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Everything posted by IronCoffins

  1. I really like this idea, finding someones body and reading there experiences they kept. As far as the pencils & pens are concerned guess have a xx amount of letters typed then the pencils gone, and ect. If that would work
  2. yes the clothing system does need alittle fine tuning, however till then i'll go pick me out my next favorite color vest or sweater!
  3. the dead dident rise to raid are pantrys for pork & beans and bad chicken. However the rotten food should at least get your sick after awhile if not removed within a set time, same for the dead?ish? Zombie corpses. Welcome by the way!
  4. Excellent, Excellent Good work devs
  5. i can i change spawn coordinates to start in this town, instead of walking to it?
  6. live on the roof top for the rest of my days, and piss and shit on the zombies from up above
  7. thank you, thank you! i'll be here all night
  8. Has nobody learned the virtue of patience these days, wtf ppl. Yea this games goes into 3 or 4 yrs dev right? Well for those that love star wars so much must of had a rough rough unhappy,"WHERE MY FKIN STAR WARS AT" life, considering they had to wait 16yrs for the next episode For this game is the expression of the artist itself, its there art and as beautiful as it is, but instead of embracing what it has to offer we complain about what it should havefer, its like everything that becomes new, as the builds goes on turns into, whats next, this old, im bored. Cant wait. just wow i guess i cant and never will understand it.
  9. You know what the sad part of all this is,and i can see why you can be"irritated" at times with it to and thats explaining yourself over & over i mean, about the same stuff. How many posts on Facebook & here about "When NPC's comming?" yea the community wants it and you guys are hard at work to give it. That aside you guys have other works in the process to attend, like i, go to work for 9 hrs a day come home to play alittle zomboid & not ruin the moment with WHERE THE F*%K MY NPC's AT?!? then come to this site or others and say the same shit again, maybe even worse and give it a bad review. Either way im here to have fun in the end, dident post the videos or anything to throw in anyone's face Best of luck to you Dev's for your work & hardship,that saying for everyone else they can decide to shut it all down at anytime as states the intro/b4 menu. Man would i miss my Spiffo at night though,
  10. 1.) have no idea 2.)hope so 3.) i never played the game when it did have em so there's nothing to miss on my part, however seeing these thing here has gotten me excited about npc though, cough phew what cobwebs hehe. Mondoid-01-07-2013 http://projectzomboid.com/blog/2013/01/tales-from-the-metaverse/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvHWTPzBwgY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsL_7xQnCSA all in good time, my friend
  11. really great job from all you guys i had quite a few good laughs. Off to play PZ before work(True story called off work the official day i played this game, i say that cuz when i bought the game, looking for a good survival horror game in mind i played just alittle before hittin the bed for the night. However the following morning when i cranked it up before work........
  12. my fav is Insane Amount, power & water shutoff in 1-5 years. Loot setting at its highest. Vision poor,smell poor, hearing pinpoint. Slow weakens, Memory long, slow shamblers, toughness weak, strength normal
  13. The idea is sound, and in a survival state I'd do about anything to keep anything right? Good idea, and their can be all sorts of stuff in the world to plug up the drain, if its broke or anything.
  14. I'm sorry if this has been suggested already i flipped though several pages on here and diddent find anything. But first of want to thank the devs for this, what a dream to have a zombie simulator game, i used to think about this kind of stuff when i would play the first few resident evil games. Thank you so much, and hard work to all of you, been playin this game since 2.5 and alots happens since then impressive. Ok, well i suggest to have some type of indicator like a time stamp, displaying to the player how long perishable food as before its bad. Their could be all sorts of ways for this to happen or become possible even. Such as needed your cooking skill higher to have a more accurate "guess" on the food that could go bad. Maybe have a starting to smell indicator, eat soon. I mean i know the Perishable stuff is going to rotten sooner or later, but a detailed freak like me, its cool to have, so i know what to cook tonight. I see someone suggested on here about caning and jarring perishable food, wonderful idea!!
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