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Posts posted by stormsson

  1. i have an "old" macbook pro,

    an intel core 2 duo @ 2,4 GHz ,

    4gb ram,  and an advanced over-the-top high-end NVIDIA GeForce 320M  with 256 mb (lol)



    the framerate is about 18-25 fps.



    i would like to update my informations: for some reason, in the same areas as before, my framerate dropped to unplayable levels, sometime it stays below 8 fps :|


    About this topic: is there the intention to build water towers on the map?

    i'm thinking about an interaction like the following:


    1) electricity goes out

    2) playerS bring generators to water tower

    3) acqueduct is considered in working condition (so the sinks are usable,etc ) for a certain amount of time

    4) generators stop working

    5) acqueduct goes off again


    If there are ones in the area IRL, they will more then likely be added. Generators would not be need as the weight of the remaining water would create a surprising amount of pressure. If there is still water in the tower all you would have to do is crack open a near-by fire hydrant .



    well, that is true, but what i meant is simply a way to allow the water flowing again in the sinks/toilets/basins. I don't really know very much how a water tower works, but i believe that it could be rewarding ,for a group of players, to gather their forces and be able to use tap water again 

  3. TL;DR.

    Please consider creating some tiles that the players could interact with. Not just containers.




    while posting about water towers, i thought that you can't really interact with the map objects. 

    with this i mean that the map (at the current moment) is just a container of items.



    What about some buildings/entities that allows interaction ? 

    a water tower could be used with generators to open the acqueduct again for some time, for example.


    A radio station ,with generators, could provide the players with some informations.



    Another kind of interaction:

    a lot of houses nowaday have a safe. Behind a picture, under the floor, etc.


    There could be such kind of items in some houses,the simple version of the interaction could be just "click and it changes the tile to the safe one".


    It could also lead to interesting considerations:if a more "evolved" interaction is planned,  the ability of seeing the safe could be tied to a stealth skill ,that could improve the ability to see it based on the player experience.
    Also opening it could again be related to a "mechanic" skill, (that,i must stay , could be used for almost everything in a zombie situation )

  4. About this topic: is there the intention to build water towers on the map?

    i'm thinking about an interaction like the following:


    1) electricity goes out

    2) playerS bring generators to water tower

    3) acqueduct is considered in working condition (so the sinks are usable,etc ) for a certain amount of time

    4) generators stop working

    5) acqueduct goes off again

  5. Hi all, some suggestions.. (i don't know if i should write in italian or english, i'll do a mix... )


    Osservazioni generiche:

    Ogni tanto le traduzioni finiscono con uno spazio, non so se è voluto o un errore.


    Main screen / Traits / Professions

    Credo che la traduzione corretta di "Traits" sia caratteristiche


    Context Menu:

    Tratta problema : non penso che sia usato in italiano "oggi ho trattato un problema" ...

    credo sia più verosimile/ attuale "Risolvi problema"


    Piccolo Tavolo / Grande tavolo : solitamente in italiano gli aggettivi vanno dopo il soggetto: si usa rarissimamente "piccolo XYZ" 



    Survival Gude


    SurvivalGuide_entrie1title => sopravvivenza ha perso una "V" 


    IG UI

        IGUI_invpanel_drop_all => manca una t 

  6. in these suggestions the one i mostly agree with is the first one: 


    In a multiplayer environment i believe it could be quite dangerous to underestimate the survival times of a group of players: and their "tools" consumption rate. 


    I believe that given a decent amount of time, every survivor should be able to craft his/her primary needs.

  7. Hello, it would be really nice to have a place "outside the game" where the player progresses are noted,  something like a simple report like


    -  character name - survival time - cause of death 



  8. It's kinda more complex than that. Remember that zombies are/will be handled in an abstract manner; when off screen they'll be stored within the game's meta game, not physically positioned as such. I understand the suggestion though, if not for a new system a single new zed reanimating from dead bodies will only add one or so to the population, so not exactly noticeable.


    I think it's a little over the top for an entire new feature, then, when this game is primarily based on realism. Zombies shouldn't have 'extra' objects on them, either, really.  



    Well, the fact they are not phisically positioned is also an advantage: nobody except the dead player knows where he did exactly die,so he can be generated in any position.


    The same thing is for the inventory: it's complex to have the exact inventory ( also those data should be transfered to the server and to the client later), but it's easier to have let's say 10-15 pre-made "premium" inventories to attach to those zombies randomly


    Also ,the way to distinguish them could be just a different graphic sprite: maybe zombie with a bag.

    Since the game is based on realism, i believe it's not so strange to find other dead players...


    I dont understand the "houldn't have 'extra' objects on them" part: if 99% of the world is dead it's not so odd to have someone who died with something more in their pockets/bag ...


  9. Google Project Zomboid: Only PZ stuff for pages on end (didn't bother to count past 3)


    Google Dead State: Unrelated results on first page


    Huzzah for unique title!


    well, it's actually because it's a unique keyword :|

    you have to know the name to find this result in the serps

  10. I understand this could be a really difficult thing to do, also because i don't know if you have a server-side service that could do it, but anyway ,let's suppose this could be done:



    What i suggest is, basically to take something from the idea of ZombiU :



    Every time a player dies, the server checks for how many days the player survived.

    The server holds a list of n players (let's say 50).

    if the died player's lasting time is in the top n,the server list is updated.

    Then, you can give credit to the player by placing a "vip zombie" with his name (his steam account name ?)for the next month. 

    maybe with some extra loot,since because it was a long time survivor...


    Once / month the clients receive the 50 names via steam,and the players will find long time survivors zombies. 

    It would be interesting to join this with a "diary" object,that contains how many days the player lived.



    edit: this title sucks :| could a mod please adjust it to something more comprehensible? don't know: dead players zombies ?

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