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Everything posted by 7Roses

  1. yea no problem at all, actually it's still in WIP as I got a job some month's ago and had to adapt/learn a lot new things for that job (so less free time) I only restarted my development about a day ago (srr for everyone wanting this mod faster.)
  2. hi, I recently began again with some modprojects I'm working on and have some things I'm a bit stuck with. first of all: I've learned/found that the current modData ( only takes data from type "number" and type "table". But I also read on a topic(forgot which) that there would be support to save data from type "table" in the future. so my question is: is this true that there will be table save support for the ModData object? and if so can someone say me if it's already in a testbuild or if it still is on a to implement list? thanks in advance
  3. how to check if its been used? well first you will need to add a contextmenu (with lua code) for that item, second you should add a function to do whatever is need to be done when you click the menu (also lua code) for the adding of menu options you could take a look at ISInventoryPaneContextMenu.lua (media/lua/ISUI/ISInventoryPaneContextMenu.lua)
  4. this is a wonderfully idea, and realistic as nails will run out and in the future of multi-player it is a must, because: more players = more supplies needed
  5. and a onUpdatePlayer how frequent is that been fired lemmy? (or other devs/knowledgedatabases)
  6. o damn and I was creating a hole set of functions to transform tables to strings ad visaversa so I could just save my tables :/ why did I do that if it (is/was/will) implemented into the moddata itself (again) yet knowing that will speedup my mod a bit again
  7. force that window !! would love a way to get a little bit faster into a house when its raining
  8. nha was more searching for a serialize kind of transformer that way I can overcome the only strings or numbers into the moddata tables (I'm currently making some util scripts for my ongoing project and the project requires a lot of table-structures to be saved, and I don't want to save them in separated key value pairs into the moddata table.)
  9. nice suggestion, but why only couple this to a fat/skinny character? why not make it a trait? that will give -1 on the traitscale?
  10. so you finally decided to release your utility scripts :/ is there a easy way to translate strings to tables and from tables to strings?
  11. I love it finally not always needing to go to the prompt and doing everything from there to start PZ just to have the console opened later to see my mistakes
  12. can't you do something like recipe somerecipe{Pillowcase,dogfood/something/something=3,Result:CanFilledPillowCase,Time:60.0,?or is the =3 only possible for results? (or possible has the same result as just placing 3 times dogfood/../..?) just a tought, not yet tried myself.
  13. euwm, on vacations without much bandwide, haven't got any version above so indeed it could already be in the game ( only just noticed your green name color and staff title )
  14. probably not known by people that where never on the old forum, but there was/is already a mod that let you slice bread into 10 slices of bread and let you make a lot of vanilla items with them. Tooks food expansion TIS already asked to the author if they could include his recipes into the vanilla recipes.
  15. as far as I know the current scripting is done with java, so as far as a suggestion goes, you may try to put it in a topic for PZ suggestions, not mod requests/idea's if it would become part of the PZ-vanilla codebase I think much mods would be happy. at this moment if we want todo such a thing the coder is required to place those extra trait/skill specific things in code that executes while distributing/using/crafting the items.
  16. 7Roses

    Debug Console

    on windows PZ can be started in a console directly (Don't know if via desura it is started using the .bat files but if you would use the .bat files it will start with a console running in the background) if you don't start with it, or want to have the console still running after PZ closes (like I always want) then indeed cmd is the way to go (love those free wifi hotspots on vacation )
  17. next week? o man hope they don't give you to much work so you can still be active in this lovely community
  18. percent change of infection is a hardcoded thing at the moment for the fever and other bodydamaging thing look into BodyDamage... forgot how to access that but it should be something like player:getBodyDamage() and then use some functions on it ( for example getBodyPart() wiche gives you a bodypart of your body back. ) not sure what functions there are in there, but that java class is where the functions you can call from lua are defined in. zombie/charachters/BodyDamage/BodyDamage.class and others the is a option to see your cold level so sickness is in the BodyDamage too
  19. robomat, someone says he found the solution !! http://theindiestone.com/forums/index.php/topic/660-adding-sprites/ not verified yet but it seems to me he found it
  20. aaah the getTexture still works saw that in the priv forum but thought that was code not in the work for anymore think you just solved a problem a lot of item adding mods have
  21. ? for i,v in pairs(table) do print(string.format("index: %s and value: %s",i,v));endfor both it works the same.as of the deletion table.remove(table,itemindex); does that for both numerical or string keys you have a point that #tablename would return strang things if you mix both indexes but WHY would you do that? that's a bad coding habit if you do that!
  22. ever tried table.remove(table,indexOrDictionarieName);
  23. euwm maybe, but the release will also have some api functions to add custom items and/or addictions to the mod also I rater add addictive items that have good as well as bad effects. like nicotine will relive stress in low quantities (and low frequency of use) but will be addictive and stress creating if you use it to much. ? kinyoshi how did you know I was eating (non-drugged) brownies?
  24. yea nottoomanyitems is nice, but you need to know the hotkeys ingame, while zspawn just gives you an ui to play with (some people don't want to learn the hotkeys and just want to click and play ... )
  25. love the idea and it was for that reason I placed the topic on the forum before I was going on vacation so you lovely people could give me some addictions to add or ideas to how you people think the addiction system should work (cause I had a system in mind, but asking a lot of people's input gives in most cases a better result)
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