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Everything posted by ZonaryQuasar

  1. Sweet! But I think my question wasn't very clear. What I mean is, if someone buys the game today and download it from Steam, it will contain the updated translations on the https://github.com/TheIndieStone/ProjectZomboidTranslations/ branch?
  2. ZonaryQuasar


    Hey @nasKo, just to let you guys know that the thursdoid videos are all private (non-listed), and can't be found on the Indie Stone YT channel. Can't wait for the update! =)
  3. Thanks @Connall! By the way, I don't want to bother you, but that suggestion that I made about the filter box, would be really really useful for the translation, since we have to translate the same word (specially items) on multiple files. I will upload a new version for the pt-br translation today, but it's still a work in progress. On my free time at work I'm also translating the pzwiki website. Just a curiosity, when this new translations merge into the game?
  4. Pessoal, eu traduzi tudo que faltava e também corrigi vários erros da tradução antiga (por exemplo "Caldeirão" > "Panela Grande", não fazia sentido uma panela grande ser chamada de caldeirão). Como eu jogo Zomboid todos os dias, consigo encontrar mais erros e ir corrigindo conforme eu for encontrando. Fiz a tradução usando a ferramenta que o Connal disponibilizou e fiz o pull request para o GitHub, e já foi aprovado pelos devs. Provavelmente será disponibilizada oficialmente com a próxima atualização, mas enquanto isso, para quem quiser, pode entrar nesse link e fazer o download (extrair em: C:\Arquivos de Programas (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\ProjectZomboid\media\lua\shared\Translate\PTBR). Aproveitando que estamos entre brasileiros neste tópico, para quem se interessar, segue o link último vídeo do meu canal no YouTube, que contém vídeos semanais de Project Zomboid (segredos do jogo, bases, builds, dicas e Let's play): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMzNds9jGDQ
  5. Err... Se os desenvolvedores não falam portugues, então sim, obviamente! kkk Mas sorte sua que tem eu aqui! Seu amigo já tentou ser o host como eu sugeri? Se a internet dele for melhor, é pra melhorar.
  6. Você sabe que este fórum é em inglês né? Mas como também sou brasileiro vou tentar te ajudar! Quantos GBs de memória tem sua máquina? Não precisa dar tudo isso de memória pro servidor, apenas 2 ou 3 GBs já basta. Internet de 10Mbps hoje em dia já não é muita coisa, mas deve ser o suficiente para jogar multiplayer sem problemas, desde que não esteja realizando nenhum download ou programas rodando em background que estejam usando a banda de internet. Então de preferência feche todos os programas antes de jogar o jogo, se mesmo assim o problema persistir, seu amigo poderia tentar ser o host. De qualquer forma, o jogo funciona perfeitamente em multiplayer. Se está acontecendo algum problema é por causa do seu computador ou da sua internet, e não do jogo.
  7. Right now the combination of car with sirens + molotov cokctail is too OP, since the car isn't damaged by fire, so you can kill hundreds and hundreds with molotovs and retrieve your intact car. Would be better if they explode or start to burn (and turn into the burned wrecked cars that you see around), so there's at least one downside of doing it. Also the time that takes for the zeds to burn is very high, sometimes it takes 2 or 3 days to burn them all if you have a large horde around the car. Edit: I just learned that you have to remain on the area to make them burn! That's why it took so long...
  8. Yes! You guys are the best (not only because you accepted my suggestion, of course not, I would say the same if you said no )!
  9. Cool. If it's made in java or C#, I can help with the development if you want!
  10. Thanks @Connall ! I was just waiting for this to continue my translation. Also, what you tought of my "search filter" idea? Are you going to implement it?
  11. @lemmy101 @EnigmaGrey could I have some feedback on this? All the time there is people suggesting this on reddit or saying "I didn't understand why my character got infected if he was just scretched!". Could I have a position from the developer team for this please? Even if it's a negative one, I'll really appreciate having some feedback on this and the other suggestions I made. Have a great day!
  12. I agree with Kim Jong Un (i've never thought I would say this lol). Maybe six months would compensate all the work necessary.
  13. While I love micromanage things and liked the idea, I don't know if it fits the vision the developers want for the game, but maybe this is a great idea for a mod. I think that right now there's only a mod for defecation. I would love more Sims mechanics to Zomboid, so a full higyne mod would be awesome (defecation + urination + having to wash your clothes weekly + taking bath/brushing your teeth ). Oh look, here comes the Goth family for a night snack!
  14. When the tool is loading and binding the key/value table, it's ignoring initial and last whitespaces (like it is using Trim) Example: ContextMenu_From_Ingredient = "de ", ContextMenu_EvolvedRecipe_Spice = " como Tempero", Then I save and exit the tool. When I open the tool again, it's only "de". So I have to everytime remember the values that needs a space in the end and fixing it, to prevent this:
  15. What I suggest: A Search bar. Select... where Key or Value (depending what dropdown item is selected) like `%SearchString%`. This would make things much easier to check inconsistencias of items between files. EDIT: and preferably make the list auto-refresh at each keypress
  16. ZonaryQuasar


