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  1. thats the thing, you can make whatever you like to be. I made a mod that does that and can be edited so the World follows a set of rules, you can check it out. (still in testing btw) but feedback is appreciated. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3011754608
  2. I made this page for 2 reasons: 1, i did not found this anywhere and 2, i made a mod that uses that and this could help people to set their own config. This is in json format (just delete the comments if you use as json). I know there are missing. feel free to use it and to edit it. I'll be editing the missing ones. This annotations are straight from the wiki, some of them could be wrong For the ones that come from my mod from steam (https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3011754608) and using the below example: "Zombies" is the "name", and "4" is the target value { //Population "Zombies": 4, //1-Insane, 2-Very High, 3-High, 4-Normal, 5-Low, 6-None. Zombie Count. "Distribution": 1, //1-Urban Focused, 2-Uniform. Zombie Distribution. //TIME "DayLength": 3, // Day length setting. Check SandBox options manually (3 default) Day length "StartMonth": 7, // 1-January ... 12-December. Start Month "StartDay": 9, // 1-Day 1, ... 30-Day 30. Start Day "StartTime": 2, // 1-7AM, 2-9AM ... check sandbox options manually (2 default) Start Time //WORLD "WaterShut": 2, // If using my mod (Dynamic Sandbox Settings) use instead: WaterShutModifier. set to 999, and to 0 when you want it to go off Water Shutoff "ElecShut": 2, // If using my mod (Dynamic Sandbox Settings) use instead: ElecShutModifier. set to 999, and to 0 when you want it to go off Electricity Shutoff "Alarm": 4, // 1-Never, 2-Extr.Rare, 3-Rare, 4-Sometimes, 5-Often, 6-V.Often. House Alarms Frequency "LockedHouses": 6, // 1-Never, 2-Extr.Rare, 3-Rare, 4-Sometimes, 5-Often, 6-V.Often. Locked Houses Frequency "FoodRotSpeed": 3, // 1-V.Fast, 2-Fast, 3-Normal, 4-Slow, 5-V.Slow. Food Spoilage "FridgeFactor": 3, // 1-Very Low, 2-Low, 3-Normal, 4-High, 5-V.High. Refrigeration Effectiveness "DaysForRottenFoodRemoval": -1, // -1-Never, X-Days to remove. Rotten Food Removal "LootRespawn": 1, // 1-None, 2-Every Day, 3-Every week, 4-Every month, 5-Every 2months. Loot Respawn "SeenHoursPreventLootRespawn": 0, // >0 hours (default 0). Loot Seen Prevent Hours "WorldItemRemovalList": "Base.Hat,Base.Glasses,Base.Maggots", // default items. World Item Removal List "HoursForWorldItemRemoval": 24.0, // number of hours. Hours for Removal List "ItemRemovalListBlacklistToggle": false, // true / false, (default false). Removal List as Whitelist "TimeSinceApo": 1, // 0 - 12 months. Months Since The Apocalypse "NightDarkness": 3, // 1-Pitch black, 2-Dark, 3-Normal, 4-Bright. Darkness During Night "FireSpread": true, // true / false. Fire Spread "AllowExteriorGenerator": true, // true/false. Generator Working In Exterior "FuelStationGas": 5, // 1-Empty, 2-S.Low, 3-V.Low, 4-Low, 5-Normal, 6-High, 7-V.High, 8-Full, 9-Infinite. Initial Gas Station Amount "LightBulbLifespan": 1.0, // 0-Never (1-default). Light Bulb Lifespan //NATURE "Temperature": 3, // 1-V.Cold, 2-Cold, 3-Normal, 4-Hot, 5-V.Hot Temperature "Rain": 3, // . 