zombies are gonna run YOU off. The only construction allowed is in your starting house. That is your one, your ONLY, safe house. Feel free to sleep away from home, but no construction elsewhere! Barricading temporary reprieves away from home is pushing it a little, but still allowed. Don't overdo it tho, it's YOUR lawn you're worried about. I am still a bit of a newb, so suggestions/criticism are more than welcome. Just don't be a douche. Not that I've seen much of that at all from this community. EDIT: Mathas if you see this I would love to see a "Let's Play". From watching your recent exploits you have... interesting luck.
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