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KRACKEN's Achievements

  1. item BottleBongFull { DisplayName = Bottle Bong, DisplayCategory = Normal, Type = Food, Weight = 1, Icon = WaterBottle_Full, HungerChange = 16, ThirstChange = 20, StressChange = -35, UnhappyChange = -30, EnduranceChange = -5, FatigueChange = 8, PainReduction = 8, ReduceFoodSickness = 8, CanStoreWater = TRUE, RequireInHandOrInventory = Matches/Lighter, CustomContextMenu = Smoke, CantBeFrozen = TRUE, FillFromDispenserSound = GetWaterFromDispenserPlasticMedium, FillFromTapSound = GetWaterFromTapPlasticMedium, IsWaterSource = TRUE, EatType = Cigarettes, UseDelta = 0.1, UseWhileEquipped = FALSE, OnEat = OnEat_BottleBongFull, StaticModel = WaterBottle, WorldStaticModel = WaterBottleEmpty, OnUse = BottleBongEmpty, CustomEatSound = , } As you can see im trying to add a bong too my mod, its all working as intended other than when i smoke the item it removes it from my inventory without replacing it. I have tried OnUse, ReplaceOnUse, ReplaceOnUseOn and ReplaceTypes. How can i get around this issue
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