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Everything posted by Geras

  1. Dlatego właśnie zawsze próbuje znaleźć słowo, które pasuje do obu płci - bezosobowe. W grę grają też osoby płci żeńskiej (sam jedną znam) W j. angielskim jest łatwo, bo jest "bezpłciowy" - jak sam zauważyłeś. Nie wliczam sytuacji, gdzie takie słowo w j. polskim nie występuje, np. "głuchy" nie ma formy bezosobowej (ale już np. "niedosłyszy" stosuje się i do męskiej i do żeńskiej formy), tak samo "uczeń", "pacyfista", "awanturnik" etc. etc. nie mają form bezosobowych i tych wypadkach zastosowałem formy męskie. EDIT: Nowe rzeczy: Spoiler UI_trait_WeakStomach = "Słaby żołądek",UI_trait_WeakStomachDesc = "Większe prawdopodobieństwo zatrucia pokarmowego",UI_trait_IronGut = "Silny żołądek",UI_trait_IronGutDesc = "Mniejsze prawdopodobieństwo zatrucia pokarmowego",UI_trait_Hemophobic = "Hemofobia",UI_trait_HemophobicDesc = "Panikuje podczas opatrywania ran; nie może udzielać pierwszej pomocy innym",UI_trait_Asthmatic = "Astma",UI_trait_AsthmaticDesc = "Szybciej się męczy",UI_trait_Scout = "Były harcerz",UI_trait_ScoutDesc = "+1 do pierwszej pomocy, +1 do zbieractwa", Recipe_Cut_Frog = "Wykrój mięso z żaby",Recipe_Open_Canned_Corned_Beef = "Otwórz puszkę solonej wołowiny",Recipe_Open_Canned_Corn = "Otwórz puszkę kukurydzy",Recipe_Open_Canned_Mushroom_Soup = "Otwórz puszkę zupy grzybowej",Recipe_Open_Canned_Peas = "Otwórz puszkę groszku",Recipe_Open_Canned_Potato = "Otwórz puszkę ziemniaków",Recipe_Open_Canned_Sardines = "Otwórz puszkę sardynek",Recipe_Open_Canned_Tomato = "Otwórz puszkę pomidorów",Recipe_Open_Canned_Carrots = "Otwórz puszkę marchewek", DisplayNamePot_of_Water = "Garnek z wodą",DisplayNameFrog = "Żaba",DisplayNameCanned_Corned_Beef = "Puszka solonej wołowiny",DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Corned_Beef = "Puszka solonej wołowiny - otwarta",DisplayNameCanned_Corn = "Puszka kukurydzy",DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Corn = "Puszka kukurydzy - otwarta",DisplayNameCanned_Mushroom_Soup = "Puszka zupy grzybowej",DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Mushroom_Soup = "Puszka zupy grzybowej - otwarta",DisplayNameCanned_Peas = "Puszka groszku",DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Peas = "Puszka groszku - otwarta",DisplayNameCanned_Potato = "Puszka ziemniaków",DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Potato = "Puszka ziemniaków - otwarta",DisplayNameCanned_Sardines = "Puszka sardynek",DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Sardines = "Puszka sardynek - otwarta",DisplayNameCanned_Tomato = "Puszka pomidorów",DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Tomato = "Puszka pomidorów - otwarta",DisplayNameCanned_Carrots = "Puszka marchewek",DisplayNameOpen_Canned_Carrots = "Puszka marchewek - otwarta",DisplayNameCherry = "Czereśnie",DisplayNameMint_Candy = "Miętówka",DisplayNameFrog_Meat = "Mięso żaby",DisplayNameCookie_Jelly = "Ciastko z galaretką",DisplayNamePineapple = "Ananas",DisplayNameAvocado = "Awokado",DisplayNameZucchini = "Cukinia",DisplayNameTofu = "Tofu",DisplayNameYoghurt = "Jogurt",
  2. Polish translation for build 31.4 - fixes and stuff. Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zlcwdq9hq3tfo9o/PL_build_31_fix_3.rar?dl=0