    Particularly I prefer they take all the time they need instead of releasing a version full of bugs just like all the other game developer companies does.
  17. ZonaryQuasar


    As lemmy101 said:
  18. I made the pull request with my changes. Weird thing is the merge tool said I deleted 4,618 lines, but in the merge tool I could see that it was because the files on the IndieStone master branch has comments on it, while mine hasn't.
  19. Thanks for explaining! That's exactly what I needed to know. Besides the new strings, I corrected a few strings in Recipes_PTBR (not new/green ones). Upper/lower case errors and typing errors as well. But my job is far from over... IG_UI is huge!
  20. Ok, good to know! So, I just want to understand one thing. I'm at this screen: Then I clicked on the Upload files, dragged and dropped all the edited/updated .txt files (Challenge_PTBR.txt, ContextMenu_PTBR.txt, etc) there. If I choose the first option, it's considering my branch as the master branch, or the TheIndieStone:master as master branch? I think I just have to chose the second option and commit. Right?
  21. I'm a C# programmer and was about time to learn how to use GitHub! (I worked only with TortoiseSVN and Team Foundation Server to this day) I just created my account and "forked" the master branch. I will try to help and contribute to the portuguese-brazilian translation, if I have any doubts I will post here. EDIT: I noticed that several strings already translated in the PT-BR translation doesn't match the english version, regarding upper and lowercase. Example: "Open Windows" (EN) > "Abrir janela" (the cases does not match). So I changed to "Abrir Janela". I did this on every string to match the upper/lowercase of the english version. However, those strings don't have the "Mark as resolved" option. It will be saved anyway or this changes will not carry over? Also, the tutorial (Translatoid User Guide) doesn't explain how I can commit my changes to the master branch., if you could explain to me please. EDIT2: Ok, I reverted all my changes and I'm translating only the green lines now. After some lines I could see that what I was doing was not necessary, and sometimes led to confusion.
  22. ZonaryQuasar


    Wow... this got me speechless! I was not expecting that inventory! Congratulations to all members of the team!
  23. What the world has become... So many things wrong in the world to complaint about and people find time to complaint about something so small like "THERE'S TOO MUCH OF THIS GAME ON MY STEAM FEED". I mean... Really?? Go wash a dish.... How people can be so ridiculous.
  24. A little question, with the anim update will be possible to sit on chairs/couches/etc?
  25. The first part (make book reading similar do sleep - black screen) I don't agree... I like the way it is, you have to be able to see your surroundings when your character is reading. But the other part... is brilliant! Fixed locations with XP bonus for certain skills, and as Nickodemos suggested, making book reading after lvl 5 even more harder, it's an awesome idea because it forces you to leave your mega fortified base to do something (because this is the biggest problem of late game IMO). More and more things to do outside your base is what the game needs.
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