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szymonpik@gmail.com's Achievements

  1. What controller are you using? - Speedlink TORID Gamepad - Wireless Does the controller work? - Yes Please check out the new gamepad customization menu in the Options. Does it work, and does it make sense? Is it relevant to the pad you’re using? How could it be improved? - I tried to change things semi random and see no problems. Gamepad worked just fine first time i pluged it in. How does your gamepad feel in-game? Is there anything missing, and has anything changed that you’re used to playing with? - I am slower and unable to change zoom fast. I'm not really a veteran gamepad user. How would you like your gamepad play further improved? - Addition of a info panel with all the controls as a popup on the beginning would be nice. To find out how some things in car works, took me 15 mins. Do you play in split-screen? If so, how is this beta playing? - I enabled it just for fun without other person. Did not found anything unusual. Other controller works fine from the beginning In the current game when you use inventory and character windows, your survivor on-screen can still move and perform some actions. If we were to forbid this, and have you either controller as your survivor OR having you navigate the UI, how would you feel? How would this change your playing style? - It would be restraining. I am against What other gamepad bugs or weirdness have you noticed in this build? - Mainly one. I died two times because of that. After pressing "X" when there was nothing to interact All the hud is disappearing and "Lb" "Rb" triggers do not work. Can't interakt or open inventory, untill i press "B". This build also contains a java lwjgl upgrade. Have you noticed any changes in game performance and stability, especially at higher resolutions? 1920x1080 I saw no changes. What's the Number 1 most important issue that you'd like to see resolved in the next update to this beta? - Issue i mentioned in point 8. I do not believe it was intended, but if it was I' can't understand this mechanic of controller. I Am player for years and happy to finally contribute to the "project". You all stay safe and well fed, pals.
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