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Everything posted by akosgarai

  1. I recommend you to follow this tutorial: You need one image for the base map and another image for the vegetation.
  2. Thank you for the feedback. I will continue with using the win64 rules and blends config files.
  3. Hello. I am new to PZ modding and just started to play around with creating items, recipes, extending the carpentry menu with further objects that my character can build, etc. Now i want to create a map and populate it with my new stuff. I am following this tutorial: I have the base and vegetation images, i am able to drag and drop it to the WorldEd window but a have issues when i want to export it to TMX format. When I open the BMP To TMX window i have to configure the output directory and setup Rules.txt, Blends.txt and MapBaseXML.txt files. I am using the linux build of the tools, so i have set the Rules, Blends, and MapBase configs to point the ones i have found under the "TileZed/share/tilezed/config/" directory. But when i click to the OK button the following error message appears every time: A tile listed in Rules.txt could not be found. The missing tile is called 'blends_natural_01_080'. Please fix the invalid tile index or add the tileset if it is missing using the Tilesets dialog in TileZed. (while reading Rules.txt) I am sure that i am using the Tiles that i downloaded from the link above. Just for curiosity i have replaced the Rules and Blends txt files with the ones that i have found in the win64 version build that i have downloaded from the link above and with them the export went well without issues. Because i have no idea what those files are for i want to ask that is it safe to use the windows version of those configurations with the linux version? Or the config shipped with the linux build supposed to be fine and i have chosen them from a wrong directory?
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