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Everything posted by Sieben

  1. Time because: Three parts My first third sounds like it's following me;=past My second third comes from the beginning of the end;=present My last third looks like something I'm not sure about;=future And all together, I came before you.=Time
  2. After reading deprav's post, some items can spawn in houses! Dead animals like rats, cats, dogs, snakes or even birds And some suggestion to that new foodstatus after rotten: skeletal (as useless item)
  3. That's life . I would be glad if money respawns in my wallet If houses are already looted, then you have to live with it also if the last nonperishable food were eaten. If the last fueltanks are used up, then there will be no fuel at all. It's survival to wander around and see if you find something useful, that isn't already looted. If you're lucky you'll live some days longer than those who are unlucky and find nothing. So you have either follow a group of people who have the gear to survive on their own, or travel to unlooted zombie infested regions and gather yourself the gear you need to survive alone. This is my opinion
  4. Also for the ship cargo use rooms and the tent technique: Edit: So, with your ship you (or someone else, but not me) should build a harbor!
  5. So for the bridge there is a simple idea:
  6. The ship is a great project, don't give it up! If I look on this picture, 1000 ideas (maybe just 899) comes in my mind
  7. Under building - tiles... - industry trucks. Used them as walloverlay on darkgreen interior house walls, whose I added as exterior walls . For shadowing the roof I used wallgrime.
  8. Just for fun and inspired by 956Texas, I added a military tent to the building list . I don't know if the door and the windows are working (if it works correct, you should just pass trough the "doorwall" and after "opening" a tent window climb trough). I used a room, so it can be, that an alarm start... No outside decoration this time, you can change the inner funiture as you wish to make par example a lazarett out of it (currently it's a barrack). Later, I'll add an east heading tent and also in different colors (ocher, grey) and pack it into a tent-pack. Test it and have fun! Door and windows work! Use them, change the interior, make yourself a tent, if you don't like the style!
  9. Argh, the cocoon-people are invading us!!!! Great sleepingbag!
  10. You can change the topic by using the full editor
  11. I don't think Jela331 is pissed, just mentioned it . I tried to copy the Berlin bus stops and this is what come out of it. That's not our fault, it's the fault of the BVG Looks like this
  12. Yes, but I'm to lazy to remove them . I didn't know you had made a bus stop too, but it's better to have many variations under them. Nothing is worse than every building looks the same
  13. I don't know how you made the ship commando bridge, but I would draw rooms and change the outsidewall with "walloverlays" in Fossoilstyle, because you used the windows . You can make walloverlays in diffrent length, so there is not much sisyphus working. Then for the 3rd floor (the deck) I would use wallgrime to make the look of the ship a little more abandoned. Inside of the body you should look at the sewer walls (for more abandoned look) or the truck walls (for full metal look). The idea is great! Would never have guessed for myself! Edit: Create a room called "Body" or so, to create the baseform of the ship and the walkable rooms you place "inside". No need to make the full shipbody walkable, cause you are the captain and decide!
  14. Yay! Let's hunt the remaining spiffos with the new huntingknife! They can hide, but not forever...
  15. The answer is: Crates! Yes, if I don't know what to place, then I'll take crates. They are adaptable
  16. Hehe, if you wait 30 minutes, there will be an "all directions"-pack for each bus stop . Wait 1 minute and you get the "all direction urban"-pack
  17. I added a version number to the buildings, so it will be easier to see if anything updated Fixed some bugs at the Military Hospital. It has now the version number 1.0 and also the *.zip-archive !
  18. Yes, the "stairshape" facade make sense. I mean the streetdecoration like curbs and lines. Maybe you have to insert a own tileset to make these.
  19. Hmm, so after toying with the BuildingEd there are doortypes, that I'm missing: 1. Slide doors: If they're automatic and electricity is on: normal easy opened like any other doors. If electricity is off: Open like windows with pure power (maybe at least longer). 2. Double Doors: better looking than placing two normal doors. 3. Revolving Doors: If they're automatic and electricity is on: normal easy walkthrough. If electricity is off: pushanimation with pure power (duration like windows opening, maybe longer). 4. Dog Door: If you feel yourself slim enough and don't want destroy the door <-ironic
  20. How do it work with the diagonal streets? Are they looking "good" ingame?
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