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  1. I was working on a mod that made it so building zombies would spawn in as soon as the chunk would spawn in. But I'm having trouble hooking an event to when cells are loaded. It seems like the OnPostMapLoad event isn't firing in the first place, or so I think; The "cell loaded!" print is not firing off. Should I be using another event in this case? I've tried making the script a Server, Client, and Shared, so I think I've covered my bases. (The script cannot be on the client anyhow because the roomSpotted method only works on the server) local function DucksBZSF_CellLoaded(cell,x,y) print("cell loaded!") local rooms = cell:getRoomList() -- Returns an ArrayList for index=0, rooms:size()-1, 1 do local room = rooms:get(index) print("room loaded!") VirtualZombieManager:roomSpotted(room) end end Events.OnPostMapLoad.Add(DucksBZSF_CellLoaded)
  2. Fun little quirk with this: Pressing W while reading a book in the driver's seat will start the car, but you still won't be able to drive. It will also not take you out of your book reading when you start the car- only ESC will stop your reading.
  3. On this tile, there are two Dark Industrial Sinks inside the Rosewood Food Market and Laundromat on the same tile Map Coordinates: 8141x11470x0 Recent save. Made this save yesterday for debugging and noticed it last night.
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