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Posts posted by Biscuitism

  1. So this is my entry it's a take on a modernization of the old pagans. 


    I made this in 3 hours (mask and scythe bracer as well, I had the leather pants) so I could stand in a dark entry at our house waiting for the kids to go by. Worth the time invested. Sorry about the potato quality photo.


    And the mask itself 




    Also sorry about the whole one post thing, I used to be Snow_mouse on the old forums and I haven't been active since the change over. 



    Glory to the Allfather!

  2. Ammuniton. A rare commodity. We all know that the map starts to run dry of resources if you've survived long enough. So what if you could use spent casings and scavenge gunpowder? Seeing how Kentucky is probably huge on guns(Any Kentuckyians willing to confirm this?), I'm sure people would have no problem finding gunpowder in abandoned gun stores. To add a challenge, using homemade bullets would cause the gun to degrade faster as you're using filthy casings. One issue that I've noticed with my suggestion if one can make gunpowder at home with the right materials. I'm no expert on explosives or guns, so please tell me if I'm wrong.



    Anybody agree with this or would like to add onto it?

  3. I dont know if it's what you mean but you can look into PZ/media/scripts/recipes.txt or items.txt


    recipe Make Grilled Cheese Sandwich	  {	    Bread,	    Butter,	    Cheese,	    keep Pan,	    	    Result:GrilledCheese,	   Time:120.0,	  }item GrilledCheese	{		HungerChange	=	-80,		Type	=	Food,		DisplayName	=	Grilled Cheese Sandwich,		MinutesToCook	=	5,		Weight	=	0.3,		IsCookable	=	TRUE,		DaysTotallyRotten	=	4,		DangerousUncooked	=	FALSE,		MinutesToBurn	=	8,		Icon	=	Sandwich_Cheese,		BoredomChange	=	-15,		DaysFresh	=	2,	}



    Not exactly what I meant. Thanks though.

  4. I'm making my first steps into modding. I have a few ideas I want to see if I can get working, however I have a question that I cannot find in the tutorials. I noticed there's a item type for food, but what about ingredients? Any help is appreciated!

  5. Since I had no costume and I had no plans to help give out candy with the family, I decided I would get my agoraphobic ass outside and help out. I stole a bunch of my father's old ragged "garage work" clothes and cut 'em up to look like I'm a shipwreck survivor. He wasn't too happy, but it was so worth it. Wish I took a picture. I really wish I did.

  6. There's very little medicinally speaking in KY. There is, however, kudzu, which grows so fast you can see it moving by the day. Google it, it's crazy.



    Sorry for the late response, I forgot I had this thread open. I remember this plant while driving through Interstate 95 in Georgia. I think there's a bit of it here in Florida, too. It's mostly in Arlington or the outskirts of Gainesville. Hey Rath, how much you want to bet that these plants could be the perfect camouflage? There's the problem of overgrowth, but I'm sure this can easily hide key stashes.

  7. This is a hypothetical situation. It's the end of the world. Zombies are roaming the Earth. You and your sister are the only two living humans to your knowledge. Luckily you and your sister have found a safe place to stay for many years with little to no trouble from zombies.  It's an underground bunker with years of food and supplies. 


    However, you have a problem. You need to repopulate the Earth. The only person who you can have child with is your sister. She is the only other person alive. What would you do? Would you have sex with her to repopulate the Earth or would you let the human race become extinct?




    Yes, let's all have Down's Syndrome kids running around an zombie infested world.

  8. After about a year of thinking, and watching progress for farming, I thought I would give my thoughts about plants and wildlife of Muldraugh. I'm sure most of us know that hunting is a common suggestion in the forums, but what about plant life? Thanks to good 'ol Romain we have farming, but what about herbs and medicinal plants? What about the fact that plants tend to take over buildings without management? These are the subjects I'd like to talk about (and maybe suggest) in this thread.



    Herbs, plants, and their medicinal uses


    I was, at one point, going to make a mod for this to experiment with LUA. Schoolwork and my learning disability got in the way, however. It's common knowledge that ancient civilizations used a technique called herbalism. To those uneducated on ancient history, this was the original medicinal practice. Most of the time it was more or less just religious superstition, but some plants like Aloe, for example, worked pretty well for burns and itchiness. People still use Aloe today, in fact. Many post-apocalyptic stories depict people using herbs and plants as a way to conserve the highly valuable medication we have today.


    Have any of you ever used something called Eucalyptus oil to treat sinus congestion? This stuff is from an Australian native tree called Eucalyptus. Of course, you can't get it in Kentucky, but people may have the oil in their houses. I doubt you'll find it in hospitals since it's mostly just home use.


    Lavender has a decent amount of options, too. It has no real healing purpose, but it can counter stress and anxiety. It also can be used in soaps and detergents. Though cleaning clothes doesn't seem to be in the PZ spirit; stress relief does.



    Plantlife and their ability to take back their rightful throne


    I have no idea if it's possible graphically, but plants can and do take over buildings if they're not managed. Since farming is in, I assume it's a first step to adding something like this. Lately, more and more streamers have lived longer than a month. It bothers me that the only thing growing is bodies. There's no real change to the map other than body count, amount of hordes, and dwindling supplies. Personally, I'd love to see some plants growing over gates and such. I will say again, I know this may not be possible. I'm only hoping it will be some day.


    So this is where I end my thread. I may come back and edit it here and there if there's any inconsistencies I overlooked. I thank you for reading my thread, and I hope some day we can have more ways to get medicine and more things to see than bodies by the number. 

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