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  1. that is correct, and moreover - in the police station there already are some steel bars in the cells. are they destructible ?
  2. Well I don't wanna be hostile or anything , but all of the people replying just seem to misunderstand my message completely... I don't have any wish to store anything anywhere. at all. I don't see why anyone would want to do it. I just don't want things like serious weapons lying around in damn wooden crates, because it's too easy to acquire them in a matter of 10 seconds from the very beginning of the game.
  3. well it only means there's another level to do tweaking at... not EVERY wall should be destroyable with a few seconds' effort, right ? And just clarifying - you are not supposed to MAKE it out of salvaged parts or anything. They just have to already be there. To hell with locking-unlocking feature, but imo, at least one-time "consumable" keys for some certain safes would do the trick...
  4. The most similar thread I could find went offtopic, so I'll post the first couple of suggestions that came to my fresh (just bought the game and tried multiplayer 2 days ago) mind. The first thing my friend and I did when we got to know the game was going to the police station where we thought we'd be able to procure a gun and although the server was freshly reset and there were like dozens of zombies around, we still easily managed to just get inside and safely take it... That was a very entertaining experience for once , but I think that such a game should ( and i hope it will become) be a lot more difficult and slightly more realistic. The most logical ,as it seems to me, way to make an improvement to it is to add some things like steel doors ( that you can not break ) that you'd have to have a key for to open. Or at least some key-requiring lockers for keeping guns in them, because ,hell, that's how guns are supposed to be kept everywhere in real life . The location of the key(s) for one safe should be randomized and it should be in some table/desk on the first floor if the safe is on the ground floor, or in a zombie in the same district. Maybe even simply lying somewhere on the floor ? Who knows. This would add a lot more replayability, depths and realism to this game that's already full of potential. In addition I'll mention that this is something that's extremely easy to implement and should really not be impossible with the current engine the game is running and will only require simple (yet already overdue) interface improvements ! It's really not intuitive and bugged anyways , so why not take this opportunity and overhaul it + add keys and things they unlock. thanks in advance.
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