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Everything posted by Jericoshost

  1. I think he means that the erosion would take over and humanity would lose most of its human like places to the wilderness which would include tall grass and weeds through the cracks in the pavement and all that. I think it could double the chances of foraging in suburban neighborhoods Like 20% for rat/mouse after a good amount of erosion 10% chance of frog 30% chance of worm what if you could then find things like trash when in the city. like bags and possibly empty bottles. could be useful? you could also find things like jars, clothes, cans and other stuff that you could make use of.
  2. had 3 more questions: How big of an area will we be able to copy/paste? I want to move all of WestPoint and the mall right next to mauldraug. Will we be able to rotate copied material? and will zombie populations reflect new biulding placements, like is the population system tied to the room 'type' you choose when figuring out loot spawns? Man I'm full of questions today. 1. Not likely a problem. Buildings are currently handled as separate instances and most coded info is tied to the room definitions I think, and those are generated in the tool. 2. I think one cell will be max as in with the mapping tools. and you'll probably have a hard time aligning it with anything. Stick to buildings or just change a cell name in the files. If you want large scale changes, the mapping tools are most likely still the best... 3. Most stuff most likely. Buildings can already be rotated in the tools, but since not all sprites have all 4 directions, everything doesn't rotate. So yes and no. 4. Loot spawns are handled via a "spawn map" and that has to be drawn separately at least at the moment. I'm not sure how they'll address this, if at all. Thanks!
  3. had 3 more questions: How big of an area will we be able to copy/paste? I want to move all of WestPoint and the mall right next to mauldraug. Will we be able to rotate copied material? and will zombie populations reflect new biulding placements, like is the population system tied to the room 'type' you choose when figuring out loot spawns? Man I'm full of questions today.
  4. if i may ask, do you guys ever really check the forums. it seems like nowadays you are one here or there so to speak. sorry if i come off as rude but i only really see the administrators around and that is not too often either. (not all, just some. a few are pretty active.) As well as Lemmy's response above, you'll also find that the longer you're around these forums, the more often you'll skim through the suggestions forum seeing re-posts galore. Although there's the occasional fresh take or new perspective on a previously debated suggestion, all too often it's the same as before, but without the critique and discussion it got the first time around. Not to be disheartening, but just because the Devs don't bother replying to every "We NEED vehicles in this game" type post, doesn't mean they aren't lurking, reading, judging... I personally think it is wise to let the forum newbies get their "OMG BEST IDEA EVER" posts out of their system without too much criticism or removing all the duplicates, because then they eventually see for themselves that the exact same idea/concept has been brought up before, and will be brought up many times again. It's a kind of sobering, "Nice to meet you, when you've thought through your idea with a bit more detail it may be acknowledged", and I think it's a great way to weed out the commendable suggestions from the "More Items", "Bigger Map", "We need vehicles", "Airdrops Inbound" posts. i see your point. i just never notice them on like ever. nor do they reply to anything that often. i remember my (what ever you call a cousins husband) had shown me this a long time ago. (he was actually the guy who suggested dog food.) and i saw him talking with the creators all the time. they where always on and always responding. he asked how they where doing not too long ago and i has told him i had not even heard of half the people he talked about and the ones i did i had not seen posts from them besides every few months or so. so i just feel like they are never there. and we really need a page that get the new peoples attention to show them to rules and everything. Do they message people when they like an idea? Or do they just leave a comment, or do they just add the idea eventually? I have always wondered.
  5. Interesting idea, but I think it would fit better in a different thread. My thread is mostly about diagnosis. well diagnosing dead corpses is a thing so why not this? I'm talking about the unconscious and coma part. The whole mis-identifying alive from dead part could be a part.
  6. A question just came to me: Will attaching generators be a problem for buildings made in creative mode, like it is for houses made with the construction skill?
