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Everything posted by Muew

  1. Perfect post, thanks man for the information!
  2. Also it might be very personal but having these events that makes your character need to speed up the looting to get ready for some sort of event, an event that is also randomized timewise. Lets say a huge storm that can last for 2 days or 14. forcing you to stay inside all the time and actually see how much of a base you actually got and how good it is. The randomizing makes it replayable forever. I really love this game, and all the random stuff that can happend makes me wanna play it more and restart with a new character just to see what actually will happend "THIS TIME". It has this perfect Sandbox feel right now where the player controll the outcomes, and that is super exciting. Seeing the developers are making characters that will drive the story of the game is not something i really appreciate but it's interesting. I don't really wanna play over again to meet "Barbara and Ben" Over again each time, it would feel like i was just replaying the last game i had if you get me.
  3. Muew

    IWBUMS 41.44

    Will we see interaction with furniture with animations in the future? Sitting in chairs and sleeping?
  4. Muew

    Half Termdoid

    ya, could have done that on the forum to be honest lol
  5. Would be great to make the smokes do even more positive to the character that DONT have the trait. Making people lusting to smoke to gain short benefits. The negative would be a change to get the smoke trait so you would actually become addicted. There are many medicines that could have been added to make this effect. Should have been done for the sleeping pills or pain ones.
  6. yep already in the game. looks very good and very nasty
  7. Ya would be great to help with sadness or boring mood. spiffo for ya BUT make them SUUUUUPER RARE to find :O
  8. Been playing hard for last 8-9 days. Around 100 hours into the game which is kind of much for me in so short time. But, it's a game that really fights you and keeps putting you back into the coffin and it's kind of the point with the game - But for some reason i don't really KNOW what the future of the ingame world holds for me so i keep dying, keep playing and trying to stay alive. There is some features i would love to see that changes with the game world over time to keep the player entertained and focused on upgrading the character. 1- A Type of survival Skill that overall strenghten the character in very tiny ways, may it be a bar in the skill UI - kind of "Overall Experience" Let's say each day your character automaticly gets xp for just staying alive. This will give the player more to struggle for, and death is gonna hurt a little more. We all want to survive longest possible and it would be nice to see SOMETHING rewarding for it. Realisticly a person surviving 3-4 months in the apocalypse will have some experience with him that would make life easier. On 30 days + we would see that this XP bar going up giving the character small tiny upgrades to Strenght and such skillpoints. Making that character overall better. I'm not talking huge advantages, you would never die if you survive 6 months but tiny tiny stuff. Maybe looting faster, or running 0.2 points faster and such. Could also be that over a long period the character does not need to eat so much food as before, this is realistic cause the stomich change over long periods of low food intake. 2. More World changes after long periods. Even more overgrowth.. buildings looking awfull and animals trying to enter cities and such, could be predators too, this would make the player feel that the world is changing and its rewarding in it self. Im talking 1 year from the apocalypse here - like a super long goal to look foward to. 3. Character change, physical changes maybe, muscle, more hair change and such, skin tone? - Psykological, maybe get some kind of negatives - Paranoia, talking to yourself making it easier for zombies to track you? Lots can be done here to change the gameplay. Again, talking 1 year into the apocalypse. 4. Zombies, oh yes. 1 year into apocalypse the mutations start, bigger, scarier or faster. Different kind of zombies. THIS i do feel is a must for the future. 5. Radio scripts/Shows after 1 year change up following the ingame world as it is now. 6. Weather, maybe some heavy changes to weather. Some stay indoor events had been very cool to change the gameplay up in the late stages. Huge zombie hordes passing by - or - Extreme storms passing by between 1-14 days. - Extreme cold weather for a period. - All of these that would make the player dwell or get ready for upcoming huge events that forced the player to stock up on food and supplies to survive these events. - maybe a silent hill like event, horde night where zombies run for certain periods in the night. 7. Graphic changes filter. The world is getting dirtier, overgrown, dusty and full of bad smells. Change the filter overlay over time, make it darker or grittier. A lot can be done with filters, make it more gray. This could also be events that after a certain time all the dead zombies are making a mess, forcing the player to wear gasmask and such. 8. Area of danger. I would love to see area that is really impossible to reach early game. Contaminated zones that require hazmat gear that takes a very long time to get hold of, which will let the end game player explore as a reward, giving very good loot. Just some ideas! Tell me what you think. Apologize for mye english. Ps! Thank you for making this game, the 41 build is fucking incredible - i said it before, if you want help with the sounddesign call me up! lolol
  9. Suggestion: survival, random placed event. Example: radio message, winter storm is coming. Harsh, Even worse winter conditions for random set time. Player must bunk up to stay inside or freeze to death. Lasting from 3-14 days. Or zombie horde of huge nr passing by. Bunk up. Or other types of bunk up Events triggered with radio warning. If you miss the pre warning to prep, prat you survive anyway
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