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Everything posted by Anorak2023

  1. I've always been bugged by the fact that nearly every bed in the game is just a bare mattress, even though you can collect pillows and sheets. This would give those items an extra use, while also encouraging the player to use higher level beds with more than just neck pain. Any bed can be upgraded twice by adding a pillow and a sheet. A Good bed would become Great and then Perfect. Chairs can't be upgraded, and couches can only receive a sheet. A Great bed will never cause your character neck pain. Sleeping in a Perfect bed for at least 6 hours will give the Well Rested moodle, which will give a 1.5x multiplier to all experience gains for 6 hours. After being used three times, the sheet and pillow will become slightly messed up, downgrading the bed once. After three more uses, the bed will be completely disheveled, returning the bed to its normal level. At any time you can use the "make bed" interaction to fix the sheet and pillow to give the bed its upgrades back.
  2. I don't see it as any more dangerous than walking through the city. Less zombies overall, meaning less fresh injuries, just a higher chance of getting an infection in a preexisting wound
  3. You have to download at least two mods and make sure the map file is installed correctly. If you want to use it on an already existing save you have to make a new game with the same data and copy the map from the new game to the first one. If you want to use them in multi-player you have to install both mods in two places and then exit the game and disable anticheat in the game's files, then pray it worked in game
  4. Please add the following server customization options to sandbox mode in single player. They're all extremely useful, and there's no real reason they shouldn't already be available. I only ever play in a solo server because they're server exclusive, which leads to a lot of annoyances that would be avoided in single player PlayerRespawnWithSelf NoFire HoursForLootRespawn MaxItemsForLootRespawn ConstructionPreventsLootRespawn FastForwardMultiplier BloodSplatLifespanDays SpeedLimit
  5. There's already a mod that adds RVs and busses, and a mod to add interiors to them. It would be great to add them as an official part of the game instead of having to add them through confusing to install mods
  6. A massive system of sewer tunnels that run under the entire map, connecting every city. The sewer tunnels are only accessible through manholes scattered throughout the map, that can only be opened using a crowbar. The sewage water can be collected, but it is too filthy to be purified, and will immediately give a fatal illness if consumed. Walking into sewage water with an open wound will cause it to immediately become infected. Zombies won't spawn as frequently in the majority of the sewers as on the streets, making them a safer way to travel between cities, but it is balanced by the fact that you travel much slower than you would in a vehicle. However, you will occasionally stumble upon a maintenance site in the sewer, that is filled with many zombies of construction workers, and manhole with no cover, which allows zombies to fall in.
  7. After a certain point in the game, zombies aren't much of a threat unless a pack sneaks up on you. This would be a fun new way to interact with zombies. Capturing. There could be a few ways to capture pet zombies, these are a few ways. Leashes. Leashes would be the main way to capture zombies as well as control them once they are captured. A leash can be crafted with a single rope or sheet rope. If you equip a leash in both hands, you can approach a zombie and attemt to put the leash on it by simply making a melee attack. The chances of getting the leash on the zombie would be a base of 25%, but this would increase with your strength and trapping up to a max of 80%. Once on the leash the zombie would still attempt to attack you as normal, but would be kept within 3 tiles of you. Using a stake and any hammer, you can attach a zombie's leash to the ground, keeping it permantly within 3 tiles of the tile the stake is on. Lasso. You can craft a lasso with 3 ropes or sheet ropes. Using a lasso would function much like a gun. Lassoing a zombie would be rather difficult, starting at a 10% chance to successfully lasso the zed, but this would increase with strength and aiming stats to a maximum of 70%. The maximum range of a lasso would be 10 tiles, and the chance of successfully lassoing the zombie would decrease the further it is. Once lassoed, the zombie would be on an extra long leash, kept within 10 tiles of the player. Bear Traps. Bear traps can be found in gun stores, and occasionally in houses. If you set a bear trap and a zombie walks over it, the trap will shut, creating a loud noise, and keeping the zombie in place, and creating a wound on the leg (more on this later). A zombie stuck in a bear trap will be 50% easier to put a leash on or lasso. Zombie Cages. With the Carpentry and Metalworking skills, you can craft different cages for zombies. A zombie cage in a one tile construction that can be used to hold one zombie. To get a zombie into the cage you have to have it on a leash and then interact with the cage to catch the zed. You can create a level 1-3 cage from wood and metal. Higher level cages would be harder for zombies inside and outside to break. Once a day, any cage with a zombie will calculate an escape chance. If successful, the cage will be broken, and the zombie will be freed. Zombies outside the cage will be able to attack the cage and