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Varlonec got a reaction from Bones in PZ Server Manager
All problems and issues are solved in Discord.
Varlonec got a reaction from RedLink in PZ Server Manager
Исправлен конфиг "Поведение зомби"
Добавлена функция удаления чанков.
Добавлены в конфиг АнтиЧиты.
Fixed config "Zombie Lore"
Added the function of deleting chunks.
Added to the AntiCheat config
Varlonec reacted to zekrimo in Green Zombie Duplication Horde
First of all. I love you're game.
Me and my friend are playing on vanilla on our own dedicated server. Server settings on zombie spawn are same as apocolypse mode,
we base at the farmhouse on coordinates: x8608 y8819
there is a dirt driveway from the road to the farm. It all starten with a zombie with a green shirt that was on our driveway. im gonna call him greenzombie.
we tought nothing of it and killed greenzombie. Later we drove trough our driveway with a car and saw that greenzombie again. but now he had twins. lots of twins. We tought it was kind of funny that there where like 12 greenzombies that where pestring our driveway. but our fun turned bad. Greenzombies kept apprearing. but is was nothing we couldnt handle
a couple in game days later we where driving from our base to rosewood we took a right out of our driveway and went south.
when we where driving on the road we saw the greenzombie horde. and when i say horde im talking like the zombie horde alpha showed rick in the walking dead times 2.
it was insane. our game totaly lagged out because of the zombies. there where litterly thousands. all greenzombie.
i was unable to take a screenshot of the full horde. but we made some screenshot of a couple of zombies we kited. you can see them in the screenshot.
i will try and provide a screenshot of the full horde so you can see how insane this greenzombie horde really is. even if it costs me my life (in game, not IRL).
Version: 41.65
Dedicated server
no mods
reproduction steps:
Varlonec got a reaction from Slider6996 in PZ Server Manager
Сделал Дискорд для поддержки.
I made a Discord for support.
Discord for support
Varlonec reacted to Slider6996 in PZ Server Manager
Alright so steam is still being lame and not updating mods properly it seems as a mod got updated but it didnt seem to carry over onto the server untill i deleted the acf file i believe and force a recheck of the mods and also just now this happened in pic below.
Server never actually shut down for one and there was no update for that actual mod as u can see in picture cause i checked and let the timer count down to see if it restarted anyway and it just stayed there on screen and timer went away on the GUI manager. It def works though as it updated mods earlier in day just fine automatically so ya just letting u know. And also would it be possible to get that updater in the pic below to not be main program window when it appears, i noticed when it runs when im in game it causes my screen to flicker as it tries to i guess be main window then back to game, not a biggy just a distraction.
Otherwise still working good so just giving updates, not complaining.
EDIT. Doing update mods again showing for 3 updates but nothing has been actually updated in steam yet, not sure why its doing that.
EDIT 2: Also when a mod gets the mis match version what fixes that for me is the mod being updated through the GUI and if that mis match error happens when trying to join server doing unsub then sub back to said mod seems to fix it, almost wish there was a way for the mod once updated through your program to just be auto copied to the other location, would cure that real quick lol
Varlonec got a reaction from Slider6996 in PZ Server Manager
Фикс смены объёма выделяемой памяти.
Фикс таймера рестарта.
Добавлено новый функция "изменение конфига, для запуска на VM машинах"(VMware).
Добавлена новый функция "установка времени проверки модов". (минимум 15 минут - макусимум 90 минут).
Доработка показа онлайна.
Добавлена новый функция "интервал рестартов".
Добавление в конфиг настройки выбора мира.
Initial Infection
One Week Later
6 Months Later
Fix for changing the amount of allocated memory.
Fix restart timer.
Added a new function "change config to run on VM machines" (VMware).
Added a new function "setting the mod check time". (minimum 15 minutes - maximum 90 minutes).
Revision of the online display.
Added a new function "restart interval".
Adding the world selection settings to the config.
Initial Infection
One Week Later
6 Months Later
Продолжу работу над обновлением модов и сервера. Как проблема будет устранена, сразу выложу обнову.
I will continue working on updating mods and the server. As soon as the problem is fixed, I will immediately post an update.
Varlonec reacted to Slider6996 in PZ Server Manager
Oh thats weird so that one mod adds all those? Interesting, i never would have thought that and kinda weird they get placed there, thanks for letting me know though. That had me thinking somethng was wrong with my install of game or something.
Varlonec got a reaction from Slider6996 in PZ Server Manager
Yes, everything is fine. The program will pull up the configs from the server itself.
