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  1. Hello. I'd like to suggest having a small update to the current notebooks and pages. I as a player like to use notebooks to write character diaries or simply record items, currently the PZ notebooks are these cramped little black boxes, barely any space, or personality not to even mention that they're only 10 pages long! I'd like to see in the future a small overhaul to notebooks and pages. A different look, the ability to write with colored pens, and a pencil. Making it a bit more similar to the current ingame item maps. I believe the current system for notebooks is lacking and unfriendly to players that might consider actually using it, rather than just going for objectively more useful items. Having something as simple as just a texture for notebooks and pages would improve not only the single-player roleplay aspect but multiplayer as well! Leaving notes or reading another player's notebook would add another layer for player-to-player interactions and the last thing I'd like to suggest would be the ability to doodle both on notepads and maps without being limited by symbols or text only. So players can make their own unique markings and messages!
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