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Everything posted by Maravel

  1. All of what's required to make vinegar is produce + water. Produce + water = vinegar : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MI3Zamei5s Vinegar + water = pickle (more than 2 years of shelf life): https://youtu.be/f6GoeIGOIxU?t=399 When produce is left under water, it forces microbes to do anaerobic respiration, transforming sugar into alcohol, this makes wine. Vinegar is when a specific type of bacteria also does that but whilst consuming alcohol to make acetic acid. Sugar isn't even a requirement as all produce will contain sugar at least in the form of celulose. A simple system would be: produce is placed on a barrel or jar with water after some time, a percentage of the mass of the produce is removed and with some of the water it becomes wine after some more time, a percentage of the wine is converted into vinegar no more hunting for little vinegar bottles, a farmer that has settled down will have plenty of vinegar for as much pickling as he needs, just like in the real world the wine part can be skipped, if it would be and overkill for a video game Romans imported pickles from foreign countries. Affluent roman households sometimes employed a "vinegar maker". People were making vinegar and pickling at home for thousands of years. Throughout history food was stored in bulk in pickle barrels. It's a major corner stone in real-world survival. This is how people farmed in the middle of nowhere without starving to death every year, it's how the great navigators could spend months in the sea. It's a rather important part of real-world primitive farming and survival that is missing in virtually all survival simulation games.
  2. Yes, in addition to conflating fermenting with vinegar pickling, perhaps the lid aspect is also an aspect of vacuum canning paired with sterilization. There's no need for canning. Microbes help to keep pickles acidic, when the acidity drops some bacteria will lightly consume the produce and produce vinegar. Meaning in the event that the pickle jar isn't 100% deadly to microbes, a few microbes that will do the anaerobic fermentation in the high-acidity of the jar will make sure the ph is bumped lower, so the produce is effectively conserving itself by producing its own vinegar; this is why vinegar and pickling are the bedrock of ancient civilizations.
  3. A proper pickle recipe could be: 2 units of water 2 units of vinegar produce jar + lid (and the lid is given back to you) The current recipe uses 10 units of water, this might be too much. You have to keep in mind that the produce will occupy much of the jar, so 2 units which are 2 cups in-game is already enough. It's the apocalypse after all, taking frugality into account it could even be 1 unit of vinegar and 1 unit of water, no sugar, no fermentation, no boiling, and that alone should last a full year bare-mininum before it begins to get stale.
  4. I'm not wasting any time, just dropping thought provoking questions about the pickling system. Why does the jar lid vanquishes when opening the jar? Why does it require sugar (for fermentation) but also boiling (sterilization)? Wouldn't the boiling make any fermentation impossible and sugar redundant? Why does it require sugar at all, seeing how even fermentation IRL doesn't require sugar? Wouldn't sugar/fermentation alter the final product? Why is boiling a requirement? A pickling mixture with vinegar and water is already meant to be sterile Why does the pickle outside the jar last forever? Basically the game conflates fermentation with long-term shelfing. It requires things that contradict each goal, it vanquishes with the jar lid, Boiling is a modern-world high-standard that is not a requirement for pickles seeing how not long ago people were selling pickles in open wooden barrels in the streets of New York, worth noting that the great navigators and ancient civilizations also just pickled food by tossing vinegar and water in any container.
  5. There's this game called Space Station 13 which is essentially a group survival simulation with jobs, and the potential spawn of a traitor with his own objectives. Zomboid is also a game with a lot of simulation mechanics, a good chunk of jobs and tasks have already been coded into the game, it wouldn't take much to jump from Zomboid to SS13 with a mod. It doesn't have to be in space, of course; it should be a survival colony building with plenty of rooms where many players will try to survive collectively to some sort of objective. A map can easily be made, with forum tutorials, the big problem would be the lobby and assignment of jobs and other UI things. I'm not sure how this could be modded. Players should spawn as invisible noclip ghosts that can't interact with anything, some UI or text prompt to select jobs should show up, and the server has to grant them the traits, telerpot them, and make them non-ghosts. I have no idea how to do these things, although it can be done through steps, merely being able to have this type of job selection in a colony building is already a nearly completed prototype, all else can be done by adding events and other mods that already are on the workshop or tailoring the map.
  6. I would like to preface with the fact that I have played this game for around 60 hours on multiplayer. I would say my assessment of multiplayer is pretty accurate. Multiplayer PVP has several problems, and I think they can be solved with a faction-only mode. Essentially, like the classic fps games, you join the server and you get a screen to select which faction you're in. It's not at all the problem that PvP is bad and every player is hostile or some petty complaining like that. Players don't want to interact with others, there's almost no multiplayer. As everyone is a potential hostile, there's no meaningful engagement leading to entire servers having players isolated, reducing the multiplayer to a single-player-with-a-chat. You make a character. You show up on the chat asking for a group, and you never find one. Players only engage with their friends and if their friends log-out they engage with nobody. This is no minor issue, after more than 60 hours of gameplay I barely could interact with players. A faction-only mode where the character selects a team at spawn would fix this as it would allow safe player interactions. What if you're playing with your friends and they all log out? What do you do? Don't worry, you'll have around 50% of the server on your team to interact and help. What happens when the faction leader logs out? No more new recruits. With two fixed teams this would not be a problem. Here's somewhat of an enumeration of the problems it would solve: Everyone gets a group right at character creation. People can create characters to be more pro-social and passive without worrying about this. Nope, everyone would train themselves to do their own plumbing, which is exactly what happens. But if people are matched with you from character creation and can't kill you, you might actually seek exchanges of services, like calling for the faction's mechanic. The "no pvp zone" everyone asks for? No need, problem solved. You might get a purpose right off the spawn. You can be the settler that unites your team or know the city your team is at which you need to secure and exchange intel on potential invaders. This happened to me, this is a problem that can happen in other games as well, the guy who creates the group first holds all the power just for doing it first. With fixed factions this wouldn't be an issue; the leaders are whoever rise to the occasion and want to do stuff. This can be done on the vanilla game mode, without drastically altering the player's freedom, or it can be more heavily tailored, for instance, another suggestion would be to limit the map. Multiplayer is about interacting with people, a single city is large enough for a whole server. So two factions with a spawn building each in a single city would be a lot nicer than the current vanilla. Two factions on a Louisville-only map would be sick. Maybe even have character classes presets to select and a specific starting building for each team.
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