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Everything posted by gusbighead

  1. Hello. I've been messing with textures recently, and I was wondering if it's possible to add new texture variations to base items code line like the T-Shirt color variations. For example: add a texture variation to the Military Backpack existing code line instead of create a new "Military Backpack Variation" item to the code. And another thing if you guys don't mind: I'm trying to add a custom icon to the TV variations (Antique, Black and Widescreen), but changing the "icon" line at the text isn't working properly, it just works if I spawn a new TV on my inventory. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance!
  2. 1174. Clothing topic, based on realism and what we see in game: Police hats, Chef hat and Golf cap should give insulation; Ranger hat and Boonie hat give almost the same insulation of a Beanie hat (should be similar insu. of Cowboy hat); Nuclear Biochemical Mask should have neck insulation/protection; Medical Coat shouldn't have neck insulation/protection; Padded Jacket and Hoddie does offer neck insulation/protection, but when hooded doesn't give anything (need to be fixed); Army Coat shouldn't give insulation/protection at the neck, and should give thighs insulation/protection; Poncho shoudn't give insulation/protection at the shins *and it gives insu./prot. at the head with the hood down (BUG)*, and should give insulation/protection when hooded (need to be fixed); Suit Jacket shouldn't give neck insulation/protection; Camo hunting, Foreman, Gray hunting, Green Camo hunting, High Visibility, and Orange Hunting Vests should give protection; Wedding jacket shouldn't give neck insulation/protection, and should give a little at the thighs; Diamond-pattern Sweater shouldn't give neck insulation/protection; Polo Sweater should have neck insulation/protection; Ghillie Suit Torso should have neck and thighs insulation/protection; Hazmat Suit should have head, hands and feet insulation/protection; Boxing gloves should have protection; Long gloves should have forearms insulation/protection; Long Shorts shouldn't have shin insulation/protection; Military Camo Shorts should have protection and shouldn't have shin insulation; Underwear should have some insulation; Boots, Rain boots and Riding boots should have shin insulation/protection.
  3. Edit: You are right! There is no gain here, honestly. Thanks for your reply!
  4. ...and here it is, another small suggestion. Edit: suggestion removed since there is no real gain. Sorry about that.
  5. I agree with you. I just want to add a point at the water's topic: A simple solution to "every building have water on the pipes" is to roll a chance to have a broken/jammed (or not) faucet at every sinks/bathtubs and similars, and a small chance to be tainted (here I think the toilet's water should always be tainted). The water is there, but the faucet is broken/jammed and (maybe) tainted, so you can't have a nice free water as always. You'll need to explore more to find a sink~ that is functional to carry it to your main base, or make it reparable with level X of Metalworking.
  6. ...and this is my small suggestion, again. Edit: added "Show/Hide Skills" button. The main goal here is to merge all the character information under one single tab to more accessibility, and make it more easy to showcase on screenshots/videos/live streams.
  7. ...and merged that with a "drag and drop/interactive equipment menu?" (inspired by PZ-ClothingUI mod). The slots here are empty with a background icon to show its respective slot. Just a small suggestion.
  8. The same is happening with me and my friend (both on steam, not dedicated server) and, along with this problem, we start to desync VERY bad: teleportations, frozen character (the other one) with repetitive movements, etc. We have noticed that it starts to happen after the server is running for a while. Closing and hosting again apparently fixes the problem for a while until it start to happen again. There is no connection problem between us and the ping remains normal at this process.
