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  1. *facepalm* I guess I should have tried this but didn't think about it with all that is going on around me, lol. Thanks!
  2. Hey so I'm running Server 2012 R2 on my box cos it is free for me or else I'd upgrade(lol), and I had to remove the startup parameter switch "-XX:+UseZGC" that I found in this reddit post here. (Which I don't think this is the issue, just thought I should mention it) All while it starts and runs nicely and I can connect to it, I cannot seem get the IP address that is assigned in the config file(I have 2 IP addresses available) and which also shows up on the admin's in-game config menu, to be the IP address that the server actually binds to; it simply chooses the first IP address available to the system. In game config screen: Server Console: Server Config File: Multiple addresses available on one NIC:
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