  3. Dodali nowe rzeczy do przetłumaczenia: UI Spoiler UI_mainscreen_challenges = "CHALLENGES", UI_prof_Carpenter = "Carpenter", UI_prof_Burglar = "Burglar", UI_prof_Chef = "Chef", UI_prof_Repairman = "Repairman", UI_prof_Farmer = "Farmer", UI_prof_Fisherman = "Fisherman", UI_prof_Doctor = "Doctor", UI_prof_Veteran = "Veteran", UI_prof_Lumberjack = "Lumberjack", UI_prof_Nurse = "Nurse", UI_prof_FitnessInstructor = "Fitness Instructor", UI_prof_BurgerFlipper = "Burger Flipper", UI_profdesc_xp1 = "Xp boost for %1", UI_profdesc_xp2 = "Big xp boost for %1", UI_profdesc_xp3 = "Huge xp boost for %1", UI_profdesc_unemployed = "8 free trait points", UI_characreation_MajorSkills = "Major Skills", UI_trait_deaf = "Deaf", UI_trait_fit = "Fit", UI_trait_obese = "Obese", UI_challenge_title = "CHALLENGES", UI_challengeplayer_title = "SELECT PLAYER", Tooltip Spoiler Tooltip_item_TaintedWater = "Tainted water", IG_UI Spoiler IGUI_perks_Strength = "Strength", IGUI_perks_Fitness = "Fitness", Context_Menu Spoiler ContextMenu_CleanBlood = "Clean blood" Moje propozycje: Spoiler UI_characreation_MajorSkills = "Główne umiejętności", UI_trait_deaf = "Głuchy", UI_trait_fit = "Wysportowanie", UI_trait_obese = "Otyłość", UI_challenge_title = "WYZWANIA", UI_challengeplayer_title = "WYBIERZ GRACZA", UI_mainscreen_challenges = "WYZWANIA", UI_prof_Carpenter = "Stolarz", UI_prof_Burglar = "Włamywacz", UI_prof_Chef = "Kucharz", UI_prof_Repairman = "Mechanik", UI_prof_Farmer = "Rolnik", UI_prof_Fisherman = "Rybak", UI_prof_Doctor = "Lekarz", UI_prof_Veteran = "Weteran", UI_prof_Lumberjack = "Drwal", UI_prof_Nurse = "Pielęgniarka", UI_prof_FitnessInstructor = "Instruktor fitness", UI_prof_BurgerFlipper = "Pracownik kebabu", UI_profdesc_xp1 = "Bonus doświadczenia do %1", UI_profdesc_xp2 = "Duży bonus doświadczenia do %1", UI_profdesc_xp3 = "B. duży bonus doświadczenia do %1", UI_profdesc_unemployed = "8 darmowych punktów cech", Tooltip_item_TaintedWater = "Skażona woda", IGUI_perks_Strength = "Siła", IGUI_perks_Fitness = "Kondycja", ContextMenu_CleanBlood = "Wyczyść krew" Sugestie?
  4. Dzięki, wprowadziłem poprawki. Wychodzi poznańska gwara Dzięki za zwrócenie uwagi. http://www.poznan.pl/mim/slownik/words.html?co=word&word=odkluczyć
  5. Thanks a ton for this release. I have been waiting for close to a month for it! You made my day Indie Stone!
  6. How does the Fireman work with Brawler trait? If I take both I get +4 to axe and 1 to blunt but where axe skill is it only shows +75%. Not even +125% which Fireman gives alone. Do those traits stack or exclude each other?
  7. Polish translation for build 31: fixes & stuff Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ymfk8ria1gy1ua8/PL_build_31_fix_2.rar?dl=0
  8. Resztę zrobiłem tak: IGUI_SetCode = "Set your Code", IGUI_EnterCode = "Enter the Digital Code", IGUI_SetCode = "Ustaw szyfr",IGUI_EnterCode = "Wprowadź szyfr", * * * DisplayNamePadlock = "Kłódka",DisplayNameCombination_Padlock = "Kłódka z szyfrem",DisplayNameKey = "Klucz",DisplayNameKey_Ring = "Kółko z kluczami", * * * ContextMenu_LockDoor = "Lock Door", ContextMenu_UnlockDoor = "Unlock Door", ContextMenu_PutPadlock = "Put Padlock", ContextMenu_PutCombinationPadlock = "Put Combination Padlock", ContextMenu_RemovePadlock = "Remove Padlock", ContextMenu_RemoveCombinationPadlock = "Remove Combination Padlock", ContextMenu_LockDoor = "Zaklucz drzwi", ContextMenu_UnlockDoor = "Odklucz drzwi", ContextMenu_PutPadlock = "Załóż kłódkę", ContextMenu_PutCombinationPadlock = "Załóż kłódkę z szyfrem", ContextMenu_RemovePadlock = "Zdejmij kłódkę", ContextMenu_RemoveCombinationPadlock = "Zdejmij kłódkę z szyfrem", * * * Skorzystałem także z Twoich sugestii dotyczących traitów.Zmieniłem jeszcze "Wyprany z emocji" na "Zimna krew", chyba pasuje lepiej.
