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Everything posted by EuphoriaToRegret

  1. Out of curiosity, what does the "Trait cost rebalance" cover? Anything in particular that was too cheap or too expensive?
  2. Like Ciber Ninja said: Replace full cell The Prison is most likely its own entire building rather than edited within the world itself. How important is the fence in being in the world itself and not simply a building with a fence around it? I don't honestly have time to test it myself (I think it's kinda important in my own stuff later) but I would try putting the fence in the building first and simply placing the building in such a way that the cell fence matches the world fence.
  3. This is the new files I placed (I had this set up before, I forgot to put them back in after deleting the entire folders and restarting from scratch) It still doesn't show up as being an option the enable. I did place all of this correctly, correct? Edit: I should also specify I looked at the workshop's folder for the ModTemplate just to see if there was something I could look at in there to determine why It isn't showing up as a possible choice, but it looks like it's exactly the same as what I've put in (albeit, it lacks a ton of the other files needed). Edit 2: I fixed this entire problem by putting all the files in the same manner as a workshop mod and it worked perfectly fine. I have no idea why placing it in the mods folder wouldn't work, but that would work. Either way, I'll say this is fixed for now.
  4. I've got an issue where I simply cannot see the map within the mods section of Project Zomboid to enable it. I've tried to follow this, and Blackbeard's tutorials, but this particular part has me stumped on why it isn't working. Everything up to the actual exporting seems to be the problem as I had no problem making the .bmp maps as well as using TileZed and WorldEd. The locations I've set for the files are here: Is there anything in particular I may have missed? (I am currently using Build 41)
  5. I haven't really gotten too into the Multiplayer scene yet (most servers don't have a loot respawn system and that makes it pretty difficult to survive) and I can already see many uses for player traps. As, after all, people DO need to sleep themselves. But would it scale off of construction, or another kind of skill?
  6. Very similar to one of the other instances I died in. I was running across a street, opened a window, jumped in the house, turned around to start shooting zombies with my 9mm, and I dropped dead. x.x You're right, indeed x.x However, I'm sure if you asked a lot of people who had played multiplayer with their friends, for a long time, and were eating only vegetables they had grown, then maybe we'd see more results? I dunno. I haven't tried to play PZ multiplayer since one of my survivor buddies is off somewhere, but when he comes back, I'll make sure to shove tomatoes down his throat to find out.
  7. All the tomatoes were stacked on each other, so it could be possible that some were rotten and the game wasnt displaying it? Even then, the problem still persists that my friends have all been eating the tomatoes, and they haven't died. I must have just been unlucky to receive the rotten tomatoes, or something else ridiculous is happening x.x
  8. That is the only thing I can think of for as to why I would die, but my friends ate them as well as I did, so wouldn't they die too? I'm just so confused by this x.x
  9. Yep, Thats it. I just got bandit raided by Chuck Norris' invisible fist of death fury I'm in favor of a mod involving a Chuck Norris looking zombie that can break walls
  10. Thats possible, but at the same time, It wouldn't have affected the last time I died. When I joined the server, I had a hungry moodlet. I ate 2 tomatoes and was fine. About 8 or so minutes later, while searching a house with my friend, I dropped dead. I'll keep a look out for that food moodlet the next time I join and see if that's the reason I'm actually dying.
  11. So, On my friends server, I've ran into a problem. I was deemed the carpentry guy, was given all the xp multiplier books, and sent to work in order to create the walls/safehouse. After a while of playing, normally about 4 or 5 hours, my character just dies. For absolutely no reason. No bites, not sick, not hungry, not shot, not overburdened, nothing. He/She will just be walking and then BAM; Im laying dead on the floor and the death music is playing. Only I have experienced this problem, none of my friends have... yet. Does anyone know what the hell might be happening as to where I'll take no damage and simply die? Nothing in my console, or the server console, says anything interesting regarding my death. This is, absolutely, infuriating to me. I would be fine if I was dying at my own negligence, but something like this?
  12. Banned for not liking Necrophilia in the first place.
  13. Snow, and leaves during fall, would make interesting aspects. It could be pretty cool to be able to see footsteps or even add slight noise when stepping on snow (The crunch from being "Heavy") I kind of think of that in the way Don't Starve works. That you might need to end of crafting, or finding, heavier clothing for the Winter season (like heavy jackets).
  14. This is extremely unlikely as NPC work was entirely on ice during the run-up for Steam release, and the devs are only now getting back to it. Had they been only a couple of weeks away from getting NPCs into a workable state, they would most likely have squeezed it in already, seeing as it is one of the game's key elements. Well, I don't think they would want to "squeeze it in" when they've just released to steam. The IS team seems to never want any bugs to exist ever. However, I didn't know they completely stopped working on NPCs considering the amount of mondoids relating to them.
  15. You may not even need to wait a few months. Hopefully, the NPCs will be out within a few weeks. For all I know, NPCs could be released in the next update. To answer your question though, I'd imagine that NPC behavior could be modded. Not sure how easy it will be to do it.
  16. Blacksmithing/Metalsmithing is actually a nice idea, especially In multiplayer when you've got a group of people that you all want to do something for the better of the group. Air dropped supplies is nice, but does it make sense? I mean, why would the military be dropping supplies into an area that looks to be covered in the undead? I'd imagine, early on, it makes sense, but when you're into like day 3 or 4 and not even NPCs are running around, the military probably wont be so happy to help. and finally, the warehouse. Its interesting that you could trade with other groups of NPCs, but I feel like the warehouse itself shouldnt be just IN the game. I mean, you would know right off the bat where a nice area of supplies is. Another idea would be to have the military roll through every once and awhile (like a patrol) and being able to kill them and take all their nice goodies. One thing I have to say is that food itself won't just "respawn." Your group will need to find a way to create a large supply while still making it efficient. Farming is extremely important later on in the game, by that time, all the food that is in the surrounding houses and markets will most likely have been consumed by you or a past character.
  17. It's too bad the game doesn't have some ridiculous coding options. Like making a sniper that causes zombies to turn into red mist.
  18. Just because you're post #69 does not mean we shall not continue our rampage! For 666 and beyond!
  19. That seems perfectly safe and totally wont lead to "super zombies." Kinda reminds me of a movie a watched where some zombie gained the ability of thought and taught a huge corpse army how to use weapons, jump fences, etc. then marched onto the survivor capital, which I think was New York city.
  20. Well, there is the forums that tells you when a new download/update is ready. However, your best bet, if you play from steam, is to just look at the game page every once and awhile. A notification would be nice, though, the perfect option would be to just send out a notification to the forum messenger. Yes, but it doesn't tell you specifically if a game was updated. He/she wants to know if the game has actually been updated without having to check it everyday.
  21. You like to use the word "euphoria". Do you by chance own a fedora? As a matter of fact, I do own one. Not sure where it is though.
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