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Everything posted by Rathlord

  1. Then why are you talking about them at all. That's just a complete waste of time in a suggestions thread. If you just want to banter about suppressors, take it to General Discussion. And again, especially in 1990's, there was not a huge market for them. The numbers are out there. The market's definitely growing now but that's not relevant to this discussion.
  2. *massages temples* I'm gonna try to be nice here, which as you could see if you'd taken the time to look through older threads about this- I have a bit of a weak spot for. But bear with me, because as I've said I've heard this argument a thousand times. Not all of this is for Kim, mostly just the thread in general. Suppressors don't have a "huge" market in the world of firearms. If you'd taken a moment to read previous threads you can find I link the exact details of this in a scholarly article. Suppressors (even the asinine, useless, home made ones) legally have to be registered with the US government with a tax stamp. Now obviously there are some that exist outside the law, but we can generally assume a majority are legal. Regardless of what stupid hollywood tells you, criminals actually very rarely use suppressors. Mainly because they aren't particularly useful. I'm not going to go look up the numbers again- you can do it if you want- but consider this point debunked. I even checked the population of the game area against the number registered in Kentucky itself and found the likelihood of finding a suppressor there- essentially zero (ratio of suppressors to people [assuming people owning one only have one, which is usually untrue] found less people in the game area than chance to find one). Consider this idea debunked. The market is growing now, but especially in early 1990's it wasn't and wasn't legal in as many states, either. The articles I found- and put a lot of work into finding- was a legitimate scholarly article with citations and proper equipment stating what suppressors and subsonic ammo had an impact on. It had nothing to do with debunking anything. It's just useful for that when people who have no idea what they're talking about bring up "silencers" on the internet. As I've mentioned before, YT videos (and videos in general) are fairly useless for this kind of comparison due to how sound is recorded. Look it up. And further, zombies don't give a crap whether a sound is distinctive or not. They chase all of the sounds we have in the game. It still has the same location, which is what matters, and I've already mentioned before the sound reaches a larger area than the game streams even for best case scenario. I realize being told your idea isn't great may raise some people's hackles a bit and make you want to argue about it. Just read the old threads, please, going over this over and over is pretty tiring. I spent a lot of time objectively proving all of these myths about suppressors false. Let it die.
  3. Most likely because military-grade gear is not something they particularly want in the game right now. The whole point of it is to pretty much keep it out of the player's hands for the most part, or make it very difficult to acquire. Making "loot drops" is not really something that fits in the game anyways in my humble opinion.
  4. If you check out some of those links you can find quite a lot of citations from yours truly that pretty solidly shut down the whole silencer/suppressor debate. Even the best, professionally suppressed weapons with subsonic ammo can be heard from so far away that, translated into game terms (due to the amount of the map that's streamed) they would make no functional difference. There's a whole slew of other excellent reasons also, but that's the one that matters most.
  5. No, you don't have a right to defend yourself. You have a right to obey the rules of the forum, which you agreed to when you signed up here, or to go elsewhere. All we ask is that you be lovely. You've had multiple warnings in the past and I've brought you back from being banned twice(?) now. You should know better by now. Last warning, take it out of this thread. I don't care what anyone else was doing, that's not how it works. This isn't the wild west, you don't get to shoot back just because someone else was. This forum isn't a free-for-all or a playground. Respect the rules.
  6. Also Kim, he's not calling you or your argument absurd. Reductio ad absurdum (or, reduction to absurdity) is a valid critique of a point- taking something to the extreme to make it seem absurd. It's not mocking, it's a reasonable answer to something you feel isn't logical. Citation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reductio_ad_absurdum
  7. Wanna know what it takes to put a different wallet in the game? A few seconds of recoloring for the artist. Want to know what goes into adding a new gun into the game? Considerable time for the artist (completely new asset), considerable (extremely valuable and hard-to-come-by) time from the animator, considerable actual dev time balancing out the different stats for the weapons and making sure having multiples actually feels different enough to feel worth while (sinking 30 seconds for a recolored wallet is not terrible; sinking 30 man-hours into a new pistol that feels barely any different than the other one? that's a massive waste of time). The weapons balancing has been pretty rough even with the four we have. It's had multiple iterations and I personally spent hours and hours of my own time consulting with the devs trying to get something that both felt reasonable and didn't betray the nature of the game. What this all slams home- not trying to pick on you Millitron, just an example- is how massive an apples to oranges comparison all of these so-called examples are. It proves the point that sometimes the gamers just don't understand how much goes into some things and how valuable dev time is. You may think you understand, but unless you've actually been in our shoes- take my word for it- you don't. And while it's perfectly fine to leave feedback and suggestions here, sometimes you may just have to trust that the devs know what's best for their game. This is their job, and they're demonstrably good at it. You might not agree with them, but you also don't have all the details. I do my best to try to clarify this stuff on here- which, trust me, it gets frustrating for us having been doing this for over 3 years and rehashing the same damn arguments over and over. I apologize if we come off a bit terse sometimes. It's just that we've heard everything you've said here every day for years. As I mentioned before, I'll kick around some ideas and see what happens but I certainly wouldn't hold any hopes up. The current system is designed as it is very deliberately. We still appreciate all the feedback. Also, speaking as a moderator not as a participant in this discussion: Kim, cool your jets. You've been warned before about this. If you have an issue with someone (including a mod), report it or PM me or Nasko or another moderator. I don't care if Jesus is being an asshole to you, the correct answer is not being rude in thread.
