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Everything posted by Brandon354

  1. Maybe it is just me but playing video games does NOT make me want to shoot someone, it does the opposite. If I want to kill thousands I am perfectly okay with playing gta and setting virtual people on fire and beating their heads in with bats instead of doing that to real people.
  2. I've been playing payday 2 and am waiting for battlefield 4.
  3. I never said having sex caused that, I said sex is much broader than pleasure and procreation. I mentioned the "almost spiritual" connection in the discussion of sex as part of the evolved mechanism. Sex in it's broadest meaning includes those experiences. So in short: We've evolved to have those experiences because it helps us raise healthy kids. I didn't philosophise about the mechanism. I just noted the phenomenon exists, since it's being reported by lovers to such a degree, it evidently is a phenomenon. I never mentioned mind waves or other so called woowoo stuff. You added those interpretations yourself. Note that I said: "Almost spiritual" because on the one hand I understand it can be experienced as such and I want to acknowledge that, and on the other hand I believe that the spiritual aspect is (in this case) not required to understand what's going on. I used the word literally in it's meaning of "without embellishments or exageration" They literally know what the other is thinking = They know what the other is thinking, I'm not exaggerating. I think you interpreted literal as verbatim, that would indeed be wrong in combination with thoughts. You can't word for word reproduce something that isn't words to begin with. No I did not confuse it with verbatim and that wouldn't even fit if that was what I meant and it is not a phenomenon it is coincidence/luck. I think more than a thousands of thought a day, you guess one after knowing me and my patterns for a long time good for you.
  4. Having been with my woman for 4 years now I'd say you're wrong. It's not mind reading at all (and he never said that, either). As you get to know someone, do things with them, and share experiences your brain actually begins to "expect" the things they do. The pathways the neurons travel through get 'known' better by your brain and you actually begin to know what they're going to do next by instinct and experience. I've had many times where I've known what my girl was thinking just by looking over at her, even when she wasn't making a facial expression at all. There was even one night we were apart that we both sat down and put in the exact same movie, and then called each other at the same time. So no, I don't think there's anything 'mystical' going on but there is a perfectly logical and definable connection that is made. He did in fact say that or at least what would lead one to assume that. "literally know the other is thinking of them even when they're miles away from each other." the only way to literally know is to read minds or have the person tell you.
  5. I tend to look at these things through the eyes of an evolutionist. We've evolved to develop relationships like this one, and the problems involved. Considering that relationships and their problems are so similar across culture and time I guess it's safe to say it's to a large degree an instinctual affair. From that perspective reproduction is the penultimate goal. It doesn't mean I think that a relationship that does not reproduce is a failed one. Just that non reproducing relationships essentially will still follow the same archetype. Every individual in your gene line was a successful reproducer after all Theres many perspectives on gender. I'm personally a big fan of the one where the man and woman are considered equal, but two sides of a coin. Different, with idiosyncracies that complement the other gender and both sides adapted to lives that require flexibility and many different roles. The point to a relationship in my humble opinion is to more fully experience life. Some aspects of life(of our own nature) will only come into play when we are in a comitted relationship. I don't mean that everyone needs that experience to the same degree. Just that we have the need in general because it's programmed into us. When a man gives a woman a rose it's much more than obedience to commercialism. It really taps into that primal act that once started as the man showing a woman that he can provide. For her and thus for her children as well. Yet it has become much more than that. That's why the experiences can be so powerfull so deep and so meaningfull. Sex is much broader than pleasure and procreation. It literally extends to meaningful and intellectual discussion and to the almost spiritual connection where two lovers are so in tune that they say the same thing at the same time, hum the same tune at the same time, literally know the other is thinking of them even when they're miles away from each other. Anyway, that's just my interpretation of things! There's many ways you can put it and they all touch on the truth, funny thing is we all probably understand it in similar ways in our heart of hearts. Even if the minds find different ways of saying it. no offense but I don't think having sex with each other gives you the ability to do what you stated such as mind reading. people misuse the words technically and literally a lot too.
  6. maybe instead of that you could just tie a knife to a gun and use it as a bayonet so the system wouldn't have to be redone and have the secondary fire button be a different key.
  7. I'm not getting into this abortion debate, but I just want to say that if the man is a carrier for something that he does not want passed down to any children, why is it solely the woman's responsibility to avoid pregnancy? It is HIS. He should get a vasectomy or use some other form of male birth control IN ADDITION to the Pill (which is not 100% effective when used as the sole method). I don't think that is what they meant. I think what they were saying is that if the woman does things to try to become pregnant without informing the man (such as having fertility treatment or tampering with the condoms)knowing he is against the idea of having a child and he was wearing protection should the man be held responsible for care of the child and payment also, I don't think him being a carrier for something was important but rather an example of why he wouldn't want a baby. If she informs him (before of course) then it is his responsibility also as he chose to have sex knowing she was trying to get pregnant. I do agree though that he could just get a vasectomy and solve the problem if he plans on never having kids. Is it some secret rule that admins can't debate because i have never seen an admin in on a debate in a forum, maybe they create fake normal profiles and do it...tricky little admins I'm onto your secret ways .
