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Everything posted by Camarada

  1. Hi to all, -Damaged clothing does not display well in the character's inventory: The damaged clothing looks in perfect condition, it is only noticeable in the protection it gives to the character or entering the parameters of that garment and in the sample image of the clothing the hole drawings are not seen. NOTE: I've mostly seen the bug on jackets. -Error loading the saved game: There are times when the game loads me, it gives me an error when it ends. I repeat, it doesn't always happen to me. -Death of my character unexpectedly: I don't know if it has happened to someone else, ... it may not really be a mistake since everything happened very quickly, perhaps I did not see any warning face, although it surprises me since I had just left my shelter and I always look at it . The character was in perfect health, very thin 63 (chosen parameter), somewhat hungry and thirsty (nothing serious). He had survived about 11 days. He was running from some zombies when he fell to the ground dead. I have not used mods and my version is from GoG. I was playing solo.
  2. Camarada

    Super Survivors!

    Thanks for answering, the survivors have not disappeared again, so I have not been able to try the trick of the "u" key. What has happened to me again is that another survivor has died, I don't know why this happens. The survivor had food and water, but health began to drop continuously until he died, he also had no injuries. Does this happen to someone else? it's a mistake? Or are the survivors suicidal? Do they get sick? and if so, why do they get sick? can survivors get sick from nearby bodies? ------------------------------------------------------------------ Gracias por responderme, los supervivientes no me han vuelto a desaparecer, a si que no he podido probar el truco de la tecla "u". Lo que si que me ha vuelto a pasar , es que se me ha muerto otro superviviente, no se por qué pasa ésto. El superviviente tenía comida y agua, pero la salud le empezó a bajar de forma continua hasta que murio, tampoco tenía heridas. ¿Ésto la pasa a alguien más? ¿es un error? o ¿los supervivientes son suicidas? ¿enferman? y si es así ¿por qué motivo enferman?¿los supervivientes pueden enfermar por los cadáveres cercanos?.
  3. Camarada

    Super Survivors!

    Hi all First, I want to apologize for my English, I have used a translator. I want to thank all the people who have cooperated in the creation of this MOD, in some situations the survivors are very outstanding, they also complement that key ingredient that the game lacks and greatly changes the way of playing. It may be a stupid question, but what do the names in blue or white mean? I know that the color red is an enemy, is it normal for the names of your survivors to change color each time you load the saved game? I would also like to comment on some bugs or bugs. - One of the survivors I had, progressively lowered his health until he died, was not injured and had food and water stored. - The survivors disappear. I have five survivors, and I leave them all at the base. When I move away from the base and after a while, I come back, half of the time some survivor or all have disappeared. Although the survivors are not there, you can call them "T", they answer you but they don't come to you, nor do they reappear. If you leave the game and re-enter, you can no longer call him. It also happens to me often when I load the game, many times I lack survivors. - I don't know if it's normal, but sometimes when I give them a firearm, they use it when they feel like it, although I order them to use melee weapons. I report that I use version 40.43. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Hola a todos Primero, quiero disculparme por mi Inglés, he usado traductor. Quiero agradecer a toda la gente que ha coperado en la creacción de este MOD, en algunas situaciones los supervivientes son muy extresantes, también complementan ese ingrediente clave que le falta al juego y cambia en gran medida la forma de jugar. Quizás sea una pregunta estúpida, pero ¿qué significan los nombres en azul o blanco?, se que el color rojo es enemigo, ¿es normal que los nombres de tus supervivientes cambien de color cada vez que cargas la partida guardada?. También quisiera comentar algunos fallos o bugs. - Uno de los supervivientes que tuve, le bajó la salud progresivamente hasta que murio, no estaba herido y tenía alimentos y agua guardados. - Los supervivientes me desaparecen. Yo tengo cinco supervivientes, y yo los dejo a todos en la base. Cuando me alejo de la base y pasado un tiempo, vuelvo , la mitad de las veces me ha desaparecido algún superviviente o todos. Ahunque los supervivientes no están ehí, los puedes llamar "T", ellos te contestan pero no van a tí, ni reaparecen. Si sales del juego y vuelves a entrar, ya no le puedes ni llamar. También me pasa a menudo cuando cargo la partida, muchas veces me faltan supervivientes. - No se si es normal, pero a veces cuando les doy un arma de fuego , la usan cuando les da la gana , ahunque les ordene que usen armas de cuerpo a cuerpo. Informo que uso la versión 40.43.
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