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  1. I have also encountered this. In a related matter, i also seems like you cant build through windows anyome. Trying to place a wooden floor on the oposite side of an open window yields the same results as here. Your character simply equips the hammer and stands next to the open window, doing nothing
  2. Hey Ringo, Thanks for taking the time to reply. If above code is working, i must simply be misunderstanding somthing. I have impletemented code extacly as specified, but the room definition to which i have added my custom procedural distribution list to, does'nt seem to pull from the list, even though i have specifically written (for testing purposes) that at least 1 of each item should spawn at least once in the container. local function preDistributionMerge() ProceduralDistributions.list.CustomList = { rolls = 1, items = { "CustomItemFile.CustomItem1", 100, "CustomItemFile.CustomItem2", 100, "CustomItemFile.CustomItem3", 100, "CustomItemFile.CustomItem4", 100, "CustomItemFile.CustomItem5", 100, }, } end Events.OnPreDistributionMerge.Add(preDistributionMerge); local customDistTable = { pharmacystorage = { metal_shelves = { procedural = true, procList = { {name="CustomList", min=1, max=6}, } }, } } table.insert(Distributions, 2, customDistTable); Is it simply a matter of checking enough containers till the items start showing up? Ive restarted a number of times and checked viable containers, but i still havnt seen the custom items. Any insights would be appreciated.
  3. Is there a tutorial available somwhere that shows how to add a custom procedural distribution list to an existing room definition? I can't seem to find one, and i feel like ive hit a wall trying to acomplish this.
  4. @TheCommanderIs there a way to add a reference to a prodecural list (like a custom list) in an existing container in an existing room? Im tryin to add a new reference to the "pharmacystorage" room on the "metal_shelves" container like so: table.insert(Distributions.pharmacystorage.metal_shelves.procList,'{name="CustomList", min=1, max=6}'); This line of code keeps throwing a nullpointer, saying that "metal_shelves" does not exist on the pharmacystorage element. From Distributions.lua: pharmacystorage = { isShop = true, metal_shelves = { procedural = true, procList = { {name="MedicalStorageDrugs", min=1, max=6}, {name="MedicalStorageTools", min=1, max=4}, {name="MedicalStorageOutfit", min=1, max=2}, } }, fridge = { procedural = true, procList = { {name="FridgeWater", min=0, max=12}, } }, freezer = { rolls = 0, items = { } }, counter = { procedural = true, procList = { {name="MedicalClinicDrugs", min=1, max=4}, {name="MedicalClinicTools", min=1, max=2}, {name="MedicalClinicOutfit", min=1, max=2}, } } }, What am i missing here? EDIT: I have since found a solution that no longer throws any errors, and from what i can tell from the object stack in the debugger, the custom procedural distribution list gets added to the existinng room refinition. However, the game does not seem to want to pull items from the custom list, even though i have given the custom items a high priority, and ensured that min = max in the proc. dist. list
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