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Everything posted by darthdraken

  1. A lot of clothing needs to be added to the game i feel. Hats, gloves, scarfs, coats, types of boots. And more. Darker clothes would hide you better than brighter clothes. Different clothes make different sound levels. And all with some form of temp protection.
  2. Due to the fact you have to eat and sleep, get ill and sick, would it be ideal if we have to answer the call. It would add a dynamic to the game where the call of nature to pee or poo would be just another risk we take. And would connect in with food poisoning too. Just a thought.
  3. It would be good to join the rpg server as i am a major rpg fan on tables and gaming. I hope we can have lockable servers.
  4. They need to add radiators.in to the game and loft water tanks. They would hold water after the mains is cut. Also we should be able to place rows of buckets outside to collect water too.
  5. What would be really funny is they have a push to talk device in them and your carrying one about and step back in to a wall and it lets off a noise.. Haha.
  6. Destroying a brick wall two layers thick should take a while to drop down with a sledgehammer and make a hell of a lot of noise. A internal house wall should be breakable faster. And wooden exterior wall should take a while to do also. Should add steal walls for safes, safe rooms, etc And security bars on windows and mesh wire too
  7. I have found windows and doors open. Got to remember people were moving about before they were zedded to death. Nothing should be static. To be honest the entire place needs trashing a bit as its too tidy. It needs to look like people panicked. Tried to hide. Even looting. Long before everyone went for the long zed goodnight.
  8. Well maybes once the game is complete then it could be do-able
  9. Maybies the boards are cut and shaped better.. The higher skill the better the wood choice. The higher the skill the smarter you are at barricading so i guess the stronger the result
  10. A chat system needs adding. One that pops up depending on how far away you are for ear shot and how you speak.
  11. Very true. Barricades need to be seen as from the inside or outside. For me i would barricade both inside and outside so double the defence.
  12. Guess rotten food can be used to feed plants.. Think about it..
  13. You ever tried sleeping on a dining chair. A wooden chair. Sleeping on the floor is better as your resting your head. Supporting your head is very important to avoid neck pains when waking. I have slept in some strange places
  14. Just spent the night trying to sleep in a chair in a hospital while with my partner and sleeping in a upright chair is impossible and that chair had some padding. I cant see a dining chair being any better. Would benefit sleeping on the dining table instead. Lol
  15. Was talked about. Idea of random hordes spawing at one end of a map and cutting across to the other side.
  16. Yup standing ontop of thw warehouse as a band surrounded by thousands of zombies as you strum out song after song. A dead aid concert trying to raise public zombie awarness. They have rights too. Songs from THE DAMNED. MICHAEL JACKSONS THRILLER. CRANBERRIES Zombie song or GUN N ROSES Knocking on heavens door. The concert to die for!!!
  17. Hey trust me i am a sith lord. (i have a badge and everything) hahaha
  18. darthdraken


    Dog rabbies has been used to reanimate a corpse in studies. But only for a few seconds. And this involved stimulating the electrical impulses of the brain that in turn moved the body parts.
  19. A military command post could have been set up near to the middle at the begining of the outbreak with the hazmat scientists maybes a temp setup like in the movie outbreak (dustin hoffman). Now after all control failed or some.of the medical.team.get bit then all hell broke loose and they abandoned this temp outpost and formed a huge military ring around the region. So what you come across is the remains of a military outpost with a couple of die hard survivors. Few soldiers and two medical staff. Surrounded by piles of bodies throughout the area after control was lost. Maybes they are trapped on the roof with a fixed radio and last of the ammo and supplies cut off by hordes of zombies maybes 300 zombies crawling the building below and outer fence line. Burnt out cars. Destroyed tents. Bodies in body bags. Medical vans. Even abandonded helicopter with a zombie half alive pinned under the leg of the craft. Judging from.the view the soldiers put up a fight but lost. Even some of them walk about dead with their equipment hanging off them dragging along the ground.
  20. Join the dark side... We have cookies!!!!! Xxxx
  21. Will you have vines crawling over the houses too?
  22. For me a.closed server for the select players i want to play with. Ie clan or friends. Then we play from that point. Simples
  23. Not a bother. Also you could have a ward wing door lock controls. For example each cell wing has a overwatch control.room that if the power cuts out all the doors open up and out pour zombies from each cell could be a good scare bit. Exterior flood lights. Also anyway to have flickering faulty lighting in corridors etc. We have all played fps games.with flickering dark rooms. AVP or doom 3 or bioshock etc..
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