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Everything posted by cuddlepums

  1. I think most of these ideas are going to be in the game except the initial apocalypse combat suggestion. Npc's from I read are to have unique personalities, and try to survive the apocalypse in there own way.
  2. Actually having more weight may contribute to the amount he can run since when you are running and burning all the carbohydrates you use for as energy your body turns to using fat as energy and then muscle if it comes down to it.
  3. Yeah sounds good to me I don't see why not makes the game more realistic and books are less OP
  4. Alright let me correct myself humans can smell scents, or odours but again zombies are on the setting of normal in survival mode and I am pretty sure normal means the average smelling power of a human. Humans cannot a scents "trail" so zombies behind able to follow his scent to his safe house is unrealistic. As I said before i agree with the idea of zombie migration because that would actually make zombies run into your safe house or in the vicinity of your safe house be attracted there and attack. But having random hordes or groups of zombies just being spawned and attacking is unrealistic.
  5. I don't agree that zombies strongest sense is smell in all of the zombie movies/ TV shows I have watched it has always been about keeping your noise level down so I would say its more about hearing. But in project zomboid the normal zombie setting of smell is NORMAL and so is hearing and sight so I would guess zombies have the normal smelling power of a human and humans i'm pretty sure cant pick up scents.
  6. This, horde migration I understand but having hordes just have the ability to hunt your base down and attack it I disagree with.
  7. We don't really know what senses the zombies use. They're DEAD. They shouldn't be able to see or hear you, let alone smell you. For all we know the futuristic cyborg voodoo shaman that grew the zombies in a cloning vat could have used his alien mind powers to scrye your location and teleported his undead minions in to attack you. The fact of the matter is that the game is boring if zombies don't threaten your safe house often enough to be considered a viable threat in the mid to late game but people also hate it when the zombies find their base at all. It's hard to make the zombies find you without it feeling like the game just spawned them in. I don't care how the devs end up doing it. I just want my base to come under attack once in a while to make it feel like I'm actually in danger. You should care how they do it because if zombies have the ability to just spawn right outside our base that would be really annoying IMO and that would make the game much less realistic. It also means the game would be punishing us for no reason other than "were surviving to long" so it decides to spawn a horde right next to our base, or send all the existing zombies in your vicinity to your location because zombies can just sense humans with there magic voodoo demon powers. (sarcasm)
  8. I could understand that reason if they were on the blood hound setting.
  9. Never survived a bite, rarely survive scratches.
  10. If you have cleared the surrounding areas of zombies then there is no reason for them to attack, I want justification for zombies to come and attack your base. I don't want zombie hordes to magically just know where you are and attack, now I can understand the want for zombie migration that would create constant danger and your safe zone constantly being barraged with zombies. But again zombie hordes need to have a reason to attacking our base other than we're bored and surviving to long, zombies attacking your base should be because you attracted them in some way or something else attracts them.
  11. I have a question for the people who want attacking hordes because I'm not sure I understand why you guys do. Hordes are already able to attack your base if you make to much noise or if a chopper flys over your house zombies are bound to come and attack you (unless you live in a secluded place). But from what I understand it seems like you guys just want a random giant horde of zombies to spawn coming at your base, I don't like this because there is no reason for them to just attack your base other than they spawned and told by the game to do so. I want hordes to come attack my base if I have done something to attract them or something else has, not just zombie hordes having the ability to "find" our base and attack. That means if say, i were in one of the forest cabins and built it all up to be safe and self sufficient but one day I wake up in my cabin to find a giant horde banging on my walls, I have done nothing to attract them why are they there?! There is no good reason for them to be there because you the player or other outside forces have done nothing to attract them and that's punishing the player for doing nothing but surviving. So if you want big zombie hordes to attack your base just attract them with some noise.
  12. Npc's, right now single player is pretty boring IMO but I have been having fun in multiplayer.
  13. I have been playing since RC 2.5 and I have never stopped loving this game, this is by far my favorite zombie survival game.
  14. Silencers are a whole other discussion, also yes I'm sure the devs will probably add crossbows or at least a bow to the game.
  15. I like the idea of more weapons just not the ones in that mod, and im pretty sure more weapons are coming once more pressing matters are finished such as map expansion, better stealth, npc's etc.
  16. The only way I would want to play with infection off is if I made the zombies really powerful but other than that I keep infection on it really makes the game much more fun in my opinion.
  17. I hate this idea it reminds of me of the random zombie hordes that would spawn right next to your base in the old builds which were extremely annoying, if there is a horde of zombies coming to attack my base I want it to be for some logical reason like I was making a bunch of noise, or a helicopter flew over my base. I don't want it to be because the death gods want me dead and they have summoned a horde of zombies to do their bidding.
  18. Lol yeah I'm pretty sure something like this could happen with npc's they are going all out on these guys and want to do it right so there are probably going to be lots of different intense situations such as the ones you stated.
  19. This will attract sooo many zombies early game
  20. Well completely refreshing also might make some people mad because they wanted to continue in the old world because you impacted the world with your character, and reliving your old characters past sounds like a cool experience also the world you played in will be more eroded and have more of a post apocalypse setting and I and probably others like starting with a more eroded/apocalyptic setting, but starting fresh is always fun too since you get to see the world become into a wasteland of zombies.
  21. Npc's should be able to solve this problem since there going to be living and survivng too, and you might run into a few scenes like you suggested.
  22. Yeah I think they should have both they should slam on windows, and try to push open doors in my opinion.
  23. Yeah more clothing will help set more of the apocalyptic atmosphere, but I agree they do need to add more clothing after more pressing matters.
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