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Everything posted by simsfreak63

  1. Drinking out of toilet is always up there.
  2. I would be severely disappointed if backstabbing mechanics aren't implemented at some point. Me and a friend running from a horde together. I turn and shoot him in the knee, he falls to the ground. I escape while the horde munches on him. Ya'know, classy stuff like that.
  3. I understand what he's trying to say. When you start the game, it's fair to assume "You" are a resident of the town. It's not like you are waking up in some random house you've never been to before, your character should reasonably know where he is. Kate and Baldspot got around this in the first three minutes of their narrative - they stated that they were just moving into a random house while passing through.
  4. I find the aversion to child-zombies kinda odd, considering in the very first scene of the first episode of The Walking Dead the Main Character shoots a little girl zombie (holding a teddy bear, no less) right through the head. Hell, here's a screenshot: http://puu.sh/3PMYr.jpg And that's one of the highest-rated and most viewed current TV series in the United States. Honestly, the most entertaining aspect of a Zombie apocalypse isn't the zombies themselves, it's the tough decisions that have to be made to survive. It's the complex moral dynamics that sell a series, not gory zombie-killing.
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