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  1. Ok I am having trouble for some reason and I am not sure why. I have read and followed the initial tutorial post. I have even gone and rea dup in other posts about mods and loading / running them. But I am having some toruble still. I believe I have my folder structure right: And when I load the game (Iwillbackupmysave branch) I can see and load the mod in the mod menu. However when I am in game it does not appear to be recognizing, or running the code inside the mode local function addItems(_keyPressed) local key = _keyPressed; print(key); --we test for the right key if key == 25 then local player = getSpecificPlayer(0); --Java: get player one local inv = player:getInventory(); --Java access player inventory --java: Add the actual items to inventory inv:AddItem("Base.Axe"); inv:AddItem("Base.RippedSheets"); inv:AddItem("camping.TentPeg"); endend--will be fired whenever we press a keyEvents.OnKeyPressed.Add(addItems);What is the best way to trouble shoot mods not workign once in game? I have tried loading in debug mode and opening the debug console, but even in the list of lua files I cannot find my AddItems.Lua file. When I press a key it doesn't seem to do anything and doesn't print anythign anywhere that I can tell. Sorry if this has been asked a million times before, just trying to get the hang of gettign abasic mod in game and working, after that I swear the noob quesitons will drop to a minimum!
  2. I would like to think I have the constitution to with stand it! I have walked some dark paths, Excel.Interop, and lived to tell the tale! Thanks for the info RoboMat this is exactly what I was looking for, I was thinking the Modal was some sort of global objext I had to call from a function, I was half way right! I have been following your modding tutorial and hope to be able to get something, anything workign some time soon, Just can't seem to get the mods working, But that is probably a question for another thread
  3. I would liek to say I am a decent programmer, but I am finding myself a tad stumped. I was lookign at this thread http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/369-how-to-make-and-manipulate-a-gui-via-the-lua-scripting-interface/ which tells me how to make a basic pop up window, which is what I want to start with. I understand the basics of what is happening. But whnat i don't under stand is hwo to make this window show? knwo I can hook in to the Events.OnKeyPressed or somehting like this to launch the window on the right keypress, however, what function do I need to call to make this modal show? Thanks!
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