  9. I've encountered some erros too. The two Vehicles Recipe Magazines: English: "Laines Auto Manual - Commercial Models". Portuguese: "Revista Automotiva: Modelos Esportivos" (the correct is "Revista Automotiva: Modelos Pesados". It's better translated to "Modelos Comerciais" though.). English: "Laines Auto Manual - Performance Models" Portuguese: "Revista Automotiva: Modelos Pesados" (the correct is "Revista Automotiva: Modelos Esportivos". Better translated to "Modelos de Performance" too.). I'll back if I find more errors. EDIT: The items: Livro de Sobrevivência Vol.x = Livro de Coleta Vol.x Almofariz e PiLão; Abrir Balaclava = Balaclava Aberta Contundentes Longs (Longos) <-- this at the "Info" panel and Traits Selection Screen. Caixa de Papelão (25 Capacity) = Caixa de Papelão Grande Caixa de Papelão Grande (10 Capacity) = Caixa de Papelão EDIT: I've translated some VHS's titles. Hope it helps: Retail VHS VHS: Breaking Points (VHS: Pontos de Ruptura) VHS: Man on the Run (VHS: Homem em Fuga) VHS: Pleistocene Land (VHS: Terra do Pleistoceno) VHS: Home Invaders 2 (VHS: Invasores de Casas 2) VHS: Blood in the Hood (VHS: Sangue no Capuz) VHS: Lives Taken (VHS: Vidas Roubadas) VHS: Sordid Client (VHS: Cliente Sórdido) VHS: Dime Diamonds (VHS: Diamantes Baratos) VHS: Satin and Silk (VHS: Cetim e Seda) VHS: Three Deaths and a Divorce (VHS: Três Mortes e um Divórcio) VHS: Train Bomb (VHS: Trêm Bomba) VHS: You Are Dead (VHS: Você Está Morto) VHS: War Front (VHS: Frente de Guerra) VHS: All Over Again (VHS: Tudo De Novo) VHS: CyberKiller 2 (VHS: Assassino Cibernético 2) VHS: Strange Little Men (VHS: Homenzinhos Estranhos) VHS: Operation Fort Knox (VHS: Operação Fort Knox) VHS: Dying Strike (VHS: Golpe de Morte) VHS: Marriage License (VHS: Licença de Casamento) VHS: The Crying of the Foxes (VHS: O Choro das Raposas) VHS: The Danger in Your Bed (VHS: O Perigo em Sua Cama) VHS: Loveheart (VHS: Coração Amoroso) VHS: Return of the Nightwatcher (VHS: Retorno do Observador Noturno) VHS: Fred and Ali's Radical Journey (VHS: A Jornada Radical de Fred e Ali) VHS: Strangely True S2.01 (VHS: Estranhamente Verdadeiro) VHS: Space Crew S3.01 (VHS: Tripulação do Espaço) VHS: The Moderators S2.01 (VHS: Os Moderadores) VHS: The Magical Woodland E1 (VHS: A Floresta Mágica) VHS: The Omega Department S5.01 (VHS: O Departamento Ômega) VHS: The Janitor (VHS: O Zelador) VHS: Survival Instinct (VHS: Instinto de Sobrevivência) VHS: The Dog Goblin (VHS: O Cachorro-Duende) VHS: Global Warrior (VHS: Guerreiro Global) VHS: The Cook Show E1 (VHS: O Programa de Culinária) VHS: Woodcraft E1 (VHS: Artesanato em madeira) VHS: Exposure Survival E1 (VHS: Sobrevivência À Exposição) VHS: Simon's Fitness Club E1 (VHS: Academia de Ginástica de Simon) VHS: Carzone E1 (VHS: Zona do Carro) Home VHS (VHS Caseira) Home VHS: Janie's tape (VHS Caseira: Fita da Janie) Home VHS: Dad's shows (VHS Caseira: Programas do papai) Home VHS: MOM'S TAPE (VHS Caseira: FITA DA MAMÃE) Home VHS: Omega Department - DO NOT TAPE OVER (VHS Caseira: Departamento Ômega - NÃO GRAVAR POR CIMA) Home VHS: Kid shows (VHS Caseira: Programas infantis) Home VHS: 8th Birthday (VHS Caseira: 8º Aniversário) Home VHS: Wedding video!!!! (VHS Caseira: Vídeo do casamento!!!!) Home VHS: DAD'S TAPE DO NOT TOUCH (VHS Caseira: FITA DO PAPAI NÃO TOQUE) Home VHS: Moderators (VHS Caseira: Moderadores) Home VHS: Shows (VHS Caseira: Programas) Home VHS: QUIZ SHOWS (VHS Caseira: PROGRAMAS DE QUIZ) Home VHS: Sunset Drive (VHS Caseira: Passeio ao Pôr do Sol) Home VHS: Soaps Tape (VHS Caseira: Fita das Novelas) Home VHS: FLORIDA VACATION June 1991 (VHS Caseira: FÉRIAS EM FLÓRIDA Junho 1991) Home VHS: Alaskan Gulf