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  1. Just thought I would give a little bit of feedback. I'm very impressed with the scope of the changes you've made to the default Zomboid character. Compared to other mods of this type the alterations are noticeable and do look like they make a real difference. But I do think there are some aesthetic features that, at least in my personal opinion, could be improved upon. Skin Shading: Ideally this should bring out the character's features and add some definition to the appearance, but I think it is a little too strong. In the screenshots provided at least, the characters look almost look gaunt particularly with the creases around the collar bone. Skin Tone: I think this applies to the vanilla version as well, but the skin tones seem to go from a kind of anaemic pale to a middling jaundiced tan and an ashy, unvibrant brown. One mod I've seen that does this that I think might be worth taking inspiration from is Harry's Healthier Skin Complexions which greatly improves upon the vanilla ones. Eyes: The character does look a little bit bug eyed. I do like that you have increased the prominence, to the point where they have an actual eye colour (which brings about more customization options) but I think they are a little too intense to the point where they almost look as though they are bulging out. It might just be the fact I am looking at screenshots and not trying them in-game that gives me this impression though, perhaps when I try it in my game it will look a lot more normal? I'll definitely give it a try and see how it is for myself as well once it releases. All things considered, I'm really pleased that you've begun this project and am looking forward to the makeup updates and male version as well!
  2. Cuirassier

    Toasty Warm

    Happy to see the progress on multiplayer, looks like a big improvement on the old one!
  3. 1/2 or 1/4 speed would be pretty useful when you're in a chaotic situation and want to take a second to sort out your inventory and initiate the equipping of certain items without pausing all together. It'd also make for some interesting visuals like watching a horde slowly shamble across the road. Might be useful in driving if you want to slow down time and make a sharp turn à la Franklin from GTA V.
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