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  1. You can add a spoiler using [spoiler][\spoiler]
  2. Are you on a laptop? Yeah, I didn't really think the key binding through for condensed keyboards. I wanted to pick something that more-than-likely wouldn't cause conflicts with other mods. I'm open to suggestions for a different activation key.
  3. Hi all, I'm back, and taking another crack at my mod. I've been sifting through some of the game files for both the Camping Section and the Farming Section of the lua scripts, trying to understand how the game stores custom data on objects, and I've run into two functions that I don't quite understand. I can see that these mods are using the getModData() function to read data from the object, and I'm supposing that toModData() serializes that data for storage, but I'm a little blank on how I'd add a piece of data to a new object and serialize it for storage. Is there anything else I'd need to do other then call toModData() on the object? It can't be that simple, can it? On the flip side, I'm seeing some declarations that appear to just be dumping data straight into toModData(), and I'm wondering if anyone knows if that data can be stored using a key system, ex. "light" => 32. I've been having trouble locating these declarations in the Javadocs, if anyone could point me in the right direction that would be awesome as well. Thank you!
  4. Woah, sorry. Took a break from the internet for a while. You should be fine. It only checks on a per character/ per world. I've updated the main post to clarify.
  5. Hey guys, I'm hoping there's a quick fix to this problem. Right now I'm making a mod that uses getModData to store a "charge", and access this tile from other blocks("consumers"). There's also some other mod data i'd like to reference as well. I'm having some trouble referencing the tile or object that I want to store the charges. There's two ways I could think of doing it: 1.)Referencing the tile the object that stores the charges is on by X and Y coords. Problem is I'm not quite sure how to pull that data from a tile. 2.)Referencing the instance of the "charger" item in question using it's index and storing it as mod data on the consumer. The only thing I'm afraid of is that the reference would be lost on Save/load, and recouping up the network might be a pain after every load. So, to summarize: What would be the best way to locate a instance of a item, fixture or tile?Could a item be targeted in Lua using just the raw XY coords?I'm also looking for a way to store "network" data. An ideal would allow each unique network to store an amount of power and have that be stored in one place(say on the player using getModData or some kind of fake item that spawns off map when a new network is created). What would be the best way of doing this?Thanks!
  6. Startsafe - Start Easy, Start safe So, what is this anyway? This simple mod allows you to spawn in a number of starting materials to make your early game easier. Each starter pack includes: A Fire Axe2 Packs of CrispsA piece of Beef JerkeyA sawA box of nails5 bandagesA bottle of vitamins Wait, isn't there already another mod that does this? Yes, there is. However, it hasn't been updated since October of last year, and no longer works with the current build. As mods go, this is about as basic as it gets. As of the present build(28) this mod still works fine. So, how do i use this? Enable the mod, load up the game and press insert. Done! Isn't this cheating? Yes, and no. I've used getModData to make sure this event can only be fired once per player, per world. I've found Axes to be next to impossible in the game to get, which is funny considering how common they actually are. Why don't you add a "weak durability" axe, just to get you through the early game? I've considered this solution, but I don't really want to add the item right yet. If there's interest, I'll add it, but hey, for now - free normal axe! No hammer? Yeah, you'll have to get that one on your own. They're common enough. Your code is terrible! Yeah... I don't like Lua. I'm primarily a PHP programmer, so the structure and syntax kinda bugs me. If you have any suggestions to improve this, I'd love to hear it. Installation: Unzip and drop into 'c:\users\YOURUSER\zombiod\mods'. Issues: I am unable to test this mod in a multiplayer environment. BE WARNED - I DO NOT KNOW HOW OR EVEN IF IT WILL FUNCTION IN MULTIPLAYER Startsafe.zip
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