  8. The radios will be more relevant in singleplayer when NPC's are added. Much more relevant. And it's still an apples to oranges argument. You simply can't just point at one thing and say "we have lots of this why not lots of that?" That argument doesn't hold any weight in any game ever, anywhere. Different things are different. Now, as to your last paragraph. Spawns can be tweaked, that's not really 100% relevant to the conversation we're having now. Bodies with no ammo? They fired all their ammo before being swarmed. Simply explained.
  9. And yet with almost all of our weaponry, stuff is done by category not specific. Only 1 kitchen knife and 1 combat knife, for instance. There will likely be some other gun archetypes added at some point, but making a full spread is just a lot of work for something the devs don't want people focusing on particularly. I'm not saying it can't happen, but personally I don't find it necessary and the devs have seemed to agree in the past. That being said, since there's some interest, perhaps I'll bring it up with them and see how they feel about it still.
  10. Game focus = Survival Game focus ≠ Zombie Killing If you wanna argue, fine, but don't be an arse about it, especially when you're making apples to oranges comparisons.
  11. Dunno where this selective reading issue is coming from, but it's not making your point. Nowhere did I say military were the only source of semiauto weaponry. I'm specifically referring to the "Fort Knox is happening therefor TIS needs more guns" argument. Please stop with the shifting goalposts, it's annoying and it's not helping your case.
  12. Read again. I'm referring to the current state of the game. If military stuff does get added, I'm sure one or two military archetype guns will be added as well. Though, please keep in mind, "military base" does not mean armory, especially ones like Knox which aren't even particularly active. Most military on-base don't carry weapons at all, and those who do (usually MP's) are carrying sidearms, not assault rifles. Maybe you're not aware, but a large part of Knox's function today is as a human resources center. Afaik it still stores bullion, but there's still not going to be that many armed people there. People hear 'military base' and think machine guns and mortars. In reality, most of Knox is likely full of office workers. Edit: In fact, sources show well over half of the personnel are part of the HR center there. Edit: Further source checking reveals: 1) Provisioning unit 1) Engineer unit 1) Cavalry training unit 1) Infantry training unit 2) Bands 1) Medical unit 1) Training command unit 1) Recruiting unit No active infantry units at all, and only the engineer battalion and the sustainment command are combat units as far as I can tell. Some of my phrasing may be a bit loopy as I'm in a hurry.
  13. Luckily many of us involved in the project (or just hanging around it, as the case my be) are, so we can happily keep them informed about the culture.
  14. You probably could nix it from the lua, I'd have to double check where (it'll be after the holiday most likely, sorry!). I can't promise for sure it'll take effect until you make a new game, though.
  15. You may want to try uninstalling, clearing out your PZ folder (C:/Users/YourUserName/Zomboid) and then reinstalling and redownloading the mod. Something in your lua may have just gotten corrupt. Alternatively, your pirated version may not be complete or whoever you downloaded it from may have just stuffed a virus in it. As Nasko said, our game has no DRM so there's nothing to crack at all. If it says "Cracked" then they've been mucking around in the files for no reason and could've changed anything. Good luck, and we hope you'll consider purchasing some day.
