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Everything posted by Aricane

  1. Good high quality bug reports including description, steps to reproduce, logs and stuff like that is probably one of the things that speeds up development the most. Bugtracking is extremely time consuming.
  2. While waiting for Thuztor's response - I'm curious, because I've been trying to fix it unsuccesfully. How did you manage to do it?
  3. Yes of course. I was just mentioning it, in case that OP was unaware of it.
  4. You don't mention the Sleeping overhaul mod in this post. Is that because you're unaware it?
  5. It's a good idea. I just haven't got around forcing the modders to actively choose which version their mod fits. The main problem is to get modders to update their mods when a new game version is released. If we could make them do that, it would usually make it more obvious what mods fits which versions. May I suggest leaving a comment to the mod author on pz-mods.net. He'll be notified about it and the more comments he gets, the bigger change there is, that he will update it.
  6. There's a raincoat mod by Kinyoshi, maybe that will fit your needs
  7. And we'll probably keep supporting, lurking, critisizing etc. even if steam endeavour not turn out as expected. Lots of love!
  8. Have you checked out this thread? http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/1808-not-being-able-to-able-to-run-latest-zomboid-on-linux-64-bit/
  9. @kubsky well, starting to fire shotguns does attract those near by. The fact that they spawn in a rectangle seems to be a bug as discussed in this thread. But you're near town and firing a shotgun - well that's just a little like sending an invite.
  10. Check this out http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/1507-how-i-run-pz-through-steam-on-ubuntu-1204-64bit/?hl=%2Blinux+%2Bsteam It's working on steam for me on Ubuntu. I'm using java 64, but downladed a 32bit lib from java.com, which I use solely for steam
  11. How would you benefit from having the holster? Weight reducement? Right now using the keys 2, 3 and 4 (or 1,2,3) makes you equip a gun, a blunt weapon or a blade.
  12. Am I the only one who won't share with NPC? They are all eaters!!! Go away you vermin, no soup for you!
  13. Mmhh you should try using them in a tasty soup! It's really yummy!! Sarcasm apart, use brocolli, butter, salmon, steak, peas, and chickens for soups! It doesn't matter if they are rotten or not.
  14. Yeah, it works with 16
  15. I think vonVile made a mod for that. It's called Pillow Multi-Tool.
  16. Ask for help amoung the modding community like Robo and those guy they done a lot of great things for the game that involves some quite in depth modding. I suggest getting the light files for the torch and working around them as staying on as they are placed on the ground. Look at campfire files and just look at what they have done. I'd like to help but I am a bit preoccupied Actually he already is kind of helping me. There's usually a small Robomat flavor about everything I do
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