1-V.Dry, 2-Dry, 3-Normal, 4-Rainy, 5-V.Rainy Rain "ErosionSpeed": 3, // 1-V.Fast, 2-Fast, 3-Normal, 4-Slow, 5-V.Slow. Erosion Speed "Farming": 3, // 1-V.Fast, 2-Fast, 3-Normal, 4-Slow, 5-V.Slow. Farming Speed "PlantResilience": 3, // 1-V.Low, 2-Low, 3-Normal, 4-High, 5-V.High. Plant Resilience "PlantAbundance": 3, // 1-V.Poor, 2-Poor, 3-Normal, 4-Abundant, 5-V.Abundant. Farming's Abundance "NatureAbundance": 3, // 1-V.Poor, 2-Poor, 3-Normal, 4-Abundant, 5-V.Abundant. Nature's Abundance "CompostTime": 2, // 1-Week, 2-2Weeks, 3-3Weeks,4-4Weeks, 5-6Weeks, 6-8Weeks, 7-10Weeks, 8-12Weeks. Compost Time "MaxFogIntensity": 1, // 1-Normal, 2-Moderate, 3-Low. Maximum Fog Intensity "MaxRainFxIntensity": 1, // 1-Normal, 2-Moderate, 3-Low. Maximum Rain FX Intensity "EnableSnowOnGround": true, // true / false. Enable Snow On Ground "EnableTaintedWaterText": true, // true / false. Enable 'Tainted Water' tooltip //SADISTIC AI DIRECTOR "Helicopter": 2, // 1-Never, 2-Once, 3-Sometimes, 4-Often. Helicopter "MetaEvent": 2, // 1-Never, 2-Sometimes, 3-Often. Meta Event "SleepingEvent": 1, // 1-Never, 2-Sometimes, 3-Often. Sleeping Event //META "GeneratorSpawning": 3, // 1-Extr.Rare, 2-Rare, 3-Sometimes, 4-Often, 5-V.Often. Generator Spawn "GeneratorFuelConsumption": 1.0, // 0.0 no fuel, max 100, default 1. Generator Fuel Consumption "SurvivorHouseChance": 3, // 1-Never, 2-Extr.Rare, 3-Rare, 4-Sometimes, 5-Often, 6-V.Often. Randomized House Chance "VehicleStoryChance": 3, // 1-Never, 2-Extr.Rare, 3-Rare, 4-Sometimes, 5-Often, 6-V.Often. Randomized Vehicle Stories Chance "ZoneStoryChance": 3, // 1-Never, 2-Extr.Rare, 3-Rare, 4-Sometimes, 5-Often, 6-V.Often. Randomized Zone Stories Chance "AnnotatedMapChance": 4, // 1-Never, 2-Extr.Rare, 3-Rare, 4-Sometimes, 5-Often, 6-V.Often. Annotated Map Chance "HoursForCorpseRemoval": 216.0, // -1 never, 216.0 default. Time Before Corpse Removal "DecayingCorpseHealthImpact": 3, // 1-None, 2-Low, 3-Normal, 4-High. Decaying Corpse Health Impact "BloodLevel": 3, // 1-None, 2-Low, 3-Normal, 4-High, 5-Ultra gore. Blood Level "MaggotSpawn": 1, // 1-in and around bodies, 2-in bodies only, 3-Never. Corpse Maggot Spawn //LOOT RARITY "FoodLoot": 4, // Amount of food in the world. "CannedFoodLoot": 4, // Amount of canned food in the world. "WeaponLoot": 4, // Amount of weapons in the world. "RangedWeaponLoot": 4, // Amount of ranged weapons in the world. "AmmoLoot": 4, // Amount of ammunition in the world. "MedicalLoot": 4, // Amount of medical supplies in the world. "SurvivalGearsLoot": 4, // Amount of survival gears in the world. "MechanicsLoot": 4, // Amount of mechanical objects in the world. "LiteratureLoot": 4, // Amount of literature in the world. "OtherLoot": 4, // Amount of other objects in the world. //CHARACTER //"XpMultiplier": 1.0, // Experience multiplier. //"XpMultiplierAffectsPassive": false, // Define whether the multiplier affects passive skills. //"StatsDecrease": 3, // Stat decrease. //"EndRegen": 3, // End of world item regeneration. //"Nutrition": true, // Define whether nutrition mechanics apply. //"StarterKit": false, // Define whether the player starts with a starter kit. //"CharacterFreePoints": 0, // Free skill points for the player. //"ConstructionBonusPoints": 3, // Bonus points for construction. //"InjurySeverity": 2, // Injury severity. //"BoneFracture": true, // Define whether bone fractures can occur. "ClothingDegradation": 3, // Clothing degradation. //"RearVulnerability": 3, // Zombie rear vulnerability. //"MultiHitZombies": false, // Define whether zombies can receive multiple hits. //"AttackBlockMovements": true, // Define whether attacks block movements. //"AllClothesUnlocked": false, // Define whether all clothes are unlocked. //"EnablePoisoning": 1, // Define whether poisoning is allowed. //IN-GAME MAP /*"Map": { "AllowMiniMap": false, // true / false: Allow to deactivate the minimap. "AllowWorldMap": true, // true / false: Allow to activate the world map. "MapAllKnown": false // true / false: Define whether to show the entire known map. },*/ //VEHICLE //"EnableVehicles": true, // Define whether vehicles are allowed