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Summary: the 'Transfer All" button will disappear permanently if the inventory window is shrunk too small Environment: Build 41 Stable (Current Build) Mods: None Steps to reproduce: 1) Log in to a Solo Survivor game (existing or new) 2) Make sure player inventory window is visible 3) Note the 'Transfer All' text on the top right of the window 4) Resize the window (selector on the bottom right of the window) all the way to the left. 5) Notice the 'Transfer All' text has dissapeared 6) Resize the window back to where it was. 7) Notice the 'Transfer All' text is still not there. Expected Result: 'Transfer All' should reappear when window returns to a size that the text can again be shown. Actual Result: Option disappears. Preventing it's function until reconnecting to the world/server. How to Fix: Reload the world/ DC RC. A full game restart is not necessary. Occurs in multiplayer as well. Images:
Ok so I'm just going to straight say it as it is. the stunlock system is garbage, 2 zombies come onto you, you might as well just exit the save because your not getting out of that without bites. I've had it happen repeatedly and I'm one of the "zomboid pro's" BUT I've come up with a simple solution. Link stun locks to fitness and strength: for example trips and fence lunges are handled by Fitness while zombie attacks (where you push them off of you) are handled by strength, higher the strength farther and quicker you push a zombie off of you, and higher fitness means you get up quicker. I'd also suggest a stun on the zombies as well. because the animation for pushing a zed is just as long as it takes for a zombie to stop falling back and come back (you'll push them away just to have the same zombie on top of you) perhaps make the zombie stagger and realign itself and THEN start moving to you. please think about this as those stunlocks are not at all balanced. they end more saves just because there is 2 zombies on both sides of you and you physically cannot escape. that is not a fair death. which you could say "zomboid doesn't give you a hand" which is TRUE, but balance is also important when making a game like zomboid
EDIT: This is still occuring in the newest IWBUMS version. The bug has been corroborated by other users as of October 2020 AD. I am submitting further information. Good evening. I am experiencing an odd situation on a custom Map. Now, one might say to oneself, "this is a Mod issue, take it there", but it isn't. The original author of the Map has confirmed the same bug in a game on his map without Mods. In the pictures attached, you will see the issue. In these specific classes of shelving furniture, the game is incapable of spawning anything except books. I searched in rooms marked "TOOLSTORE", "ELECTRONICSSTORE", "MEDCLINIC", "STORAGE", "GROCERYSTORAGE", "JEWELRYSTORE", and various other rare specilizations. Every single one of them spawn books. Only books. Every time. Despite this, I have seen other loot tableswork properly. In a room marked "STORAGEUNIT", I found a Baseball Bat and various tools inside both a filing cabinet and a desk. In those same kinds of places, the types of shelves pictured continue to spawn books, and only books. In the few instances where there are no books, I find empty shelves full of Plaster Powder and Concrete Powder, and five nails. I have never seen a Display Case producing anything but nails and Plaster Powder. It seems, based on what the makers of the Map I played on, that some classes of shelving are hard-coded to spawn ONLY books unless they are in one specific class of room. Some store shelves seem to spawn ONLY books UNLESS they are in an area marked as "GROCERY" or "GROCERYSTORAGE". Am I doing something wrong? Should I restart and run a custom Map, and only the Map, for testing? What governs loot spawning in shelves? Is it tied to the room, or to the shelf? I'm sick of books in my tool stores and electronic stores. Thank you for any assistance you may render. Warm regards and warm bodies, -TURTLESHROOM
Hey guys, Paw Low here. So, i don't know if this has been reported before but i was only able to notice yesterday. Within the 41 branch. If you keep sprinting and keep slowly tapping the aim control (ctrl) in the direction you're going at the same time, you can go through any horde size untouched, you can pass zombie walls with no problems and you'll never trip. Zombies hate him, become u n s t o p p a b l e. Anyways, jokes aside. I think it's linked to some sort of animation cancel/trigger. Only found out after trying some sprinting+melee combos that looks nice but totally inefficient lol.
I got my ankles slapped by what seemed to be maybe more than 1 zombie? it made my character fall down and when he got back up ran directly into the horde to his death. I'm guessing this was 2 zombies tripping me and causing a bug to make me run straight after getting up from being tripped.
Zombie groans and screams and also the sound of jogging/sprinting plays out at normal volume whilst everything else is subdued noise. Edited as I had put deaf instead of hard of hearing
In build 41, each time I start a new game, get told that this is how I die, click to start, etc. After about sixty seconds actually in game, the game freezes and crashes to desktop. Attached is my console.txt, and if anything else could help please let me know. console.txt