  16. The actual distribution in the house may be a little odd, but that's not really unusual. Many parts of the US require by law that guns and ammunition be stored separately. To the nice fellow questioning my knowledge on the subject: I was born in South Carolina in a small town and lived there most of my life. I worked on a cattle farm, as a literal cowboy. I built a hunting cabin in the woods with no one but my family helping me. I learned to hunt from my family (and have hunted turkey, deer, wild boar, squirrel, quail, rabbit, beaver, duck, and the occasional unlucky coyote) and I learned to shoot trap from one of the highest ranked shooters in the world at the time. Hopefully that's enough qualifications. I normally don't bring this stuff up because it's not really necessary for the conversation as long as we just assume we're all relatively educated on the subject we're discussing. Regarding your school's little clique of gun owners, I can't really comment on that other than to say I saw local schools with the same kind of attitude, except that if you actually looked in their trucks 90% of them didn't actually have a firearm in there; it was just a "cool" thing. Yes, there is high gun ownership in rural America. But many people still A) Follow the law and B) Are responsible, even the rednecks. Kim, I understand how you think flooding the game world with firearms wouldn't change the balance, but unfortunately it's just not true. There is, ignoring all of the other smaller points that can be made for a moment, the idea of appearances and the fact that the appearance of the game influences how people perceive it. If you throw guns everywhere, either people are going to use them all the time and focus on them (if they're viable), or they're going to use them all the time and get frustrated (because they're not viable) and complain "If you don't want us to use guns, why are there guns everywhere?!?!" We've already seen it happen, so there's not really any denying it. It's not like we haven't tried balancing them before. You're still missing the most important facet of my point, though. You kinda touched on what I said (that guns and killing zombies aren't the focus of the game) but then you went right back to focusing on it. The reality is, we don't need to add more guns, nor do we need to try to further balance them. They're relatively fine as-is and about where they want them. They are there, as an option, they have some uses, and they are relatively rare (as TIS wants them to be). Yah, we could flood the game world with guns and probably eventually find a way to balance it (albeit one that would almost certainly make them less fun to use than they are now, but that's another point). But there is no motivation to do that which I can see. You might think you'd be making the game world more authentic (although that's debatable, and as I've mentioned I disagree), but you could also argue that putting more socks into the game makes it more authentic. Sometimes there's just not a reason to go for literal 1:1 depiction of reality. There are enough guns that if you want to use them, you can find, maintain, and keep stocked on them. That's all there needs to be for PZ to run smoothly. It's not meant to be an arcade shooter.
  17. Several issues with your 'challenge.' The overarching one being the focus of the game. There's also many other types and amounts of shovels, corn, and shoes than the game represents. PZ isn't a game about killing zombies and never has been. Guns are a secondary objective and a relatively low priority compared to other things, as they well should be given the focus of the game. On the other hand, there's also the issue that many parts of the US require guns to be locked up in safes when stored in the home. Even in areas where they needn't be, many people do anyways for obvious reasons. Gun safes aren't really just something you can pop into with a crowbar. They require extreme power tools or other methods that are really out of the scope of the game, again tying back into that not really being the focus of development. One can safely assume these items are well out of reach of players, which makes the volume of available firearms much more consistent with what you'd fine in reality.
  18. Not sure on this one but will pass it along and see what I can figure out. Cheers! Edit: I'm told this may be a spawn house (devs out of town for Easter holiday etc at the moment) and you can't claim spawn houses.
  19. To expand a bit more, as a rule we don't do ETAs. We'd rather get stuff where and how we want it to be without specific time constraints that may let people down if we don't meet it or force us to rush something un-fun out to try to meet it. We certainly haven't forgotten about GOG (we love GOG!) but "ready when it's finished" is the best answer we can give.
  20. The only food disappearing bug was a known one with the next update that has to happen to upgrade the system. Loot doesn't respawn unless you have loot respawn on, and zombies can't disappear unless you actually leave the chunk. Sorry that hat you're having troubles, but your experience is not the norm and isn't evidence of issues with the games development cycle. It's still in alpha. Bugs are expected with new features.
  21. I can't see anything wrong with the stove. Are you sure it's not just because you're zooming in on a picture of the max zoomed in game?
  22. This thread is specifically for balancing food items. You made an off topic post and then ranted about how people were only staying on topic. We do want help from the community, but you're not helping if you're not doing what we need. You're distracting. There's another thread for general feedback. I can understand posting in the wrong thread by accident, but please keep the attitude in check. If you have any further questions please pm me instead of further derailing the thread. Thanks.
  23. Players aren't the only stimuli in the game, as I already said.
  24. You're supposed to be able to on anything with a label.
  25. As has been said, they'll only attack items that block their path finding that are destructible if they've been drawn to pathfinder there by the meta system or active stimuli.
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