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Everything posted by Aranon

  1. Aranon


    I created a new map using tutorials and it all worked fine. however i now wish to update the ZombieSpawns but I have no idea how to import a new zombiespawn image into world editor. I don't want to reimport my other bmps (e.g. veg) and overwrite what I have since created in WorldEd/TileEd. Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks. Nice to know i'm not doing anything wrong. I just need to remeber to do this.
  3. I followed the instrucitons and everything works fine. howevr whenever I load up WorldEd the InGamemap information is missing and I have to reload what i saved out last time? First few tiems I ende dup recreating all of my InGameMap features again before I realised what was happening. Shoudl WorldEd load the world map features in automatically? have i saved them in wrong placre for instance?
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