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Everything posted by ohgodspidersno

  1. For the curious, here's what's happening local ISLightSource_create_original = ISLightSource.create That line makes a copy of the original function in charge of constructing new light source, like Lamp on Pole. This copy is called "ISLightSource_create_original". I'm calling it "original" because we're about to change the one that the game will actually use. ISLightSource_create_original, is a backup of the original, vanilla, unchanged function. function ISLightSource:create(x, y, z, north, sprite, ...) ..... end This is now overwriting the function in charge of constructing a new light source. Everything that happens inside this function is what will run when you build a light source Now looking at the contents: function ISLightSource:create(x, y, z, north, sprite, ...) ISLightSource_create_original(self, x, y, z, north, sprite, ...) self.javaObject:setLifeDelta(0); end The first line, "ISLightSource_create_original(self, x, y, z, north, sprite, ...)" executes the copy of the function we made at the beginning. In other words, this line just makes the function do what it normally would. Now let's look at the second line, "self.javaObject:setLifeDelta(0);" "self" is how the function refers to itself, including all of the various variables and stuff that belong to it, so self.javaObject is the specific javaObject that the function is creating right now (in our case, the lamp pole your character is building). LifeDelta is the amount of battery power it consumes every millisceond. so "setLifeDelta(0)" is saying "use 0 (zero) energy every millisecond" which means it will never use up any battery and will last forever.
  2. This will do the trick: Create a lua file: media/lua/server/memmorath_infinite_lamp.lua Paste this in the file: local ISLightSource_create_original = ISLightSource.create function ISLightSource:create(x, y, z, north, sprite, ...) ISLightSource_create_original(self, x, y, z, north, sprite, ...) self.javaObject:setLifeDelta(0); end Note: This will only affect lamps that are built while the mod is enabled. That means: 1. Existing lamps you made before loading the mod will still drain power 2. Any new lamps you make will be infinite forever, even after you disable the mod.
  3. I'm still looking up how to change lamps... In the meantime (if you were wondering) you can make flashlights infinite/last longer by going to their item script and changing their Type or their UseDelta. Smaller UseDelta will make it last longer. I think if you change the Type to "Normal" it will last forever, but you'd have to check for yourself. I'll let you know when I find out how to modify stationary lamps
  4. I didn't fully read your post before commenting, so apologies if my response doesn't help at all. I'll leave it up in case it does.
  5. Check out FMJ's lockpick mod (not mine, it has to be FMJ's) and poke around. He adds a few traits, two of which are nearly identical except one is automatically given to burglars for free and the other can be selected for a few points. Essentially there is a bit of code that creates the trail, and then another bit that actually puts it on the list. There's also an optional third bit that gives it automatically to certain professions.
  6. Yes, and possibly also a lamp or light switch but I'll have to look at the rest of the file first to say for sure. The main point is that this code is all about a player action, and not how the item itself behaves.
  7. that chunk of code you linked is not the right one, I know that much. That block of code relates to the character action of physically interacting with a lightsource, e.g. actually pressing the light switch. Those numbers are milliseconds I believe; definitely less than a second. I'll see if I can find you the correct chunk.
  8. Oh good point! I hadn't even thought about long hair and beard keeping you warm, but it absolutely would. It would probably have a dramatic effect, in fact.
  9. At the very least it would be nice to be able to use showers at all, even if it was functionally identical to using a bathtub, sink, or toilet (ew). (sidenote: I like to assume that the character is using only the water that's in the tank, not the bowl. But I'll never quite know for sure.)
  10. If this turns out to be a bug I'm going to be a little miffed because we have been laboring under the assumption that adding new guid was something we just were not allowed to do for whatever reason. OP, you can "steal" a GUID from another item if you want but this makes your mod likely to break saved games, and create extremely hard conflicts with other mods. I think the ideal solution to your problem is to add extra alternate skins to existing items. So like, make it so the police bullet proof vest has an alternate swat version. You do this by adding new<texturechoices> lines in the item's xml file. Also, if you change an xml file you have to quit the game to desktop and reload. It's not enough to simply reload the Lua.
  11. This typo is in both English (EN) and Estonian (EE)
  12. Every now and then when you'll see a mysterious item called "Bloooo" in a context menu dropdown. The reason, I believe, is this: If you dig into the source files, you'll find that hair, bandages, physical wounds, and the rotting skin on zombies is all considered "clothing" because it gets drawn on top of character models. The player isn't supposed to know this; wounds and bandages aren't supposed to be visible in your inventory and the only way you should be able to interact with them is through the medical UI. However, every now and then there will be some bug that causes them to show up in a context menu somewhere. I haven't seen one in awhile but when I did it would be while right-clicking on a sink and selecting the "Wash". Mixed in with the list of clothing were a few entries that just read "Bloooo"
  13. Car accident damage is already in the game, and you can boost the damage you receive from it if you feel it's too low. In games where I make it past a week, car accidents are my number one cause of death. They can kill you outright if the HP damage is high enough, and they can also cause bone fractures. I fractured my skull once. Did you turn it off by accident? Or maybe the server you're playing on has it disabled?
  14. If anyone is reading this I made a mod for it https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2084216301 However now that I have a side-by-side comparison I completely approve of the devs' decision to make colors more muted. They look totally ridiculous and out of place when they're too bright. I personally do not use this mod, but someone else might like it.
