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  1. thinking of it! have you tried nosteam mode? That's what me and my wife play on for online since we can't co-op with one copy on steam. without stream co-op. Also i use most of those mods except 92 AM, Brita, Weapon condition and trait description, and fire arms b41and it works fine.
  2. played online with my wife and haven't had this issue. hmmm i wish i could help but not sure whats causing it on your side. If someone knows if its mod related or hardware or internet settings please post here for information. Thanks for the report Vonobo
  3. update for place holder later.
  4. Just shoot those authors a PM on donating to them. They might accept donations, others may refuse money because their work they share is a act of kindness to others and that makes them feel good to help others. Who knows donating to them might inspire them to keep refining the experience they made.
  5. Update: Zombie settings: Smelling, seeing, walking speed i recommend a random setting. So that not every zombie is the same.
  6. Update: Melee combat and environmental reaction. *pushing zombies into other zombies causes stumbling,tripping, falling *when zombies are on the ground and a zombie walks on top of the grounded zombie, it causes tripping (chance) and falling (chance) for that zombie *placing small bits of furniture can cause tripping to zombies that cross objects like tables, chairs, and other obstacle placed items *Zombies falling on objects a certain amount of times can break the object and loosen parts. *If hordes of zombies are in (wooden.plasture, and other burnable materials) you can take a match and some gas jugs while sneaking and burn the house down to rid the horde.
  7. thanks for patching up GoG quickly! Bless you all.
  8. update 3: Vehicles receive winter transitional textures over time during snow fall. IE:(Snow build up on vehicles. Ammunition expansion: *Ammunition maker for making bullets with metal and gun powder extracted from objects that relate to gun powder or flammable substances. crafted with ammo presses. (different calibers of ammo presses to make ammo for certain guns.) Lighting: *Lighters and matches and candles and oil lamps can be used as a alternative light source Throwing action: *Throwing objects can also be used to stun enemies from a distance which can be used with making noises or attacking as suggested above. Throwing items will require easier access of the item wheel to quickly reload and throw items accordingly to hand use. Controller could suggest almost the same concept as Magazine reload (R1 Button/ R Bumper) as long as you have duplicate items and are not switching weapons at the time Throw is loaded. Animations: -*Request for easier animation integration for mod support in the future would bee nice for animators who want to expand on ideas. -*its probably a given but sleeping, sitting, opening fridge and many other animations that add small details would be another suggestion but you all probably have ideas on that as more work is done. Leaning against walls, or sitting reclined wounded on the floor are just some touches of realism. Model Rigging: * Unsure but more belt attachments, bullet vests, leg holsters, pouches, body satchels, calf knife sheaths and other creative body gear attachments could be added for more gearing up in the midst and immersion and of course player support.
  9. i'd figure i'd also post my update here to. -Trade: Controller and mouse support *openings trade menu lets (transfer open to players inventory) by Click transfer > (Name of player) *Adding Give to menu adds only 1 item to to player inventory near by without menu trade. by item> right click or controller the Item> Name of player. *If player has a bag and your behind the player Select items to put into bag acting like the same principles as bandaging players. by item>transfer> player names bag/satchel/backpack/etc -(hygiene / medical) * soap acts like a mild disinfectant on wounds when selecting wash with soap as long as present in inventory *adding mild disinfectant and status should also suggest a milder difficulty which also should add a new status called deep infection or festered infection (requiring bottled disinfectant) *deep infection happens when wounds are not tended to and washed without water every so often. *add rinse wounds and clean wounds (soap/dish detergent) to water sources -Investigation mode suggestion Trash.debris piles, shelves, car floorboard, cabinets and what not should contain secret keys, ammo, useful nicknacks if detected, and sometimes lore building story finds. Practicing investigation mode increases a new skill called perception, increasing loot and other events on corpses , garbage and other hidden pockets and areas acting like Luck but manually triggering items and story items into play. -Perception with investigation will cause the item to flicker and shimmer a white light on their pockets, lockets, under cars, pipes, toilets and other places. -Unsanitary finds requires cleaning so you don't get sick your self. -Perception can also unlock new ways to hide in furniture and other environmental areas. more update suggestions to come later as i think about it.