instantly roll the escape chance with every attack. The break chances are as follows. Wood 1 50% Wood 2 40% Wood 3 30% Metal 1 20% Metal 2 10% Metal 3 0% Zombies in cages can be instantly leashed without issue and can be released at any time. Putting a padlock on a cage prevent other players from releasing or leashing the zombie. Options in the Sandbox menu can adjust the break chances, or even disable them. Zombie interactions. These can be used on any zombie in a cage Amputations and other "surgeries". Pull teeth. Requires pliers. Takes 10 minutes in game. Prevents the zombie from biting, but allows "gumming" (more later). Remove nails. Requires pliers. Takes 5 minutes in game. Prevents the zombie from inflicting lacerations, and halves the chance of scratches. Amputate arms. Each arm has to be removed seperately. Requires a saw or any bladed weapon. Takes 30 minutes in game, 15 with a saw. One arm halves the chance of a successful scratch, but does not affect bites. Both arms prevents any scratch, but does not affect bites and allows melee infection (more later). Amputate legs. Requires saw or any bladed weapon. Takes 1 hour in game, 40 minutes with a saw. A zombie with no legs is forced to always crawl. Any "surgery" performed on a zombie will cause it to bleed from the wound. Zombies with no arms will always attempt to bite, while zombies with just no teeth will act as normal. Zombies with no teeth or arms will make harmless attacks. Zombie wounds. Zombies will always start with a few random wounds that do not actively bleed, but any wound iflicted by a surgery will bleed. If your character has an open wound that is not badaged, pet zombies' harmless attacks will be able to infect you by getting their blood into your wounds. Interacting with a zombie in a cage will allow you to open a version of the health menu for the zombie, allowing you to bandage its wounds, preventing it from bleeding and infecting you through open wounds. This menu can also be used to remove preexisting bandages from zombies. Equipping zombies. A zombie in a cage can be interacted with similarly to a mannquin, allowing you to remove and equip any clothes you want on the creature, as well as equip a few special items on it. The items are below Gag. Crafted with 3 bandages, ripped sheets, denim strips or leather strips. Clean or dirty works. This prevents the zombie from biting or "gumming," however, a zobie with teeth will eventually chew through the gag. Horde Maker. Requires level 3 electrical. Made with 5 digital watches or alarm clocks and 5 ripped sheets. This device appears as several clocks and watches on two sashes. This device makes a very large amount of noise every hour, attracting any zombies nearby. This can be used to make large hordes of every zombie in a large area, or attract every zombie nearby to a single spot. Pet zombies would be both fun and useful, allowing for new defense systems, traps for players and zeds, and plenty of roleplay options, like protecting your infected spouse, or being an insane loner whose only companions are the dead.
  8. The Dam and the Water Purification Plant would be on opposite sides of the map, the Dam in the river north of Louisville and the Water Purification Plant in the north western corner. These buildings would be filled with zombies wearing government suits with sidearms, military uniforms with rifles, and jeans, helmets and high vis jackets. The exteriors would be heavily barricaded, similarly to the military camps west of Louisville. Players would be able to restore and maintain these buildings to keep the electricity and water running, however this would be hard work, much easier with 2 players working in one building. The Purification Plant would require working electricity from the Dam, meaning that in order to have running water you would need at least two players, or 4 to make it much easier. To restore the buildings you would have to repair different control panels and machines, repair and replace pipes, and take care of zombie corpses in water reserves or pieces of corpses that are jammed in gears or other essential machinery. Once the building is restored maintaining the water and electricity would entail managing pressure valves, cleaning water reserves, keeping zombies out of essential areas, and replacing things like pipes and wires every so often. These buildings would make large servers able to essentially reestablish society, almost making an end goal for any server with enough players. This would encourage players to band together in large communities to retake Knox County.
  9. I don't think limiting mods is a good idea at all. People should be able to play the game however they want. However, there absolutely should be a way to sort servers according to many criteria, one of which being if it is modded
  10. When dogs are added, please add a setting in either the world creation menu or the accessibility settings to disable enemy dogs/wolves and one to make dogs unable to die, just get injured. Or add an option to disable dogs outright (this would be less appealing, but probably more likely). Many many people are extremely averse to dogs dying in media, and would really hate it if it happened in game.
  11. I love playing this game, but I have a major issue with it, I'm deaf. In most games I'm able to just accept it and deal, but in PZ noise is such a major mechanic that I'm at a major disadvantage. It would be great if there was a mechanic with a visual indicator that shows directions of sounds and how loud they are. Perhaps a kind of sonar?
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