The main thing is not to change the name of the server, it should always be servertest.ini
Regarding the update of mods, others also have problems. I will look for the reason
As other users write, the server updates the mods itself at startup. The main thing is that they are registered in
the servertest.ini config
So, do the installation of the mod and reboot the server. The server will update them at startup.
In version 1.9.6 added restarts, every 2-6 hours. I'll post an update today or tomorrow.
Varlonec got a reaction from Slider6996 in PZ Server Manager
Дай мне список всех модов которые у тебя стоят, буду искать проблему для её устранения.
По поводу рестартов, почти дописал эту функцию. Сегодня завтра выложу обновление.
Varlonec got a reaction from Slider6996 in PZ Server Manager
Если тебя волнуют краши, так включи авторестарт после краша, сервер сам подниматься будет.
А написать такую функцию, гемор ещё тот. Подумаю как реализовать.
Varlonec got a reaction from Procsimo in PZ Server Manager
+ Добавление настроек из конфига 41
+ Перераспределение настроек по сборке 41
+ Обновление Перевода RU\ENG
- Удаление ограничений с окошек ввода чисел.
- Исправление ошибки кнопки обновления модов
- Мелкие доработки
+ Adding settings from config 41
+ Reallocation of assembly settings 41
+ Update of the RU\ENG Translation
- Removing restrictions from the number input windows.
- Fix button Update Mod
- Minor improvements
Varlonec got a reaction from thejoker954 in PZ Server Manager
Менеджер Сервера PZ / Developed Server Manager PZ
Пользуйтесь кому нужен, разрабатывал для себя / Use who needs, developed for yourself
Поддержка 41 билда / Working 41 Build
Actual version 2.4.0
Discord for support
Реализовано | Implemented :
1) Установка, Переустановка Steam | Install, Reinstall Steam
2) Установка, Обновление сервера PZ | Installation, Update PZ Server
3) Запуск, Остановка, Перезагрузка сервера | Start, Stop, Restart Server
4) Перезапуск Сервера по таймеру | Restart Server Timer
5) Выставление используемой памяти сервера | Exposing server memory used
6) Статус сервера | Server status
7) Поддерживаемые языки RU\ENG | Supported Languages RU\ENG
8 ) Подключение модов | Add mods
9) Обновление программы | Update Program
10) Отправка сообщения на сервер | Sending a message to the server
11) Отправка команд на сервер | Sending a command to the server
12) Все Настройки сервера | All Server Setting
13) Лёгкий Вайп | Soft Reset
14) Белый лист предметов | White list items
15) Вывод онлайна сервера | Online Server
16) Автообновление модов | Auto update mods
17) Статус сервера в Discord | Discord Server Status
18) Авторестарт при краше | Crash auto-start
Установка / Install
1) Распаковать Архив / Unpack Archive
2) Остановить сервер если он запущен / Stop the server if it is running
3) Установить используемую память сервера -Xmx2048m (если менялось) / Set the used memory server -Xmx2048m (if changed)
4) Запустить программу и выставить папки Steam и сервер PZ / Run the program and set the folder Steam and PZ server
Имя сервера, должно быть "servertest" иначе программа не будет работать. (название конфига)
The server name must be "servertest" otherwise the program will not work. (name of config)
Varlonec reacted to Хибити\Hibiti [BLR] in CLH - Russian Retexture | КЛХ - Русские Ретекстуры
Всем привет.
Вот наконец, я решил взяться за русификацию текстур, для моего перевода CLH - Народный Русификатор.
Как и раньше - прошу вашей помощи, если я гдето 100% не прав (Но Розвуд я оставлю как есть =D).
В конце каждой неделе буду вылаживать ретекстурки в этой теме, если будут ошибки в переводе - сообщайте.
ПРОШУ ПРОЙТИ МИМО ДАННОЙ ТЕМЫ, золотую часть нашего РУ камьюнити, которое хочет написать: ОНО НЕ НУЖНО! КО!КО!КО!КО!.
В первую очередь, ретекстуры делаю для себя. А уже потом для вас. Так что свое мнение о ненужности мода засуньте поглубже.
Простите за мою грубость
Varlonec reacted to nasKo in Zed Tumble
Hey all, some Thursday dev updates from anim-land.
Last week we discussed the issues we’d been working on around how character lighting is handled – which caused characters in the anims build to glow, not get lit properly by their environment and have a blander two dimensional look.
We have now fixed this, and done a bunch of balancing to the lighting and shader coloration that everyone will hopefully find much improved.
During this process we also focused on another prominent issue: that the character pixel resolution when zoomed in was extremely blocky and lacking in detail. Due to the ways that our initial zoom system handled things, characters were too harshly pixellated. This caused them to be extremely jaggied compared to what it was in the old days, when we were rendering characters to an off-screen sprite before placing them into the world.
