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Everything posted by Koregan

  1. Koregan

    Lua - File I/O

    Thanks, i will have a look at RoboMats code. Edit: Changelog looks good: "Version 2.0.0 ... => FileIO"
  2. Koregan

    Lua - File I/O

    I would like to handle with files out of a lua script, but i don't get it working. I read different code at certain websites, but nothing does work at all. It is not possible for me to create any directory or open any files. Does anybody have some example-code for me?
  3. There should be a way. Look at the TorchBattery, there is a check if the torch is empty. You could write a lua-script that checks if you are experienced enough to craft the item.
  4. You could write a lua-script that resets the starting place every ten minutes. that would solve the problem.
  5. Alternativ könnte man sich ja auch als Gruppe auf nem vorhandenen Server zusammenschließen und gemeinsam was aufbauen. Nur evtl recht blöd, wenn ein Reset durchgeführt wird. Dann heist es neues Safehouse aufbauen... Könnte ich mir aber auch durchaus vorstellen da mitzuwirken.
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