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Everything posted by ohgodspidersno

  1. I found it rather difficult to find food, but there were like 6 sledgehammers. Totally anecdotal, though.
  2. When I click and drag an item to container's icon it often does not register. If I hold the item over the icon for a second before letting go of the mouse it is more likely to work. The longer I pause the better the chance that it will work. Having the container's contents open in another window and dragging the item into the list always works.
  3. I think you misunderstand what I'm asking. I think the trait should absolutely lower your hearing radius and make it so that you can't hear sounds below a certain volume. What I'm saying is that the "muffle" effect is kind of annoying and doesn't really need to be in the game for the trait to still handicap you exactly as much as it does currently. Also the deaf trait probably shouldn't silence the panic music, since that isn't a diegetic sound but instead a way to communicate to the player that something scared your character. Getting suddenly scared would still happen even if you were deaf.
  4. Firstly I just realized a typo in my last sentence completely changed the meaning of my sentence, you CAN oven dry towels but you cannot oven dry clothes. I suppose the game, for simplicity's sake, makes it so that anything that would behave weirdly in an oven irl, will instead just not do anything at all, which as you said explains why the blue bucket doesn't cook. I can live with that. One cool thing I discovered recently was that if you cook gasoline it will eventually explode, killing you if you are standing nearby.
  5. You never saw that Seinfeld episode where Kramer started cooking his clothes? I think it should work with the caveat that leaving them in too long degrades the condition of the clothing and will quickly start a fire. Really I just think that wet towels and wet clothes should be dryable in the same ways and right now you can oven dry towels but you cannot oven dry clothes.
  6. To reproduce: Be holding a bunch of items and one placeable furniture piece like a table, chair, et al. that does not have a droppable item form (unlike a radio, for instance). If you hit "transfer all" when the foreign container is the floor, a transfer will not take place, or it will be incomplete. However, if you do not have a placeable item in your inventory, all items will transfer to the floor container (at least until they hit the weight limit). The expected behavior is that all of the placeable loot like food, books, and weapons will be transferred to the floor and the player will continue to carry the non-droppable loot. Not being able to drop anything at all feels like a bug.
  7. If you put a blue bucket of water in a cooker it will not heat up Also, you can dry wet towels in the oven but you cannot dry wet clothes. It would be great if you could dry clothes in there, too.
  8. You can carry thousands of pounds of gasoline if you load up your character to max encumbrance with empty fuel canisters and then have him fill them all at a gas station. The fueling does not stop when your true max weight is reached. Not sure if this also holds true when siphoning gas, although I imagine it does.
  9. It's a sudden burst of speed that is not slowed down by an overloaded character; definitely an exploitable glitch to move quickly even when carrying too much
  10. I really like that more items are pourable these days! Thank you! That said, I don't think you should be able to combine two rolls of duct tape, nor the dryness of two bath towels. 😄
  11. To reproduce: Stop the car, press the "exit vehicle key" [E]and then hold "move forward" [W] The 'W' keypress will actually register as a command to the car and will re-ignite the engine. If you didn't take the key out it will make the car move forward. It is actually possible to run yourself over this way. I don't think this is a feature, since holding 'W' while exiting vehicle is something I, personally, would do to make sure I started running the instant I'd finished exiting the vehicle.
  12. I think we might be using different regional definitions of "barbecue". I'm talking about those portable red grills that you can find in backyards. Not the propane-powered ones, the ones that you can load up with wood or coal.
  13. The things I remember most about fashion from that era - Leg warmers and leotards - Men wearing clothes that were like five times too big for them - Khakis with sneakers
  14. You need to be able to aim while stomping, since the game actually takes the position of your target cursor into strong consideration during ground attacks. It's not just about the direction you're facing and where your feet are, the thing your mouse is actually on top of is what is struck. I'm all for contextual action buttons but I'd still really like dedicated buttons regardless of what else is implemented.
  15. I've had moments where both zombies are getting up, but one is at the point in the animation where you can stomp and the other is at the point where you can shove. In that situation it is better to stomp because you will keep him down and possibly kill him, and you will still have plenty of time until the other zed is ready to attack.
  16. I don't understand why you're arguing this position. The lack of dedicated push and stomp buttons is the primary reason not to fight two zombies up close. Also you don't always have a choice.
  17. If you are a fighting two zombies at the same time, and they are both next to you but one is on the ground and one is on its feet, then pushing spacebar may make your guy shove or it may make him stomp. Often times it makes the wrong choice, which will either kill you immediately (if it stomps instead of shoves thus allowing the standing one to eat you) or set you up to die a few seconds later (if you shoved instead of stomped thus keeping an extra zed alive so that you will get overwhelmed a few moments later). If there were a way for me to choose whether I stomp or shove this wouldn't happen, and if I died anyway it would be my own fault. I'm not even asking for the current spacebar to change, since it generally does a good job; I just want dedicated buttons to exist as an option.
  18. Why do you consider that a bug? I like that I can sit down while smoking or reading without having to stop those activities.
  19. Most of my deaths occur in fights with multiple zombies where my guy pushes when he should be stomping, or stomps when he should be pushing. If I were able to choose it would be much less frustrating, and I would be able to engage in more interesting and dynamic battles that I currently need to avoid simply because I know the UI will kill me.
  20. to reproduce, smoke a cigarette and then start walking around in a zig zag pattern. Your guy will keep stopping and starting.
  21. Turning off by pressing "turn off' requires the character to do a standing animation, so if you're in a place where you can't do that (like in a car) it won't happen. This really should be a free action.
  22. If headphones are plugged into the audio jack at the start of the game they work fine. If they are ever unplugged during play, the audio output switches to the built-in speakers, which is also good and expected. However, if you then plug the headphones back in, the audio continues to play through the internal speakers. You have to actually quit and re-load the game to get your headphones to start working again.
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