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  1. That unfortunately has to do with the drop rate the developers set for the zombies. Not much I can do about that. Loot is already set to rare.
  2. Yeah, it's been tough in this limbo state of not wanting to wipe everyones Buildings, but the soft reset isn't working fully and it's showing in the current low Population. I am highly considering a HardRest
  3. Loki

    Increasing Zombie Count

    I believe they scale backwards. Where as 1 is insane amount of zombies, and 5 is none. You can pull up a sandbox creation to use as reference when changing these values. That's what I did. The numbers essentialy just mark their places in the dropdown windows. I am wanting to have no zombies on my map as my friends and I are trying to look around the map without any hassle to find a place to make a base, as the PZ map doesn't actually let us see inside the buildings so we don't know if it is good to create a base and hold up there. If your suggestion works Loki I will love you as I have spent hours Googling! You just need to make sure you're editing the correct file in the correct directory. And it WILL work.
  4. Loki

    Increasing Zombie Count

    I believe they scale backwards. Where as 1 is insane amount of zombies, and 5 is none. You can pull up a sandbox creation to use as reference when changing these values. That's what I did. The numbers essentialy just mark their places in the dropdown windows.
  5. Which forum should be used for that: this one or the clan's one, or doesn't matter? Just to be sure. The Clans, not this one.
  6. Loki

    Soft Rest Help

    Yeah the OS ran out of Memory. AFAIK you need quite a ridiculous amount of RAM in order to successfully pull off the soft reset unless you do a convoluted method that someone talked about in the forum. I'll go see if I can find it. I saw that method about cutting the SoftResetted files and putting them somewhere safe, then running it again so that it Soft Resets the rest of the files. My issue with this is that when I try and move things in WinSCP, ESPECIALLY servertest files, it takes ridiculously long. Are you moving the files internally within the server or with WinSCP or trying to put them on your computer? I'm not really that versed with Linux to move them by command. First I tried moving them to my pc but realized quickly that download would take too long. So I then tried moving them within WinSCP to another folder, but that too took very very long. I'll look for a better alternative to WinSCP to see if there are any programs that would make it expedient. Excellent.. Hopefully the devs can figure out a way to insure the soft reset doesn't outgrow the server in terms of memory.
  7. Loki

    Soft Rest Help

    Yeah the OS ran out of Memory. AFAIK you need quite a ridiculous amount of RAM in order to successfully pull off the soft reset unless you do a convoluted method that someone talked about in the forum. I'll go see if I can find it. I saw that method about cutting the SoftResetted files and putting them somewhere safe, then running it again so that it Soft Resets the rest of the files. My issue with this is that when I try and move things in WinSCP, ESPECIALLY servertest files, it takes ridiculously long. Are you moving the files internally within the server or with WinSCP or trying to put them on your computer? I'm not really that versed with Linux to move them by command. First I tried moving them to my pc but realized quickly that download would take too long. So I then tried moving them within WinSCP to another folder, but that too took very very long.
  8. Loki

    Soft Rest Help

    Yeah the OS ran out of Memory. AFAIK you need quite a ridiculous amount of RAM in order to successfully pull off the soft reset unless you do a convoluted method that someone talked about in the forum. I'll go see if I can find it. I saw that method about cutting the SoftResetted files and putting them somewhere safe, then running it again so that it Soft Resets the rest of the files. My issue with this is that when I try and move things in WinSCP, ESPECIALLY servertest files, it takes ridiculously long.
  9. Loki

    Soft Rest Help

    I ran the script, initially after it ran for a bit I recieved a Java error about memory. I then increased the memory parameters but recieved this error. ./projectzomboid-dedi-server.sh: line 28: 2604 Killed XMODIFIERS= java -Djava.library.path="${INSTDIR}" -Dorg.lwjgl.util.NoChecks=true -Dorg.lwjgl.librarypath="${INSTDIR}" -Xms6144m -Xmx6144m -XX:-UseSplitVerifier -Dsoftreset -cp "${JARPATH}" zombie.network.GameServer "$@" Is this even an error at all? And if so, what does it mean?
  10. Anyone here have any info on Soft resets? I can't seem to find the Reset File anywhere.
  11. Loki

    Soft Rest Help

    Would love to know where I can find this Server.Softreset file?
  12. Loki

    Increasing Zombie Count

    I've figured it out. In your SERVERSIDE files, you need to access projectzomboid/media/lue/shared/sandbox Or something very similar to that, and change the file you speak of there. It worked for it, tested multiple times. Good that it worked!, that`s why I said "/edit Loki have a look at the SandboxVars.lua file when you connect to your server using WinSCP." WINSCP = server. Changing it locally won`t do much for other players, people connecting to your server What kind of setting you running now Loki? Running Fst Shamblers, on High quantity. Tough, Pinpoint Hearing & smell. Need to figure out Soft Reset now.
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