  8. On the note of suicide I think it is odd how it is commonly associated with cowardice but if you even try to punch yourself chances are you won't be able to go anywhere near full force, so think about trying to kill yourself.
  9. You may notice some subtle differences between the two small, balanced combat axes used in that video and an average fire axe. Fighting with two small one-handed weapons like that is fine, but as you say, it is only for advanced fighters. Sets of weapons like this would be unusual to begin with, and most of the trained owners probably opted to use theirs when the apocalypse happened. It's not impossible to hit two stationary targets from 10 feet away, no. I'd like to see him doing this while the cutouts are trying to eat him while he's moving too. Plus this really only works until you have to reload. The main problem I see with dual weilding, aside from the difficulty of implementing it, is how little of a practical effect you get. Since you can't dual-wield the heavy weapons that do useful things like knock zombies back, you're stuck using small, intimate slashing or stabbing weapons against a wall of hungry flesh that does not know pain. Anyone who's tried to fend off a group of zombies with a Kitten knife knows how that story ends. The only time I see this being really useful is in being able to dual-weild a second pistol for the purposes of emptying two clips at something instead of just one. Of course, then you have to reload, and your hands are full. You could still reload both while "holding" them, but maybe each clip would take like 20-50% longer to insert to represent your hands being awkwardly full.\ (Edit: "Kitten" knife is a typo I refuse to fix.) That is a big problem people are overlooking because even if you are a master with that weapon and can reload in no time you throw a 2nd gun into the equation and you have effectively screwed yourself, I never understood why games like the CoD line of games seems to think that dual wielding is faster and easier to reload than a single gun, but hey I guess some people are into that logic.
  10. I hadn't even thought of the eventual steam members
  11. Many diseases, syndromes, etc. have some way of treatment or medication to be cured, lessened or making life a bit better and scientists are constantly doing research to help with these sort of things, not to mention you said you were a recessive carrier so unless your partner is a carrier also and even then only if the child is unlucky then will he/she develop it.
  12. I played dead frontier at one time and to solve that problem they had a button you had to push, If you weren't going to pvp you had a green name if you pressed p your name became yellow and after about a minute it turned red which meant pvp was on. To turn PvP off you pressed p again your name turned orange and after a minute back to green, both players had to consent to PvP though. just something to think about, or you could have the option in servers to A. Disable PvP entirely B. Enable it regardless of what the guy being attacked wants C. What I listed above.
  13. A baby? Yes. A fetus? No. A fetus does not have a functioning body and cannot sustain and grow itself without the mother. functioning or not a body is a body and I am sure you are smart enough to know what I was talking about.
  14. Wrong. I think women have the right to an abortion if they so desire. Their reasons are irrelevant. It is their body. But like I said 2 months is a good cut off date. Its enough time to think whether they want the child or not and the fetus stays essentially a ball of cells. The baby has a body too, whether or not it is perfectly formed is irrelevant, see how the exact opposite can be said? The difference between that ball of cells is in will be a person given the chance where as compared to a clump of skin cells on my arm will never be more than just that, skin. I'm getting off for the night.
  15. Then that article is completely worthless. How do you expect me to believe this if there is no study or facts to go with it? And what sources do you want from me? You seem to think that most people get abortions because they were raped or have health problems not because they were irresponsible, back this up. If that article is worthless so is every other on the web because each site has to cite another and somewhere down the line people can no longer cite anything because they went out and actually did it or studied it but how do I know that they really did do it or study it or that they are who they say they are? Since you find those rates to be incorrect show me a good site with correct rates.
  16. I can't say I don't have soul either, seeing as how I have no way of measuring a soul and am not a religious individual. All I know if if someone receives head trauma and it changes who they are, the brain must surely be pretty darn important to what it means to be human, and if a fetus doesn't have a brain, or even the basic structures of a brain . . . But if it's a matter of faith for you, then I'll just let it go. It is a matter of morality, thinking things through, and possibility. Who is to say that a fetus that someone just aborted would never become a great scientist, philosopher, inventor, etc. Who should have the right to deny a potential human life because they don't want to take responsibility for what they did or because it is an inconvenience.
  17. lol why would I lie about this? I feel strongly about my stance but not enough to lie about. You're right. The article not citing its sources does. But your source DIDNT have ANY citations. It was written but some guy that I have to sign up on to a website to find more information about. You didn't get the sources or knowledge of whether or not he does studies in that area because you didn't sign in and if he didn't have sources it has to happen down some point in the line, each person can't cite another forever, at some point it comes down to being active in a poll, study, etc. and I have yet to see your sources protecting your stance.