  7. Interesting idea, but I think it would fit better in a different thread. My thread is mostly about diagnosis.
  8. I think I am going to make a map of 'a few months after' and fill the map with all the forts I could imagine, and fill them out as if survivors had been there, but are gone now. Including the breaches (Or not). I have had in idea for the self-store it facility in town that I have been waiting for moving furniture for, now I can't wait to edit on a grand scale!
  9. http://projectzomboid.com/blog/2015/07/the-creative-revolution/ Have you read today's mondoid? It seems pretty cool. Basically my reaction was : (Warning trolls eating green slime) but in a good way. In essence,I think we can say: Both confirmed and added.
  10. That might be a bit too obvious. Maybe something similar though. In the past I suggested this on the old forums, people claimed 'immersion'. I still support the idea or something similar.
  11. Read through the comments and added some of the ideas to the main post.
  12. Who isn't excited for npc's? And yeah, thats the hope, as well to add a bit of drama to MP interactions!
  13. I more think it as, at lvl 0 First Aid you have a 50/50 chance of proper diagnosis, and at max you have 1-10% chance of diagnosis (Maybe starting as a doctor gives extra % chance of proper diagnosis?). So almost never doubt doctors. Sometimes. Maybe. 99% of the time they're right every time.
  14. i had a whole list of medical ideas ready to go but this... its amazing! i had never even thought of most of these possibilities. This is a great idea and i cant emphasize how much i love it. Oh! thanks so much for the compliment! *Celebrates*
  15. This is a neat idea, maybe each door has a hidden value? Like door a can be bashed 'open' (Doorknob breaks) 4 times before collapsing into planks, and door B can only be bashed 1 time.
  16. I have been playing a bit on MP and SB, and have noticed a few things about first aid and I have thought of a few improvements that would benefit game play in SP and MP, especially after animals and NPC's are added. Though these will still have immediate benefits. First: Wider array of injuries and diseases. Animal bites, ragged wounds, piercing injuries, Deep wounds, and more diseases. Some of these are planned, but I'm mentioning them for this idea. Ragged wounds would have a higher chance of infection and take longer to heal. Second: Diagnosis and (Importantly) Misdiagnosis The higher your first aid skill, the easier it is to diagnose injuries and illness. As well diagnosing through bandages (Auto success on self) on others with higher level. Now onto the part which will add SO much fun and depth to the importance of the first aid skill: Misdiagnosis: Is it a dog bite, or a zombie bite? Were they stabbed with a screwdriver, or shot? That wound is really ragged, I'm not sure if it came from a window or a dog, or could it be a zombie bite? Right now, any player can 'check for wounds' and in a few seconds immediately know everything that has happened to a person. I'm no doctor, but I think a person with little to no experience with medicine (Especially extreme and bloody wounds seen in the apocalypse that are not often seen pre-apoc) is going to have a hard time discerning one wound from another, especially a very rough and ragged one. Remember, even trained Doctors can make a misdiagnosis, and they have training and access to the internet for references. It takes years of experience to get good at it, and even then mistakes are made. You might think an animal bite and z bite would look different, you can look up human bites and see the teeth. However the difference is typically a human bite is to cause pain and they won't try to rip flesh off, a zombie will bite and rip and tear into the flesh much like an animal trying to eat. An amateur diagnos-ee could be easily confused and/or make a mistake. And diagnosing a sickness? Without a medical history, a reference system, or blood work? The person has all the symptoms of a flu, but the infection is the same in early stages. And the fun part: Imagine in MP or SP a person or NPC is wearing a ski-mask or something to hide his/her ID while they rob safehouses, a victim shoots them and they flee. You got stabbed by a screw driver or a spike or maybe even tripped over a branch in the woods, and have a peircing wound (A small, round hole.) The players hold you at gunpoint and diagnose you, the PC in question has a low First Aid Skill and misdiagnosis the wound as a gunshot. You find an NPC/PC with the electrician job who can run generators, but they have a rough wound (Which is just a mess, harder to diagnose and heal) you try to diagnose and your PC thinks it's a bite. What do you do? Waste Medicine on someone who could just die anyways, or use medicine on someone who could be a huge help later? What if you are wrong? And as well higher levels make it easier to diagnose a bandaged wound. Being covered would make it harder to diagnose. And finally, very important: The ability to diagnose yourself. There have been a number of times I take off a bandage thinking I'm healed (Status: OK, no pain, bandage is still clean) only to find out I'm still bleeding and rushing to grab a new clean bandage. So what does everyone think about this? Leave a message if you like it, I hope somebody on staff see's and likes! Edit: Maybe when you remove something from a wound, you keep the bloody -thing- as proof? Also from Asparagus, diagnosing the dead to figure out how someone died. Murder or accident? Be especially neat if an NPC diagnosed a dead friend and mis-diagnosed them.