  9. Polish translation updated for build 31. Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kjmu66gfx3u719h/PL_build_31.rar?dl=0
  10. UI_trait_DesensitizedDesc = "Doe not reach states of panic", Should be "does".
  11. I'd really like to see some diversity in terrain shape for sure!
  12. A windmill to generate electricity then?
  13. I like the idea of connecting cooking skill with preserving food. +1
  14. This looks awesome. My body is ready.
  15. Dziękuję za sugestie Poprawiłem: DisplayNameDirty_Bandage = "Bandaż" (moje niedopatrzenie), na DisplayNameDirty_Bandage = "Bandaż - brudny", DisplayNameTwine = "Sznurek", na DisplayNameTwine = "Dratwa", A "Pracownik budowlany" chyba jest ok, no nie? EDIT Nowe traity w buildzie 31: Spoiler UI_trait_FastHealer = "Fast Healer", UI_trait_FastHealerDesc = "Recovers quickly from injuries and illness", UI_trait_FastLearner = "Fast Learner", UI_trait_FastLearnerDesc = "Increased XP gains", UI_trait_FastReader = "Fast Reader", UI_trait_FastReaderDesc = "Takes less time to read books", UI_trait_AdrenalineJunkie = "Adrenaline Junkie", UI_trait_AdrenalineJunkieDesc = "Moves faster when highly panicked", UI_trait_Inconspicuous = "Inconspicuous", UI_trait_InconspicuousDesc = "Less likely to be spotted by zombies", UI_trait_LessSleep = "Wakeful", UI_trait_LessSleepDesc = "Needs less sleep", UI_trait_NightVision = "Cat's Eyes", UI_trait_NightVisionDesc = "Better vision at night", UI_trait_Packmule = "Organized", UI_trait_PackmuleDesc = "Increased container inventory capacity", UI_trait_LowThirst = "Low Thirst", UI_trait_LowThirstDesc = "Needs less water to survive", UI_trait_SelfDefenseClass = "Self Defense Class", UI_trait_SelfDefenseClassDesc = "+1 Blunt Guard and +1 Axe Guard", UI_trait_FirstAid = "First Aider", UI_trait_FirstAidDesc = "+1 First Aid", UI_trait_Fishing = "Angler", UI_trait_FishingDesc = "+1 Fishing", UI_trait_Gardener = "Gardener", UI_trait_GardenerDesc = "+1 Farming", UI_trait_Jogger = "Runner", UI_trait_JoggerDesc = "+1 Sprinting", UI_trait_SlowHealer = "Slow Healer", UI_trait_SlowHealerDesc = "Recovers slowly from injuries and illness", UI_trait_SlowLearner = "Slow Learner", UI_trait_SlowLearnerDesc = "Decreased XP gains", UI_trait_SlowReader = "Slow Reader", UI_trait_SlowReaderDesc = "Takes longer to read books", UI_trait_MoreSleep = "Sleepyhead", UI_trait_MoreSleepDesc = "Needs more sleep", UI_trait_Conspicuous = "Conspicuous", UI_trait_ConspicuousDesc = "More likely to be spotted by zombies", UI_trait_Disorganized = "Disorganized", UI_trait_DisorganizedDesc = "Decreased container inventory capacity", UI_trait_HighThirst = "High Thirst", UI_trait_HighThirstDesc = "Needs more water to survive", UI_trait_Illiterate = "Illiterate", UI_trait_IlliterateDesc = "Cannot read books", UI_trait_Insomniac = "Restless Sleeper", UI_trait_InsomniacDesc = "Slow loss of tiredness while sleeping", UI_trait_Pacifist = "Pacifist", UI_trait_PacifistDesc = "Less effective with weapons", UI_trait_ThinSkinned = "Thin-skinned", UI_trait_ThinSkinnedDesc = "Carries heightened risk of infection", UI_trait_Dexterous = "Dextrous", UI_trait_DexterousDesc = "Transfers inventory items quickly", UI_trait_AllThumbs = "All Thumbs", UI_trait_AllThumbsDesc = "Transfers inventory items slowly", UI_trait_Desensitized = "Desensitized", UI_trait_DesensitizedDesc = "Doe not reach states of panic", UI_trait_BarFighter = "Brawler", UI_trait_BarFighterDesc = "+1 Axe and +1 Blunt", UI_trait_PlaysBaseball = "Baseball Player", UI_trait_PlaysBaseballDesc = "+1 Blunt", UI_trait_Hiker = "Hiker", UI_trait_HikerDesc = "+1 Trapping and +1 Foraging", UI_trait_Hunter = "Hunter", UI_trait_HunterDesc = "+1 Trapping, +1 Sneak and +1 Aiming", UI_trait_Gymnast = "Gymnast", UI_trait_GymnastDesc = "+1 Lightfoot and +1 Nimble", UI_trait_FastHealer = "Szybka regeneracja", UI_trait_FastHealerDesc = "Szybciej wychodzi z chorób i urazów", UI_trait_FastLearner = "Bystry uczeń", UI_trait_FastLearnerDesc = "Zdobywa więcej punktów doświadczenia", UI_trait_FastReader = "Kurs szybkiego czytania", UI_trait_FastReaderDesc = "Czytanie książek zajmuje mniej czasu", UI_trait_AdrenalineJunkie = "Uzależnienie od adrenaliny", UI_trait_AdrenalineJunkieDesc = "Porusza się szybciej w stanie wysokiej paniki", UI_trait_Inconspicuous = "Niepozorność", UI_trait_InconspicuousDesc = "Mniejsza szansa na zauważenie przez zombie", UI_trait_LessSleep = "Nocny marek", UI_trait_LessSleepDesc = "Potrzebuje mniej snu", UI_trait_NightVision = "Oczy kota", UI_trait_NightVisionDesc = "Lepiej widzi w nocy", UI_trait_Packmule = "Zorganizowany", UI_trait_PackmuleDesc = "Pomieści więcej rzeczy w szafkach, plecakach etc.", UI_trait_LowThirst = "Niskie pragnienie", UI_trait_LowThirstDesc = "Potrzebuje mniej pić, aby przeżyć", UI_trait_SelfDefenseClass = "Lekcje samoobrony", UI_trait_SelfDefenseClassDesc = "+1 do gardy obuchów, +1 do gardy ostrzy", UI_trait_FirstAid = "Sanitariusz", UI_trait_FirstAidDesc = "+1 do pierwszej pomocy", UI_trait_Fishing = "Wędkarz", UI_trait_FishingDesc = "+1 do wędkowania", UI_trait_Gardener = "Ogrodnik", UI_trait_GardenerDesc = "+1 uprawy roślin", UI_trait_Jogger = "Biegacz", UI_trait_JoggerDesc = "+1 do biegania", UI_trait_SlowHealer = "Powolna regeneracja", UI_trait_SlowHealerDesc = "Wolniej wychodzi z chorób i urazów", UI_trait_SlowLearner = "Powolny uczeń", UI_trait_SlowLearnerDesc = "Zdobywa mniej punktów doświadczenia", UI_trait_SlowReader = "Wolno czyta", UI_trait_SlowReaderDesc = "Czytanie książek zajmuje więcej czasu", UI_trait_MoreSleep = "Śpioch", UI_trait_MoreSleepDesc = "Potrzebuje więcej snu", UI_trait_Conspicuous = "Rzuca się w oczy", UI_trait_ConspicuousDesc = "Większa szansa na zauważenie przez zombie", UI_trait_Disorganized = "Bałaganiarz", UI_trait_DisorganizedDesc = "Pomieści mniej rzeczy w szafkach, plecakach etc.", UI_trait_HighThirst = "Duże pragnienie", UI_trait_HighThirstDesc = "Potrzebuje więcej pić, aby przeżyć", UI_trait_Illiterate = "Analfabeta", UI_trait_IlliterateDesc = "Nie potrafi czytać książek", UI_trait_Insomniac = "Niespokojny sen", UI_trait_InsomniacDesc = "Poziom zmęczenia podczas snu spada wolniej", UI_trait_Pacifist = "Pacyfista", UI_trait_PacifistDesc = "Mniejsza biegłość w posługiwaniu się bronią", UI_trait_ThinSkinned = "Wrażliwa skóra", UI_trait_ThinSkinnedDesc = "Wyższe prawdopobieństwo infekcji", UI_trait_Dexterous = "Zręczność", UI_trait_DexterousDesc = "Szybciej przekłada przedmioty z i do ekwipunku", UI_trait_AllThumbs = "Dwie lewe ręce", UI_trait_AllThumbsDesc = "Wolniej przekłada przedmioty z i do ekwipunku", UI_trait_Desensitized = "Wyprany z emocji", UI_trait_DesensitizedDesc = "Nie ulega panice", UI_trait_BarFighter = "Awanturnik", UI_trait_BarFighterDesc = "+1 do ostrzy, +1 do obuchów", UI_trait_PlaysBaseball = "Gra w baseball", UI_trait_PlaysBaseballDesc = "+1 obuchów", UI_trait_Hiker = "Traper", UI_trait_HikerDesc = "+1 stawiania pułapek, +1 do zbieractwa", UI_trait_Hunter = "Myśliwy", UI_trait_HunterDesc = "+1 do stawiania pułapek, +1 do skradania się, +1 do celowania", UI_trait_Gymnast = "Gimnastyk", UI_trait_GymnastDesc = "+1 do cichego chodzenia, +1 do zwinności", Sugestie?
  16. So maybe 'stagnant' water for rain barrels and toilets and stuff and 'dirty' for rivers and lakes?
  17. Maybe 'polluted water'? It's more than sure that river and lake water have some nasty chemicals in them which you can get rid off (well most of them I think) by distilling so your still will have its use
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