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  1. Also ice cream doesn't spoil in 6 mo after
  2. Zombies are a superior life form. Prepare to be assimilated. Probably it was a bad batch of spiffo madcow burgers.
  3. I love the new stamina system, Stamina as a daily commodity makes sense. Infact make it harder :] On the 8 Months After Preset i was able to kill 10-15 a day pretty easily while Hungry/Very Hungry with a Bat. Plus i was sprinting around like a madman in and out of houses to break zed line of sight. I never got lower than 50% stamina. I still feel like when we start, we are too super human. I dont want to start as a zombie killing machine, we should be awkward, weak, afraid, and un-learned in the art of Zombie Combat. Even at max level, a survivor shouldnt be 1 shotting zeds with an axe mowing them down like weeds. A Pro-Zombie fighter would fight very efficiently not wasting energy, dodge with agility, and know when to run. I think combat should use more stamina per swing but make a weapon skill (like "Efficiency") that moderates how much stamina is used per swing to simulate us becoming more mastered with our weapons. For example, I've never played baseball and have swung a bat like 5x in my life. I would use too much strength in swings or swing with bad form trying to kill a zed in real life. But after say 1 month, i would be much better and kill much more efficiently with better form and power usage. ** I dont really know exactly what all the new weapon skills do- so this idea may already be implemented **
  4. For me it was the hammer... it was the universal tool ,zombie basher for the skilled player, and low in weight. Now, it doesnt quite cut it in combat, Probably the saw, with the saw you can build massive structures and you are no longer plank constrained.
  5. Hi Guys! Long time player here from pre 1.5d days! Here are some of my suggestions to kill us more: (btw i def agree that the "kill us first" philosophy is the correct direction to go in for PZ endgame!) 1. Decrease weapon damage and durability. I played a bit a few days ago on normal mode and killed 98 zeds with one unmodded bat in one continuous killing spree during the 1st few mins of a new game with no skills allocated & no traits. I felt the bat should have broken maybe around 30-60 zeds. Perhaps 3 hits min to kill a zed for an unskilled person? No idea - just seem too easy to play L4D style at the moment. At least make us have to carry 2 bats or constantly be worried about duct taping it up during fights to keep us on our toes. You could even make it more hardcore and give us a chance to drop the bat or a zombie knock it out of our hands, forcing us to use our secondary weapons. Probably make a skill to not be disarmed so easy :] 2. Stamina System: Killing 100 zeds with a bat in one go is superhuman imo, esp for a new char. Things like the Exhaustion Mod/Passing are onto the right idea. 3. Better Zombie Footwork and Balance: Most zeds got knocked to the ground in one blow from my bat. Please give them better balance, because its almost mechanical killing them. ATM: 1 swing to ground them, 1 swing to pound them. 4. Tougher Combat: I loved the changes in 2.0q (i think it was q?) that added growing and shrinking circles that simulated our accuracy for melee and guns. Maybe return this as a Hardcore option - Like Hardcore Reload, but for melee? How about axes getting stuck in zombies and we need to "pull it out" - that could create tense situations. Getting "stuck" should be a big problem with edge weapons imo. And blunt weapons should be more tiring to balance - with longer recovery times after swings. 5. Medicine and Antibiotics: I know you guys are working on this as well. But make scratches and other injuries have a high chance to get infected unless we use disinfectant and antibiotics. This would force us into making dangerous looting runs into zed filled areas to seek medicine. Deep lacerations should require we stitch up wounds as well to stop bleeding - it should be more effective if a friend/npc sews u up. 6. More Jump Scares/Zed corpses indoors/Less Speed Looting: Right now i can break a window, loot a fridge, and be out of there before alarm draws a horde or even the indoor zeds eat me. Looting a house is one of the scariest parts of a zombie movie! Its dark, its unknown terrain, and there could be zeds anywhere! Maybe have more zed corpses all over indoors slumped against walls and in hallways. We cant run in and speed loot since they may reanimate, so we need to slow down. More curtains so we cant peek in and know the lay of the land and zed numbers, and make it way way way darker indoors (At least for some houses/bldgs) so we need to use a light source). Anyways love the game! Keep up the good work Indie Stone - you guys are my fav devs by far!
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