So, this week we’ve been doing some significant work on changing how the game handles the zoom, which in addition to fixing this issue should ultimately lead to slightly more optimized rendering of the game – as well as providing the character models much more detail to play with.
As ever, please keep in mind that we’ll continue to balance/tweak to make sure characters fit their surrounds as well as possible – as well as adjust the models themselves seeing as you can now see individual facial features much more clearly. These caveats notwithstanding, however, we’re pretty happy how they’re looking.
The branch with this system on it isn’t complete – navigating indoors presents issues, mouse input hit-testing isn’t fixed up yet, and we’re having issues with seams between tiles when zoomed out – so it’s not quite ready for integration into the main test build. Here’s a quick video of us running aimlessly around zombies under lights to show it off though.
(Along with some new Zach Beever musical accompaniments!)
This week Zac has been back on optimization duty. Here’s the latest vid of him doing his routine optimization test of sequentially spawning new ten-strong crowds of zombies.
Next up, here’s a video showing further optimizations to multi-threaded rendering and Mouse Input handling where zombies are cycling through their behaviours using the new dynamic state system.
Finally, over to RJ at the ‘tying it all together’ animation coalface.
“Right now I’m working on combat animations, weapons and blood– adding stuff in and fleshing things out. One thing that’s new and that people might be interested to see in action, is an effort to make sure players can’t dash through hordes without getting slowed down.”
“As seen in the video below, we’ve now added bumping against zeds. Colliding with one or two while you’re running isn’t dangerous, you’ll just get slowed down, but try running through a horde and you’ll stumble and fall – leaving you temporarily exposed to the encroaching zeds. We might add in a few more different sorts of animations for nudges/pushes, but right now it looks like this:”
“Elsewhere this week, I’ve also been making sure that zombie behaviour is working correctly – fixing bugs with them following, thumping the environment and also behaving as expected when acting as crawlers. I’ve also added a better way for zeds to react when you drive over them and knock them over, and have added my ‘clutter’ improvements to the loot spawning system to the internal test build.”
This week’s trip to the mall from Kate. A general list of stuff added to PZ, and vids of features being worked on, is kept here– so you don’t have to plough through endless dev blogs for info. The Centralized Block of Italicised Text would like to direct your attention to the PZ Wiki should you feel like editing or amending something, and the PZ Mailing List that can send blogs like this and patch notes direct to your mailbox. We also live on Twitter right here! Our Discord is open for chat and hijinks too.
Varlonec got a reaction from Pandorea in Mousetrap and ladder
When installing a mousetrap under the stairs, the ascent is blocked. You run into an invisible wall.
Varlonec got a reaction from Enoahe in Mousetrap and ladder
When installing a mousetrap under the stairs, the ascent is blocked. You run into an invisible wall.
Varlonec got a reaction from Mikilar in PZ Server Manager
Менеджер Сервера PZ / Developed Server Manager PZ
Пользуйтесь кому нужен, разрабатывал для себя / Use who needs, developed for yourself
Поддержка 41 билда / Working 41 Build
Actual version 2.4.0
Discord for support
Реализовано | Implemented :
1) Установка, Переустановка Steam | Install, Reinstall Steam
2) Установка, Обновление сервера PZ | Installation, Update PZ Server
3) Запуск, Остановка, Перезагрузка сервера | Start, Stop, Restart Server
4) Перезапуск Сервера по таймеру | Restart Server Timer
5) Выставление используемой памяти сервера | Exposing server memory used
6) Статус сервера | Server status
7) Поддерживаемые языки RU\ENG | Supported Languages RU\ENG
8 ) Подключение модов | Add mods
9) Обновление программы | Update Program
10) Отправка сообщения на сервер | Sending a message to the server
11) Отправка команд на сервер | Sending a command to the server
12) Все Настройки сервера | All Server Setting
13) Лёгкий Вайп | Soft Reset
14) Белый лист предметов | White list items
15) Вывод онлайна сервера | Online Server
16) Автообновление модов | Auto update mods
17) Статус сервера в Discord | Discord Server Status
18) Авторестарт при краше | Crash auto-start
Установка / Install
1) Распаковать Архив / Unpack Archive
2) Остановить сервер если он запущен / Stop the server if it is running
3) Установить используемую память сервера -Xmx2048m (если менялось) / Set the used memory server -Xmx2048m (if changed)
4) Запустить программу и выставить папки Steam и сервер PZ / Run the program and set the folder Steam and PZ server
Имя сервера, должно быть "servertest" иначе программа не будет работать. (название конфига)
The server name must be "servertest" otherwise the program will not work. (name of config)