  18. Enigma where I am it is late so I am getting kind of tired so could you reword this in an easier to understand way? if not then no problem I will look at it tomorrow.
  19. How are these not completely valid reasons for not having a child? And as for this: A woman can change her mind about having children and shouldn't have to go through procedures. What about the 18 year olds in college? Should they do the procedures as well just in case their birth control or condoms doesn't work? And about that source you posted about condoms was kinda garbage. It didn't cite anything and when I looked up the author of the article I needed to sign in to a website to see his profile. My Mother had both my sister and I on birth control. My Step Father had all 4 of his children on it as well. Shit fails sometimes, man. 1. I'm going to call BS on your family info . 2. you not wanting to sign in doesn't invalidate anything. 3.They aren't valid reasons because below I cited how effective contraceptives are when used and how often they aren't used meaning most of them didn't use them and it is irresponsible to say well i'm not mature enough to have a baby, should have thought of that before you decided to have sex and forgo a condom and birth control which really aren't that expensive or hard to get a hold of, even a teen can buy condoms.
  20. Yes, facts and cited sources make me happy. And forced may have been the wrong word. Obligated is better. And even if the fetus will have a thinking mind when its in the developmental fetus stage it is apart of the woman and I think she has every right to abort it or not. http://www.nrlc.org/abortion/facts/reasonsabortions.html - Feels unready for child/responsibility 25% - Feels she can't afford baby 23% - Has all the children she wants/Other family responsibilities 19% - Relationship problem/Single motherhood 8% - Feels she isn't mature enough 7% - Interference with education/career plans 4% - Parents/Partner wants abortion <1% - Other reasons <6.5% TOTAL: 93% (Approx.) "Hard Cases" (given as primary reason) - Mother's Health 4% - Baby may have health problem 3% - Rape or Incest <0.5% TOTAL: 7% (Approx.) The majority of those are due to being irresponsible with only rape and the mothers health being unforseeable or possibly understandable (<4.5%) as the others such as those with interference with educational plans could have just not had sex knowing it has potential to make a baby or put a condom on or If you knew you didn't want any more kids then, as I have said before, get the procedure done so you don't have any more. the amount of time a condom fails is extremely low http://www.hamovhotov.com/health/?p=155 "These trials have shown that correct and consistent use of condoms can have between 95% and 98% contraceptive efficacy rate." that rate of efficiency isn't even including if a women takes birth control. EDIT: Most people simply don't use contraceptives. http://www.statisticbrain.com/birth-control-statistics/ Contraceptive Percent Used The Pill 28% Sterilization 27.1% Condom 16.1% Vasectomy 9.9% IUD 5.5%
  21. But people have thinking minds, they are alive and breathing, not a clump taking up space inside another living being. And thats a mighty big assumption on why people get abortions. Got a citation? A source? Or are you just dribbling over false claims in order to have a flimsy point at best? And if I'm reading you correctly, even if the condom broke or birth control filed the woman should be FORCED to have the child? Do you know the ordeals that go with child birth or getting an abortion for that matter? You think people walk in smiling ear to ear ready for their weekly abortion and a lollipop from Dr.Anti Christ? How sheltered are you? A fetus will have a thinking mind, Do you want me to pull up a biased source from one of the sides, would that make you happy, because I can do that but I can tell you right now most polls aren't accurate or are biased in one way or another ESPECIALLY in matters like this. "And if I'm reading you correctly" you aren't, please show me were I said that. Since you seem to get be the abortion expert why don't you enlighten me on why most people get them?
  22. I would highly suggest avoiding me if I'm in any mood apart from helpful. Otherwise you're going to be crept up on whilst looting and have your skull caved in with a crowbar. duly noted, I don't want to have my skull caved in
  23. I pre-ordered that and I plan on robbing some banks with my friends . I plan on playing as the Mastermind. I'm into stealth, but I have a hard time believing I'll ever be able to manage a great stealth run with random strangers. I also get the felling that they would be less likely to co-operate than friends would, If you run into a team of enforcers you know they probably aren't planning on stealth.
  24. It is wise for you to stop using the words "baby" and "murder". A fetus is not a child, it is a mass of cells forming a baby. Saying a fetus is a baby is like saying jizz is a baby. And you can't "murder" something that isnt even fully formed let alone not alive. lmao are you serious? What if the condom broke? What if the pill didn't work? How can you honestly say that you might as well kill the mother because she wants to remove a fetus from inside her aka a possible child that she is in no way ready for either emotionally or physically? Jesus you people think in such black and white terms. I don't want to hear that coming from you, and a person is also a clump of cells so I suppose we cant murder them. It is wise for you to stop sticking up for those who are irresponsible because rape, the condom breaking, etc. is not the primary reason for people having unwanted babies. It is because they have sex without thinking or using protection, and those that never want a baby still don't go through the procedure to fix the problem.
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