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Everything posted by VikiDikiRUS

  1. er... si, pasta? Al Capone! It's all I know.
  2. Looks great! Мне нравиться это! PS: Russian translate? PSS: What about towns?
  3. This guy look like guy from Hatred
  4. My name is Kinky Code Первый раз тут, да? Тогда налейте ему водки! Ontopic: Why you using google-images? I think google-maps better.
  5. This isn't being lovely. Be more lovely please. If you think it's rude, sorry.
  6. Weird language... I have no idea what you talking about. Русский более понятный, да?
  7. So... Kirrus, what you think about this idea: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/11586-my-little-idea-about-gathering-and-plants/ (And yeah, it's 100th post)
  8. I can't wait! PS: what about russian translate? When this update out, everything will be translated?
  9. Ну, малаца, приятно знать что тут есть Русские.
  10. If so, WE NEED YOU! <finger pointing image not found> Take this! http://imgur.com/2VRoemG
  11. Hi! What about gathering and plants? You can collect same plants and use like bandages (plantain) or like sedative (chamomile tea). But same plants can be poison, if you have small level you can't distinguish between poisonous or useful. You can KILL your friend in COOP. THANKS! And... My English not so good, sorry if text have mistakes Love.
  12. giv me plz game. love ONTOPIC: Good idea, I love it.
  13. VikiDikiRUS


    Надеюсь этот корабль везёт водку. ONTOPIC: GOOD JOB! I like this
  14. Hello! It's SPIFFOS OFFIS!!11 Screen: https://yadi.sk/i/7c2_yXW2bgJXq Download: https://yadi.sk/d/m8kvCSMobgJa7 LOVE.
  15. Ну, а если это было ПОСЛЕ апокалипсиса? Вдруг, кто-то повесил этот плакат как напоминание о прошлой жизни?
  16. Мы все же любим женщин, не так ли
  17. Hi! It's my ghetto house. https://yadi.sk/i/udH_JA6wbfMLv https://yadi.sk/i/zJwOPJ4obfMNP MAP: https://yadi.sk/d/mNVzKBBNbfMPG
  18. Thanks! PS: On this map my buildings: http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/10694-eerie-coming-soon/
  19. Hi! It's typical Russian school, I think it's good place. Screens: https://yadi.sk/i/QcZtpj50bfCmT https://yadi.sk/i/uHRX46McbfCmF MAP: https://yadi.sk/d/Qnt_tHYlbfCqK PS: OMG! CAT PLAYING ON PIANO!
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