in the game. "VehicleEasyUse": false, // Define whether vehicles are easy to use for players. "RecentlySurvivorVehicles": 2, // Define whether there are recently survivor vehicles. "ZombieAttractionMultiplier": 1.0, // Zombie attraction multiplier. "CarSpawnRate": 3, // Vehicle spawn rate. "ChanceHasGas": 1, // Probability of vehicles having gasoline. "InitialGas": 2, // Initial gasoline in vehicles. //"CarGasConsumption": 1.0, // Vehicle gasoline consumption. "LockedCar": 3, // Probability of locked vehicles. "CarGeneralCondition": 2, // General condition of vehicles. "TrafficJam": true, // Define whether traffic jams can occur. "CarAlarm": 2, // Probability of vehicle alarms being activated. //"PlayerDamageFromCrash": true, // Define whether players receive damage from crashes. //"CarDamageOnImpact": 3, // Vehicle damage on impact. //"SirenShutoffHours": 0.0, // Hours to shut off sirens. //"DamageToPlayerFromHitByACar": 1, // Damage to the player from being hit by a car. //ZOMBIE LORE "ZombieLore": { "Speed": 2, // Zombie speed. "Strength": 2, // Zombie strength. "Toughness": 2, // Zombie toughness. //"Transmission": 1, // Infection transmission. //"Mortality": 5, // Zombie mortality. //"Reanimate": 3, // Zombie reanimation time. "Cognition": 3, // Zombie intelligence. "CrawlUnderVehicle": 5, // Zombie ability to crawl under vehicles. "Memory": 2, // Zombie memory. "Sight": 2, // Zombie vision capacity. "Hearing": 2, // Zombie hearing capacity. "ThumpNoChasing": false, // Allow zombies to thump without chasing. "ThumpOnConstruction": true, // Allow zombies to thump constructions. "ActiveOnly": 1, // Define whether day/night zombie activity "TriggerHouseAlarm": false, // Allow zombies to trigger house alarms. "ZombiesDragDown": true, // Allow zombies to drag players down. "ZombiesFenceLunge": true, // Allow zombies to lunge through fences. "DisableFakeDead": 1 // Disable zombies faking being dead. }, //ADVANCED ZOMBIE OPTS "ZombieConfig": { //"PopulationMultiplier": 1.0, // Zombie population multiplier. //"PopulationStartMultiplier": 1.0, // Initial zombie population multiplier. //"PopulationPeakMultiplier": 1.5, // Maximum zombie population multiplier. //"PopulationPeakDay": 28, // Day when zombie population peaks. "RespawnHours": 72.0, // Zombie respawn time after being killed. "RespawnUnseenHours": 16.0, // Zombie respawn time outside player's vision. //"RespawnMultiplier": 0.1, // Zombie respawn multiplier. "RedistributeHours": 12.0, // Zombie redistribution time. "FollowSoundDistance": 100, //follow distance "RallyGroupSize": 20, //horde size "RallyTravelDistance": 20, //distance to form horde "RallyGroupSeparation": 15, //distance between hordes "RallyGroupRadius": 3 //horde space } }
  3. As we all know, water and electricity shuts off in a set period of time.. but what if more sandbox settings would be altered the same way? This would be and example and those are things that they already exists in-game, so i think they wouldn't take much more effort to do. This settings would make the game feel more alive, as things are happening and it may change the players to do something different or to adapt the new situation. In this example, i'ts expected that the general population survives max 60 Days, zombies evolve after day 90 or so and the world gets dryier and colder as time passes. More of this table can be seen in a post at reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/zfc7pb/pz_story_creation_based_on_events/ **This post was made with mods in mind, so there is more options and a way of doing it yourself via mods.** Thank you for your time reading this!
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