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  1. THIS IS NOT DEDICATED HOST! There will be downtime and the only way to know if it's back up is joining my discord and be pinged under zomboid role. Otherwise dont treat this as a dedicated server. It's just a local world for co-op. We will move to a dedicated host if the world gets enough traction and I find a stable place to host. So far we have a handful of players and 3 heavily active including myself. FRESH WIPE 3/14 Horde nights Helicopter events Tough zombies Bite only Brita's Weapons Tons of cars New locations Huge amount of QoL mods Tons of melee choices Fire spread off Skill journal PvP: There can be groups who can engage in PvP but be mindful it has to be under a sense of dialog and context which brings everything up to the action. No KOS. Don't point your weapon at random people unless your intention is to kill them or save them from a zombie. Players are not allowed to steal Skill Journals off corpses. They are there so people dont feel defeated and leave the server due to the skill grinds they'd have to restart. Be respectful of this. Feel free to leave a comment if you want to join or add me directly. Discord is recommended but not required. https://discord.gg/b8ACWEMhAj
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