  10. -Trade: Controller and mouse support *openings trade menu lets (transfer open to players inventory) by Click transfer > (Name of player) *Adding Give to menu adds only 1 item to to player inventory near by without menu trade. by item> right click or controller the Item> Name of player. *If player has a bag and your behind the player Select items to put into bag acting like the same principles as bandaging players. by item>transfer> player names bag/satchel/backpack/etc -(hygiene / medical) * soap acts like a mild disinfectant on wounds when selecting wash with soap as long as present in inventory *adding mild disinfectant and status should also suggest a milder difficulty which also should add a new status called deep infection or festered infection (requiring bottled disinfectant) *deep infection happens when wounds are not tended to and washed without water every so often. *add rinse wounds and clean wounds (soap/dish detergent) to water sources -Investigation mode suggestion Trash.debris piles, shelves, car floorboard, cabinets and what not should contain secret keys, ammo, useful nicknacks if detected, and sometimes lore building story finds. Practicing investigation mode increases a new skill called perception, increasing loot and other events on corpses , garbage and other hidden pockets and areas acting like Luck but manually triggering items and story items into play. -Perception with investigation will cause the item to flicker and shimmer a white light on their pockets, lockets, under cars, pipes, toilets and other places. -Unsanitary finds requires cleaning so you don't get sick your self. -Perception can also unlock new ways to hide in furniture and other environmental areas. more update suggestions to come later as i think about it.
  11. I requested it in support but no assurance on a date yet can we get a update on 41 multiplayer release in GoG? And if not is it okay to get a downloaded back up of the update even though i bought the game?
  12. Fortified actions: *Push/burricade - exhaust/tire/fatigue (after use) (burricade windows and doors using inside furniture) *Rigged Car door shields- heavy/ over encumbered/ high protection (great to quickly push though a floor of zombies, makes one slow on foot) *Land mine- Jerry Rig home made trip explosives around houses. (cans, bottles, ropes, gun powder, alchohol, flint, lead, metal ore) - Nothings to troublesome for the prepared at bed time. Sanitary actions: * open wonds and decayed blood do not mix (infection,sick,festered wound) (zombie guts and decay got into my wound from combat or clothing off the dead) *slight blood stains on branched trees and bushes to indicate unsanitary route on travel (one needs a keen eye, even zombies travel the woods with bloody cuts.) *hygiene is key - showers are a great way to lessen infection by washing of running water on wounds. Baths are risky on cuts for the water is not flowing but storing. However Baths do tend to boost happiness with heat. Comedic Traps: *home alone your base with humorous traps. (lasso in a window, slam a window on a not so wise zombie? Not a problem get a laugh because of sheer stupidity.) (marble? Not a problem let them scooby do while we mozey through the back door.) (Dynamite the door handle? Not a problem the door will knock back.) (Ketchup bottle a zombies mouth and no bites no problem, Oh need better effect toilet plunger their face and they can't see nor bite.) (hot stove with boiling water in a cooking moment, grab the zombie for a dunk of hot gritz or burner, or roasted zombie.) Sharp shooter: *The ability to aim for limbs at specific skill Cripple them, shoot the leg, shoot the jaw, (longer aim gets a critical cripple shot depending on the caliber and power of the weapon) Shotguns might blow off half a torso, legs, head, while magnums and rigles might blow smaller chunks. the higher the skill more lethal the shot.) Weather also effects zombies : * snow slows down zombies, slows down decay of flesh. * Rain speeds up decay and Regimortis (stiffness) * Heat increases decay smell but prevents zombies from smelling very well. Hiding is sometimes the way: Hiding in spaces under beds, closets, cars, boxes, and other spaces might be useful for intrusional situations. Distraction with throwing sounds: Bottles, ammo casings, bricks, windows shatter, and other utilities to pull zombies away from your attention NPC and world building relationships producing story: *Having someone to protect even family in the days you have. *Rioters and bandits might loot one day. *Strangers might be blessings in the rough.
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