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  1. I think it's a really cool idea to have some kind of system to make trading a little easier, but I think one of the issues with using ears is that they wouldn't have much inherent value. If you can trade them in somewhere for items, that would definitely create a push for players to actually use them in MP.
  2. Based on recent testing I've done, I was curious if anyone had a greater degree of knowledge with JVM tuning for low latency and execution speed. Ideally, in depth documentation on JVM arguments would be best, but I seem to be having a hard time finding it. Recently I was poking around with the zomboid launch script when I decided to try added a few parameters to it in a bid to see if I could improve performance. Since the latest IWBUMS version runs on Java 15 and takes advantage of ZGC, I tried adding the following options: -XX:+AlwaysPreTouch -XX:ParallelGCThreads=4 -XX:ConcGCThreads=4 As it turns out, this combined with a higher maximum heap size (-Xmx8g) seemed to drastically improve performance and seriously reduce garbage collection time. (For reference, I'm running on a Ryzen 1700, 16GB DDR4@3200MHz) My machine's a bit aged at this point but having a friend try this out on their end, spawning in to raven creek with the suvivors mod, insane spawns and a massive amount of other mods all while zoomed all the way out brought their performance from powerpoint levels to roughly 40FPS. I'm mostly curious what further improvements could be made with just JVM tuning at this point, I know these settings aren't the defaults because it would not be ideal for most computers to run the game with them, but for the sake of individual system performance I think it would be helpful to know.
  3. Went looking for something in regards to this I thought I'd seen forever ago, turns out I was dead wrong, looks like the only way currently to mod the game is through lua and the other plaintext file formats zomboid supports. It would be cool to be able to mod the game on an engine level but I get the feeling, given we already have the lua API, that we likely won't see it happen.
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