  17. Exactly! I remember a game called SCZ, and the arcade mode was super addicting. It might attract more people to the game and add a little extra to it. Even though steam has an hour counter i would love to see a zombie counter. show my friends who say they are better than me that i have killed more than them. whoopie, you got a shotgun and 12 boxes of ammo, then went around and killed 400 zombies in 2 hours. died after 3 hours when a horde got you while you were reloading. Rookie mistake. what does number of killed zombies have to do with "being better"? many would argue that a "Good" player survives for months on end with minimal zombie kills, or even zombie interaction. someone like Sir Twiggy chooses a house far from civilization to give him a better chance of survival. in all the streams of his i have watched, he has NEVER gone on a pointless killing spree unless they were getting too close to his base. and even then he usually loses them in the trees instead of fighting. does that mean that he is a "Bad" player for not racking up 15,000 zombie kills? keeping a score in this game is pointless For survival mode, you are right. But we are specifically talking about the Challenge Modes, where waves of zombies are spawned right at you and your (current) goal is just to kill them and not die for as long as possible.
  18. Exactly! I remember a game called SCZ, and the arcade mode was super addicting. It might attract more people to the game and add a little extra to it.
  19. I'm thinking a challenge mode where (While surviving) you have the option/ability to complete a series of objectives and/or each wave a new objective appears. Think Contagion, or No More Room In Hell. When you die (Completing objectives does not result in game over) it will show how long it took to complete objectives and you will get additional 'score' depending on how fast the objectives are completed. And to make it worthwhile, when an objective is complete a resource for the player(s) is/are given. Objectives come in two types (In my mind): 1.Can-wait: Like filling a generator, whenever you get around to it. 2.Time-sensitive: Like using a radio to have supplies dropped during a fly over that's en-route Some Objectives off the top of my head: Fill a generator with fuel, which activates a fuel pump allowing access to fuel for a few minutes. Use a radio, which spawns a crate with medical supplies and/or ammo. Only if within time limit. Defend a location for a set time (Leaving the location resets the timer) Activate an alarm to attract zombies to a location away from yourself After NPC's: Escort an NPC to the edge of the map, they leave a back-pack with supplies Bring a 'flavor' item (Locket, picture,etc) to an NPC before they die. Bandage an NPC/Heal them, etc. So what do people think about this? A new layer of challenge for challenge maps?
  20. Reverse Decomposition, or Composition if you will. Essentially add an option for zombies to get stronger over time. 3 options ideally. Time increases: Speed, up to runners. Strength, up to superhuman. Or both, up to death incarnates. We already have an option to stop decay, so why not have an ever increasing threat. And on that note, a modifier to determine how long until 'max' decomp (Or comp) effects are reached? Like 1 week, 1 month, 6 months, 8 months, 1 year, etc. I'm doing something similar in sandbox and it's pretty fun. I'm using the respawn to (If I did it right) start with no zombies and by day 100 I should have Class 4 populations of zombies!
  21. I think this is a great idea. Maybe even add a positive side to the traits so you can be 'happy' and 'entertained' to ward off boredom and depression longer.
  22. I like it too, maybe the percent chance to learn it could be based on traits like fast learner and maybe related skill levels?
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