  15. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <clothingItem> <m_MaleModel>skinned\clothes\bob_bulletvest</m_MaleModel> <m_FemaleModel>skinned\clothes\bob_bulletvest</m_FemaleModel> <m_GUID>0d7e7bf1-e6ea-4915-a87a-4bbbb687718e</m_GUID> <m_Static>false</m_Static> <m_AllowRandomHue>false</m_AllowRandomHue> <m_AllowRandomTint>true</m_AllowRandomTint> <m_AttachBone></m_AttachBone> <textureChoices>clothes\bulletvest\vest_bulletcivilian</textureChoices> </clothingItem> from media/clothing/clothingItems/Vest_BulletCivilian.xml
  16. Sorry for no screenshot, I totally took one but Steam ate it somehow. I hit F12, I heard the camera shutter sound, but it's just nowhere on my computer. Sorry. But basically it was this: The character was visible, as were the faint outlines around doors and windows. Stuff that was many Z-levels up, like 3 or 4, was totally visible and looked normal. But everything else, the screen was just utterly pitch black. Pure black, nothing visible at all. This happened only one time when I loaded a saved game. Every other time I've loaded that saved game, both before and after, it's been fine. If I figure out how to reproduce it I'll check back in. Modlist: VERSION = 1, mods { mod = AAApoc, mod = ArmoredVests, mod = BanjoRDPAP, mod = CBC 1.0, mod = ChipAStone, mod = SKLDairyModBeta, mod = disablewelcome, mod = DisplayEquippedLocation, mod = DisplayRoughlyBedQuality, mod = flametrapmagazine, mod = FlameTrap+, mod = GrabToCurrentInventory, mod = overlay_mod, mod = improvedbuildmenu41, mod = improvedmaps, mod = InventorySanity, mod = InventorySanity[CWO], mod = katanasandmachetesonbackorbelt, mod = kukri, mod = Lighthousematrioshka, mod = Marcin_Items_Mod, mod = MorePoleWeapons, mod = NewGasStationMatrioshka, mod = ManySpawns, mod = ManySpawnsVariations, mod = ManySpawnsLocation, mod = ManySpawnsProfession, mod = RealSwimsuit, mod = RealisticArmyZombies, mod = ReasonableHouseAlarm, mod = sawnoffs, mod = Silencer, mod = SimpleAddInventoryPages20191226, mod = SmartOpenMechanicsUI, mod = RelaxingTime, mod = spraypaintletters, mod = spraypaint, mod = bcUtils, mod = spraypaintIWBUMS, mod = TheNutritionist, mod = thigh_holsters, mod = TurnOffTVRadioFromContextMenu, mod = Unique Firearm Progression, mod = NRK_RandomName, mod = ItemTweakerAPI, mod = backpackattachments, mod = GEARBASIC, mod = GEARCORE, mod = LitSortOGSN, mod = LitSortOGSN_chocolate, mod = chestrig, mod = UnSterilizeRags, mod = FashionMontage, mod = KnoxCountryMap_OGSN, mod = LetMeThink, mod = z_LetMeThink_BanjoRDPAP, mod = LockpickingOnly, mod = lowAmmoWeight, mod = militarycanteensandflashlights, mod = TieOnSpearheads, mod = TieOnSpearheads_MP, mod = RadioExperienceFix, mod = VFFogsn, mod = NRK_Accountant, mod = cheatmenu, mod = LitSortOGSN_readOnePage, mod = alwaysfavorite, mod = SVGHairColor, mod = FRUsedCarsBETA, mod = FlagBookAsSeenOGSN, mod = Test_VFFogsn, mod = _ta_toggle, } maps { }
  17. Is it possible for modders to make our own vehicle stories? If not, do you plan on making that available in the future?
  18. In ISInventoryPaneContextMenu.createMenu there is a loop that goes through every item in a container, and then the function spits out the entire context menu. I'd like to make a change to how it handles one particular kind of item, but this is problematic because that logic happens inside the loop. I can't override the logic inside the loop without overriding the entire function, which I'm unwilling to do for compatibility reasons. Could you tweak the code so that the loop calls a new createMenuItem function on each item, rather than handling all of the logic explicitly? That way modders could override the smaller sub-function without having to replace the entire createMenu function.
  19. Articles of clothing that can come in multiple colors have an oddly narrow palette to choose from. There's no red, just shades of maroon and pink that never converge on red. There's no blue, just shades of teal and purple. There's no pure white or bright yellow. Why can't we have saturated colors?
  20. I think there is need for a "frazzled" or "fried" moodle that would build up as you took stimulants. Right now you can just pop caffeine until you run out, and never have to sleep. This could be fixed if there were a "fried" moodle that needed sleep to fix, and reduced the effectiveness of additional caffeine/stimulants.
  21. If someone does make it I hope they call it Carmor
  22. Whether a tile is forageable is determined In the files Java/media/lua/client/TimedActions/ISScavengeAction.lua Java/media/lua/client/ISUI/ISWorldObjectContextMenu.lua by the line if getGametimeTimestamp() - zone:getLastActionTimestamp() > 50000 then Even on the lowest settings you're likely to only exhaust a handful of tiles before they begin to replenish, so you never have to journey far to find new materials. It would be cool if that static 50000 was instead influenced by the nature's bounty modifier.
  23. I try to make multi-lingual support a priority in my mods, and the other day I was making wordless instructional images for my mod and I came across a problem. Specifically that there is no in-game graphic for the concept of "Trait". As you'll see in the attached image, the way I chose to describe the new locksmith trait was with a picture of the trait's icon and a -3. The presence of the -3 was the best way I could think of to make it clear that this was a trait. I thought more about this and realized that a TON of information is communicated to the player through text alone. The new radial menus seem to address this in part, but I'd like to see more. Opportunities for Improvement - Crafting Menu Categories ("Survivalist", "Carpentry", "Cooking", etc.) - Character Gen ("Trait", "Profession", "Perk", "Skill", etc.) - Context Menu categories ("Grab", "Sit on ground", etc.) thanks
  24. Problem with the loot distribution table causes Chevalier Nyala, a standard type car, to spawn with sports type spare tires and batteries in its trunk.
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