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BoomShaka's Achievements

  1. • 41.61 • Multiplayer • Dedicated • No mods • Reproduction steps: 1. Play on server for some time 2. Player playing on host network notices desync ( doesn't see me standing in front of them, I still see them moving properly) 3. I disconnect and attempt to reconnect 4. Server gives P2P error 5. Host player notices tons of packet loss messages on server AFTER all these steps have happened all at once This is happening over solid internet connections. Server is ethernet, all clients have max strength wifi.
  2. • 41.61 • Multiplayer • Dedicated • No mods • Reproduction steps: 1. Other player on server drinks or washes something 2. Sounds continuously loops originating from them 3. If the other player disconnects the sound continues from the spot they left 4. Sound stops if I (the player hearing the sounds) reconnects This seems to only be an issue with one of the 3 players on our server. It seems to only happen with wet noises like drinking or washing clothes etc.
  3. • 41.61 • Multiplayer • Dedicated • No mods • Reproduction steps: 1. Equip lighter in secondary (haven't tested in primary) 2. Lighter starts equipped in the "on" state 3. Lighter depletes in a matter of seconds This is an issue when using molotovs, since sometimes the light from the lighter isn't obvious and the lighter depletes in the seconds before you realize its on. I don't think this is intended since the lighter is meant to last maaaaany cigarettes and quite a few molotovs. I have gone through 4-5 lighters in the process of throwing less than 10 molotovs. Also someone posted already that they think the lighter is disappearing when equipped after the molotov. I believe this also happened to me but I was not able to reproduce.
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