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Papa Juliet Whiskey

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Everything posted by Papa Juliet Whiskey

  1. Yes and no. Given the particular lore of the zombies in PZ, destroying the brain is what kills the z. Skulls are thick, and... well, boney. How many skulls can kicked in with unarmed body parts before the one throwing their fists feet and elbows around breaks their fists, feet or elbows? I still think there could be more in the unarmed combat army department. Bonuses to knockdown, multihits and perhaps a more damage for ground stomps. If you kill with your feet in game while wearing light sneakers, slippers etc, it causes your character do take damage to his feet. As most forms of up close and personal martial arts include defensive moves, perhaps an unarmed attack could add increased likelyhood of dodging attacks, and to simulate throws, add a chance for the dodge to also apply a knockdown. Use the zeds inertia to do most of the work. As far as straight damage from fists and elbows(knees feet and forehead too)during prolonged engagements would ultimately lead to some kind of injury. Mouths and teeth take up a good 5 to 10% of the surface you would have to hit to technically deal lethal(for lack of better terms) damage, and would only increase the chances of a guaranteed end in the form of zombification. Plus any abrasions or scratches you'll get on your 'weapons' would only increase the chance of infection. You are hitting a giant walking disease, after all. Even the best martial artist can make a mistake, and I doubt 100% of their hits land 100% of the time. Granted, with multiplayer and the npcs well someday get, there could be more useful applications of such a skill. Lastly, most martial arts are just that. Art. Would you beat a zed to death with the Mona Lisa, or a Jackson Pollock piece?
  2. Yes and no. Given the particular lore of the zombies in PZ, destroying the brain is what kills the z. Skulls are thick, and... well, boney. How many skulls can kicked in with unarmed body parts before the one throwing their fists feet and elbows around breaks their fists, feet or elbows? I still think there could be more in the unarmed combat army department. Bonuses to knockdown, multihits and perhaps a more damage for ground stomps. If you kill with your feet in game while wearing light sneakers, slippers etc, it causes your character do take damage to his feet.
  3. If you hit hit z while adjacent to the vehicle, then tap the number representing the seat you want (1 for driver seat), you'll auto walk to the seat you selected, or auto run while holding shift. Not the ideal solution, but handy with a little practice. Try it a few times in non emergency situations to get used to it, and it can be mighty handy.
  4. I like the ideas pertaining to your characters senses. Muzzleflash at night is no fun to the shooter(although, I'll admit I've never used a firearm in the dark. I especially like the bit about hearing loss and other side effects. I've only fired a small handful of different calibur firearms, and it really cought me by surprise when shooting a 410 with birdshot. Tinnitus, baby. Y'all can keep the infected sprinters thought. I'm more of a lazy casual player, and often times find myself under the influence of certain beverages, or smoked herbs, so I often find even fast shamblers to be a little too annoying to deal with on normal or high populations. But that's just my lazy playstyle. Modular and highly customizable games like zomboid really go out of their way to broaden their user experiences without making the base game too easy. Oh, and vote Spiffo for president.
  5. Aside from the stuff you can get in a can, I've never eaten a cooked oyster in my life, and have enjoyed many of them. Cool, raw, slurped from the shell. I'm finding oysters in game now, and I just wanna drink em straight from their calcium laced houses without tossing em on the grill first.
  6. One thing I've noticed over the years, living within an urban area, is that overcast nights are brighter than a clear sky at night. And that during snowstorms, it's almost as bright as it is in the daytime(less the sun's glare reflecting off the snow on the ground). The wonderful byproduct of light pollution. I would love that to be replicated in game(not too common, but you can set the start month in winter without applying 6 months later), then have it disappear again once power is lost. I noticed in this thursdoid, that sound works is going to make some changes based on whether or not the power and water is running, so I imagine implementing different lighting effects shouldn't be to problematic, and would add a little more immersion. It would also have the benefit of being less punishing getting cought out at night during early game. Allowing the player to find a lead on a flashlight.
  7. Prior to the sound works that they've been doing recently, there was an option to set volume levels for just about every sound effect in game. I suspect it was there because some of the effects were kind of ear grating, so it was almost essential. I don't know if they intend to put that feature back in, but it would certainly eliminate the issue. It was also nice for certain persistent sound effects like the heartbeat generated by fear, or corpse flies, if only to turn it down. The sound balance is much better than it was, so I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't make a comeback.
  8. It would be even cooler(pun not intended... mostly) if water in containers froze, forcing the player to melt down their drinking water before consuming it. Extra trouble for those cought out in the cold. Sure, you could eat the ice, but that would severely pull down your body's core temperature. To the steam users, there are mods that add a refridgeration effect to coolers with the use of chilled ice packs, and one that adds functionality to water collectors in the winter. I think there is also one that allows you to use snow as a source of water as well. Definitely features the main game could certainly use.
