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Everything posted by Yesod

  1. Given the way pills are coded, the following will work for custom versions: The custom item name must start with Pills. Example: item PillsEnergy { ... Type = Drainable, UseDelta = 0.1, /*** math: uses/100 for 10 uses ***/ ... } Override ISTakePillAction:perform, check for custom item, do a thing: Example: --- inside client folder add lua file to override as follows: do -- Option 1: Use this assignment for debugging purpose; preserves original 'perform' function given this lua is reloaded while debugging it. ISTakePillActionPerform = ISTakePillActionPerform or ISTakePillAction.perform -- Option 2: Use this assignment for final release. -- local ISTakePillActionPerform = ISTakePillAction.perform function ISTakePillAction:perform() if (self.item:getFullType() == 'Base.PillsEnergy') then --- Note: module 'Base' is assumed. Use what is valid. --- Note: custom code here; like self.character:getStats():setFatigue(0) end ISTakePillActionPerform(self) -- still call original for action cleanup. end end -- Yesod
  2. Yesod

    41.77 Released

    In 41.77 Update Info: Takeaway: STEAM_PORT = 16261 (ok) DIRECT_CONNECTION_PORT = DEFAULT_PORT = 16262 (ok) ----- In 'server.ini': # Minimum=0 Maximum=65535 Default=16262 UDPPort=16262 # Default starting port for player data. If UDP, this is this one of two ports used.\nMinimum=0 Maximum=65535 Default=16261 DefaultPort=16261 Takeaway: STEAM_PORT = "UDPPort" = 16262 (???) DIRECT_CONNECTION_PORT = DEFAULT_PORT = 16261 (???) ----- In Host > Manage Settings > Edit Select Settings > INI > Steam: Server Property "UDPPort" (default value '16262') In Host > Manage Settings > Edit Select Settings > INI > Details: Server Property "DefaultPort" (default value '16261') Takeaway: STEAM_PORT = UDPPort = 16262 (??!) DIRECT_CONNECTION_PORT = DEFAULT_PORT = 16261 (??!) ----- In Server Console (XXX_DebugLog-server.txt): Server is listening on port 16261 (for Steam connection) and port 16262 (for UDPRakNet connection) Clients should use 16261 port for connections. Takeaway: STEAM_PORT = DEFAULT_PORT = 16261 (?!!) DIRECT_CONNECTION_PORT = UDPPort = 16262 (?!!) ----- ... send help.
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