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Everything posted by Marinus

  1. Marinus


    I don't know how long you've been following the development of this game, but one of the Great No's of the Olden Days was what we now know as Sandbox Mode. So the No list isn't exactly set in stone. The fact that none of our leaders stepped in to say we can forget about it, is also an indication of this. Other than that what I'm suggesting is only remotely linked to the The Sims style hygiene system the devs don't want.
  2. Marinus


    While there are (rather elaborate) ways to improvise a shower, people would most probably opt for a bath. baths have the nice advantage that you can use the bathwater for something else, say, watering your crops. Not that crops would need a lot of watering, as rain usually provides enough water. Not that it would be much of a problem to collect huge amounts of water in Kentucky.
  3. Marinus


    A swim in the river would be 100% full of win if it weren't for the occasional waterborne zombie. *cue jaws music*
  4. Marinus


    I like this. Other than bathing there could be scores of optional "bonuses" one could acquire to lift one's shitty post-apo existence to a higher plane. Maybe even some sort of opposite to development of mental illnesses if you provide your little guy/gal with some semblance of the days gone by, by regular baths, hearty meals and entertainment.
  5. 33. You squeal with joyous anticipation whenever you find a wooden crate.
  6. Marinus


    @Plasmaman. I imagine "dirty" is the default after the apocalypse. The way I imagine it you could play the game without taking a single bath and it won't really hurt you in any way, however if you do take a bath it gives you a temporary bonus. Maybe you could implement a "clean" trait along with it. "Clean" people get a bigger bonus from bathing but also get a penalty when they didn't bath for a number of days. That way more realistic bathing would be sort of optional.
  7. Marinus


    I know hygiene is a bit of a no no, but it would be great to be able to take baths, not in the last place for role playing purposes. Talking baths wouldn't be necessary, so no chore like The Sims style bathing every time the meter runs out. However bathing would give you some sort of health and morale boost that lasts for a couple of days, so it would be worth your while if you got the time for it. Before water/electricity shuts down, one could simply take a shower or a bath. After utilities cease to function however, it would be much more of a hassle, involving cooking pots with water over a fire. It would be a good and useful way to kill time in those hours between looting and waiting for bed time. And also important it would be realistic.
  8. I would not undertake it. If you have multiple people, then you have a safety net. If something goes wrong they can attempt a rescue. Alone you might just be digging your own grave. If the walls collapse your doomed. You're 100% right, but that makes it all the more fun. the game is mainly about taking risks after all They can even connect it to the construction skill. Digging a well at skill 0 is basically an elaborate way to commit suicide with, say, a 95% change you kill yourself in the process, while at skill 5 it's still risky but doable with a 20% of killing yourself. And when NPC's are added, they can of course attempt a recue
  9. 19 When someone knocks on the door, you bash their head in with a frying pan.
  10. With a reasonably evenly distributed 1200 millimeters precipitation each year in Kentucky, you don't really need survival skills to gather water. Setting buckets and pans outside when it rains + a means to store a couple of weeks worth of water is all you really need. With a bit of common sense you could probably easily gather more water then you would ever need.
  11. Garbage bags raincoats are a good idea. Personally I would make it so that whenever you wear one of those, you make more noise. Amputation: what Rathlord said, with the addition that the excruciating pain and the ensuing screams of agony would probably alert every zombie in a half mile radius.
  12. But what if you find this but when you cook yourself a steak and fall asleep your house suddenly burns down with that thing next to it. Your bakfiet is histroy now and you need something new... somethings craftable. You would instantly think of combining a bike with a shopping cart. I'm from this country: And while we are pretty inventive when it comes too bicycles and while we will ride on anything that remotely resembles a bicycle, this was the first time I actually heard about combining a bicycle with a shopping cart that way. So when I loose my bakfiets and I can't find another cargo bike I'm not going to mutilate my next bike like that. Better to just ride two times to move my stuff, than die on what's effectively a cumbersome moving dinner bell
  13. It's probably a better idea to look for one of these: https://www.google.nl/search?q=bakfiets&safe=off&espv=210&es_sm=93&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=KkrRUpqID-OM7QaTh4CABQ&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1680&bih=924 Or look into the dozens of better methods to haul stuff on bicycles, including just hauling it without adapting the bicycle. I've hauled 50 kilos of stuff on a 25 euro rust pile regularly, but I've no interest in riding that contraption. . Creativity 8/10, Estimated Practicality -2/10
  14. And yet you're making a game that always seems to end like that.....
  15. During the q build era there was a rash of me wanting to go out with a bang, but ending up dying a agonizing zed-friendly dead after accidentally falling from the second floor window to end up with two broken legs in a horde or something similar. Also, after spending months hardly playing PZ I tripped an alarm at the same time I discovered crawlers do now hide under beds. I actually got away, but there wasn't that much dignity on the IRL side of the screen. Jesus, I almost shat myself.
  16. But then again, war isn't butt-hurt.
  17. Remember boys and girls: Before the internet was invented 87% of all the world's butt-hurt was generated in Europe.
  18. In this case I think the availability of violent games to the child might have played a role in the shooting. Like datkid said: there is a reason we keep certain forms of entertainment out of the hands of the little ones. Still the fact that parents didn't bother to keep both the game and the gun out of the hands of the kid is far more important than the contend of the game.
  19. I'll be the OCD guy. Because the zombocalypse is no excuse to stop organizing your shirts by color and is a great reason to quadruple check if your doors are locked.
  20. Blasphemy! it can only start like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zd04SwR2eU8
  21. This is true, but where a typical smoker inhales 20 grams of plant matter per day or so, a typical pot smoker will inhale far less than that. There's not research that suggests that smoking a couple of joints a week will harm your health Alcohol is one of the more dangerous drugs and unlike weed a (delicious) scourge to society. This is even more true for pot.
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