  9. I'd be satisfied with being able to pick up and move lightswitches. Although a lot of the suggestions are pretty cool. Allow them rooftop bulbs to burn out too.
  10. A broom closet with a closed door will feel like a real broom closet. Eff yeah.
  11. Right click and control both act as the aim/combat stance button by default. I've always used right click for fighting. I can sympathize with the OP to an extent. Broke my wrist the say gta5 came out. I still played, albeit poorly and painfully. Then slashed my paln wide open before even trying the Louisville update, again, the day it dropped. By no means am I trying to compare and hold my injuries up against anyone's more permanent disabilities. I just remember that feeling if holding gta5 (back when games were still commonly available in physical format) in my left hand on the say of release, and at my bound and casted right hand and arm, and thinking "well, shit." The painkillers helped, but I doubt opiates would benefit the average gamer most days of the week.
  12. Does anyone know of there are any issues playing the game on real time mode? Do all the tasks take 24 times longer to complete? Does hunger, thirst, tiredness, or fatigue accumulate at a 24x rate? I feel like I've tried it out once before, but can't remember why I didn't continue with it.
  13. Clear cutting. Who needs those pesky trees anyhow?
  14. On topic: Why not functional back and front-hoes? And also functional dump trucks! But more importantly, why not steam rollers?!
  15. You can find a few tools around the road repair crew pickup trucks that spawn near random open manholes along roadways. How about a road building crew vehicle scene? Steamrollers, more specifically. Super slow, but takes no front end damage from flattening zombies in the way. The different terrain tile types you drive over would add modifiers to speed(faster on pavement than grass, for example). Could also be used to pave custom roads, so trees don't grow and block your unpaved route. Inspired by:
  16. You can change day length in the time tab of the sandbox setting, from 15 minutes per day, all the way up to real time(also known as 24 hours per day). Unfortunately, you can't change how long the days or nights are compared to each other, if that is what you meant by time ratio.
  17. Not technically a bug, but rather some unusual use of tiles going east to west just south of the church in Riverside. They're quite blocky, and I don't know if it's intentional or not. The coordinates are 6582 5436 on the zomboid map website. Not sure if this is the right forum to post this, so feel free to move it to a more relevant one.
  18. Insulin has to be kept cold. Would be a much cooler game device if stuff left outside could stay cold. *(subtle)nudge nudge* devs. :p
  19. I would like to see tree harvesting reworked a little overall. When felled, it should be one solid piece, with maybe some twigs on the side. Then have to saw or clear branches manually, then the main trunk cut into the logs themselves. In my limited experience felling trees, which is next to none, I can still safely say that it is time consuming work using just axe and saw. And allow planks to be cut using wedges of wood combined with axe and hammers. That I have done successfully. Just cut a notch with axes, then pound wooden wedges into it. I can also say that that is also quite time consuming, since I've never done it prior. With practice, I'm sure the time spent could be cut down. And back more to the original post, logs are freaking heavy. I agree that they should take up the hand slots to carry. Maybe bundling them with rope allows you to carry(or more likely drag) a few more. And copicing, anyone? Any trees felled in winter grow back at a slightly increased rate, as opposed to being just gone and forced to grow back naturally from seed(the normal erosion speed based version). And climbing trees to see over other trees in the way, maybe? Alright, I'll stop before going too overboard here.
  20. Would be alright in sp, but I feel it might be a little much on mp. They nerfed the hell out of sledge hammer spawns for reason, I suspect. Might make it too easy to wreck someone's many hours of construction time. Haven't played any mp yet myself, so this opinions is best seasoned with a grain of salt, so to speak. Definitely would be fun to play with regardless.
  21. Would be alright in sp, but I feel it might be a little much on mp. They nerfed the hell out of sledge hammer spawns for reason, I suspect. Might make it too easy to wreck someone's many hours of construction time. Haven't played any mp yet myself, so this opinions is best seasoned with a grain of salt, so to speak. Definitely would be fun to play with regardless.
  22. Or mount a machine gun on the back? Or allow driveby spearing.
  23. It never was meant to be an easy game dude. There is a plethora of sandbox settings that can tone it down to whatever difficulty level you can handle. Or at least wait for it to leave early access before shitting on the moderators, who from what I can gather, did a rather good job at explaining the system. Not good enough answer for ya? Then play another game. Quite simple, really.
  24. Should be able to make ice in the winter also, but this goes back to the outdoor ambient temperature not having an effect on food at this time. Pot of water in a freezer or outside when the weather is right.
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