Documentary (VHS Caseira: Documentário do Golfo do Alasca) Home VHS: Tempest (VHS Caseira: Tempestade) Home VHS: Grampa Message (VHS Caseira: Mensagem do Vovô) Home VHS: CAPE CANAVERAL VACATION July 1990 (VHS Caseira: FÉRIAS EM CABO CANAVERAL Julho 1990) Home VHS: Fort Knox Documentary (VHS Caseira: Documentário de Fort Knox) Home VHS: IRELAND VACATION 1989 (VHS Caseira: FÉRIAS NA IRLANDA 1989) Home VHS: LARRY'S RAP DEMO (PRACTICE) (VHS Caseira: DEMO DO RAP DO LARRY (TREINO) Home VHS: Omega Department ghost town (VHS Caseira: Cidade fantasma do Departamento Ômega) Home VHS: Magical Woodland Fox (VHS Caseira: Raposa da Floresta Mágica) Home VHS: Bauman and Triskel April 8 (VHS Caseira: Bauman e Triskel 8 de Abril) Home VHS: Bauman and Triskel April 15 (VHS Caseira: Bauman e Triskel 15 de Abril) Home VHS: Bauman and Triskel Feb 12 (VHS Caseira: Bauman e Triskel 12 de Fev) Home VHS: Dating Agency (Female) (VHS Caseira: Agência de Encontros (Feminino) Home VHS: Dating Agency (Male) (VHS Caseira: Agência de Encontros (Masculino) Home VHS: Reverend Quigley (VHS Caseira: Reverendo Quigley) Home VHS: For Scott (VHS Caseira: Para Scott) Home VHS: The Signs of Satanism (VHS Caseira: Os Sinais do Satanismo) Home VHS: Brushing Your Teeth with Zachary Bunny (VHS Caseira: Escovando Seus Dentes com Coelhinho Zachary) Home VHS: Little Tom's 4th Bday (VHS Caseira: 4º Aniver do Pequeno Tom) Home VHS: Jenn's 18th (VHS Caseira: 18 Anos da Jenn) Home VHS: D&M's Wedding (VHS Caseira: Casamento de D&M) Home VHS: Our Wedding 1.19.88 (VHS Caseira: Nosso Casamento 19.1.88) Home VHS: Quentin's 16th (VHS Caseira: 16 Anos do Quentin) Home VHS: Grandma's 80th (VHS Caseira: 80 Anos da Vovó) Home VHS: Keith's Big Birthday! (VHS Caseira: Grande Aniversário da Keith!) Home VHS: ELIJAH 1ST BDAY (VHS Caseira: 1º ANIVER DO ELIJAH) Home VHS: Will/Ana Wedding (VHS Caseira: Casamento de Will/Ana) Home VHS: Dad's boring golf crap (VHS Caseira: Porcaria do golfe chato do papai) Home VHS: Riverside Classic '92 (VHS Caseira: Clássicos de Riverside '92) Home VHS: Golf #14 (VHS Caseira: Golfe #14) Home VHS: School recital (VHS Caseira: Recital da escola) Home VHS: Dangerous Strangers with Jemima Bunny (VHS Caseira: Estranhos Perigosos com Coelho Jemima) Home VHS: Omega Department S3 E2 (VHS Caseira: Departamento Ômega S3 E2) Home VHS: our world #9 (VHS Caseira: nosso mundo #9) Home VHS: foxes doc (VHS Caseira: documentário das raposas) Home VHS: Gators doc (VHS Caseira: Documentário dos jacarés) Home VHS: Brent's 21st (VHS Caseira: 21 Anos do Brent) Home VHS: Baby Summer! (VHS Caseira: Verão do Bebê!) Home VHS: Muhammet's First Words (VHS Caseira: Primeiras Palavras de Muhammet) Home VHS: Gabby first steps (VHS Caseira: Primeiros passos de Gabby) Home VHS: Hao First Words! (VHS Caseira: Primeiras Palavras de Hao!) Home VHS: HOLLYWOOD INSIDER SPECIAL (VHS Caseira: ESPECIAL DOS BASTIDORES DE HOLLYWOOD) Home VHS: New kitties! (VHS Caseira: Novos gatinhos!) Home VHS: Playing with Bruce (VHS Caseira: Brincando com Bruce) Home VHS: Spiffo World June 1992 (VHS Caseira: Mundo de Spiffo Junho 1992) Home VHS: muldraugh v west point soccer (VHS Caseira: muldraugh v west point futebol) Home VHS: Riverside vs West Point footie (VHS Caseira: Riverside vs West Point fut) Home VHS: horse race (VHS Caseira: corrida de cavalo) Home VHS: English Cup (4.12.91) (VHS Caseira: Copa Inglesa (12.4.91) Home VHS: Granny Nani (VHS Caseira: Vovó zinha) Home VHS: Tailoring 101 (VHS Caseira: Costurando 101) Home VHS: TV repair (VHS Caseira: Reparo de TV) Home VHS: Combat Wound Management (VHS Caseira: Gerenciamento de Feridas de Combate)
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