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  1. B42.2.0 rev:26060 Tile: camping_01_6 I had never been to that location before, so it spawned like that. It only extinguished after I closed and opened the game, altough to the game it had always been unlite apparently (see screenshot). I'm not sure if it was an animation thing or if it was actually working as a lit campfire. Maybe I'm misremembering, but I think it actually emited heat, as my character got a bit hot after standing next to it for a while. I'm playing in linux, ubuntu, if it matters (Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS)
  2. When I add curtains to any door the model of door changes to old version and door opening/closing animation gets disabled
  3. Character folds in half while aiming
  4. Version: [42.2.0] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [N/A] Mods: [None] Save: [Old Save] Error: Clay Cement Bucket Recipe with no items Reproduction steps: 1. Fill a bucket with water. 2. Collect clay. 3. Find sandbag. 4. Find Clay Cement Bucket recipe. 5. Missing items for recipe. Attached photo
  5. At the tile "walls_exterior_house_01_35", there is seemingly a piece of small the roof laying on the floor
  6. Version: [42.2.0] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [N/A] Mods: [None] Save: [New Save] Reproduction steps: 1. Start the game in Any mode; 2. Found a Balaclava - Open or Ski Mask - Open; 3. Place in any surface.
  7. Version: [42.1.0] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: Irrelevant Mods: Well... a lot actually but none of them changes the new crafting menu Save: Old Save (42.0.0) PERSISTENT -- TESTED IN: Version: [42.2.0] rev:26060 Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: Irrelevant Mods: Well... a lot actually but none of them changes the new crafting menu Save: Old Save (42.0.0) FIXED FOR CRAFTING MENU IN 42.2.0 NOT FIXED FOR WORKSTATION MENUS AS OF 42.2.0 Reproduction steps: 1. Click on a metalcrafting table (primitive forge in this context) 2. Change the first requirements to something more complex that might require more materials like Metal chunks or pieces that quire 4, 5 items. 3. Craft menu will push left, then push it again if you check for available items in your inventory to choose from (I have all types of steel chunks, pieces blocks and quarters) 4. Eventually it gets so pushed out in the middle section that it overflows and I'm unable to reduce/resize the menu.
  8. Project Zomboid - 2025-01-25 13-23-58.mp4
  9. Version: [42.1.1] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [N/A] Mods: [None] Bug: Door to basement hidden in a wall, there is a basement door that seems to be just a wall, but the door is bugged and you can't access the basement.
  10. Version: [42.2.1] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [N/A] Mods: [N/A] Save: [New Save] Reproduction steps: 1. Climb up stairs 2. Face a nearby floor that is blocked by a wall. 3. Shift run up towards that wall, causing you to vault through it. Video: https://streamable.com/9q3vtb
  11. I've been trying to enter in every car that i see but i cant enter in the car and while im walking i encountered that the car is literally bugged because i can walk passed by the car like its not there but i can see the car.
  12. Version: [42.1.1] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [N/A] Mods: [None] Save: [New Save] Reproduction steps: 1. I started a new game in the new city (Echo Creek) 2. I arrived close to a doghouse in the location x:3429 y:10874 z:0 3. I got close to the doghouse and clicked the right button. The option of an artesian well appeared. You can use the water as if it were a common artesian well
  13. have AMD Ryzen 5 5625U with Radeon Graphics driver AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 24.9.1 Version: [42.1.1] Mode: [Singleplayer/Multiplayer] Server settings: [any] Mods: [None] Save: [New Save/Old Save] Reproduction steps: 1. start a new game or load any save
  14. Seen posts on reddit showing more issues to do with animals multiplying rapidly.
  15. Version: 42.1.1 Mods: None Save: New Reproduction Steps: - Have the water already shut off - Approach a sink and note down the remaining available water - Have one or more empty containers that can hold less than 1 liter of liquids - Fill the containers with water from the sink - Check the sink remaining water Expected result: The available water has changed Actual result: The available water remains the same.
  16. Version: [42.1.1] [rev25941] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [n/a] Mods: [None] Just move the cursor around your character, this only works if you are not moving. Project Zomboid_2025.01.24-23.18.mp4
  17. he might be intrigued with just the cover? But i don't think he'll learn much... Thanks y'all for being great devs.
  18. B42.1.0 --> No mods, solo apocalypse spawned in echo creek. -----> Spawned in and when I went into attack mode (hold rmb) my characters body completely broke. had to compress the video Project Zomboid - 2025-01-22 19-34-22 (1).mp4
  19. Either they changed it, or it's bugged but I can't delete a Saved Preset for a Custom Game. I see the delete button but I can't click it and it does nothing.
  20. Respirator mask, if you take off a worn filter and put it back on, it becomes 100% condition ! I hope I made myself clear, I'm writing through a translator !
  21. Version: [42.1.0] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [N/A] Mods: [None] Save: [New Save] Reproduction steps: 1. Get Water Purification Tablets 2. Grab a Empty Bottle/Canteen 3. Fill it with tainted water and right click to purify. Nothing Happens
  22. Version: [42.1.0] Mode: [CDDA] Server settings: [N/A] Mods: [None] Save: [New Save] Reproduction steps: 1. Start the game in Any mode; 2. Craft a spear and fight. Use the white "V" tree as a reference point:
  23. Version: [42.1.0] Mode: [Singleplayer] Server settings: [N/A] Mods: [None] Save: [New Save] Reproduction steps: 1. Start the game in Any mode; 2. Go to x: 6508, y: 9171, z: 0; 3. Enter the house and there will be a wall at the basement door, but on the outside there is a way to fall into it. I don't recommend it, as there will be no way out.
  24. While trying to host a server for me and someone else to play on, for the past few year plus I have been having the same issue. Only now is it a real issue as for some reason she is having a separate issue where she cant save server settings, as in she hits save and all it shows is the "Servertest" settings. Full run down I press Host. I create my server settings, with mods. I hit start. Loads. I pick location. I pick traits. I make character. After this my screen goes black, no music, no anything. At this screen I can wait a hour and nothing happens. If I press ESC it takes me back to the main menu. I have tried both with and without logs, which the files for both are below. I have messed with my fire wall settings, went into windows, updated my graphics card, waited a hour on the screen, reinstalled game, and more. Any help? FIRST SET OF LOGS ARE WITH MODS SECOND IS NO MODS
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